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Evernote.com is not reachable, 4 Sept 2023, 10:10 EST

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For me, EN's been down about half an hour. "status.evernote.com" last update was 5 Sep, so I don't think it's updated regularly. Windows app and iPhone are down. Using the Web, I get this message:



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  • Level 5*

No more "I have the same problem" posts please!  We know - we're all users here,  and Evernote appears to be down. 

To coin a phrase "Don't panic!" - it'll be back up when things get fixed.  Hold off for an hour or two.  Like the pop-up says "you can continue editing..."

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5 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Like the pop-up says "you can continue editing..."

I'll wait... EN opens on the Web now, but it's not the same as what the Window's version shows. Seems like they're not in sync and I'm not sure which one to use. I'll just wait and hopefully we'll get a notice from EN when things are back to normal. Cheers

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39 minutes ago, gazumped said:

No more "I have the same problem" posts please!  We know - we're all users here,  and Evernote appears to be down.

Sorry, I disagree.  Its important to let both all users, and Evernote see this is wide spread, and worrying.  It hurts no one that there are a lot of replies...

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  • Level 5

My current (20231004-11:40h) status: Syncing it does, even when there is a message it doesn’t. It may be slower than usual, but it’s not off.

What seems to be very slow, or currently off is receiving emails. This has taken a while from t2t in the past - the mails are stored in a queue, and will eventually show.

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  • Level 5*
29 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

Has EN notified anybody the system is running normally again?

Nope - it's not running normally for me yet anyway.  A test edit I made to my desktop app finally made it to my tablet after a very,  very long time,  but the "sync paused" pop up keeps on coming back.  This looks like a fairly serious outage,  but I'd rather have all hands on desk trying to fix it,  rather than some poor soul sentenced to answering impassioned complaints that someone lost access for a whole morning...

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I was just able to log in, after something like a 5-minute login and 2FA process (normally goes in seconds, of course). The problem continues to be syncing. I get the "syncing temporarily paused" message both on the web and the Windows desktop app. Something's up. I understand things can go wrong, but it's frustrating when status.evernote.com has out-of-date messages about systems working normally. I should also note that the Web Clipper isn't working at all (arguably my main tool). Just have to wait out the glitch, I guess.

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7 minutes ago, Jun Hashimoto said:

I saw a comment that it is not an issue with everote, but with cloudflare.

Do you have any information?

I just checked the Cloudflare console for my company, and it's showing that there was a resolution error early this morning, but that a fix has been applied. Certainly not affecting our services, and the customer boards don't show any queries or complaints. But Cloudflare is a big beast, and not everyone configures it the same.

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