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Does EN deserve so much bad press?

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I've been an EN user for a number of years and have experienced its growing pains and maturing as a product.  I've configured it for GTD purposes and find it works more than well.  Sure, there are feature/functions I'd like to see added (saved column/sort with saved searches for one) but find its ability to collect AND my ability to retrieve information most useful.

So, I don't understand the bad press I see for the product in my news feeds - in terms of its functionality.  I'm not talking about the business of or around EN (e.g. pricing).

I've looked at alternatives - Notion, Obsidian, OneNote (whose use of tags is pitiful!) - and don't see how I can (currently) do better with getting information in and just as importantly, getting it out.

Can you share what feature/functions is lacking in EN that makes people leave EN?  Or is it the business side of the product that is turning people off (e.g. pricing)?

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  • Evernote Expert

For sure, the recent price increases are part of the problem. Add to that the almost simultaneous major problems with the desktop apps and many folk felt the need to complain.

Without doubt, in general, people will register dissatisfaction rather than contentment.

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1 hour ago, dvollc said:

I don't understand the bad press I see for the product in my news feeds - in terms of its functionality.  

Maybe you would if you had lost content/data/functionality?

I concur, having used EN on and off for over 10 years I cannot find anything that does EVERYTHING is WAS capable of. As far as I can see EN appear to have fixed EN and it now "works".so I am still here but the trust has gone so Lesson learned. 

1.Retain previous version of install file- before upgrading to all singing all dancing latest version of Evernote

- it is obvious they have no idea of testing or quality control ( maybe a lack of familiarity with EN code) so don't assume they will have tested anything.

2. Generate an backup of EN data daily or face consequences when system fails again. ( Bear2 imports enex files and is workable- but no replacement for EN)


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  • Level 5

Thanks for this, @dvollc. In general, my experience is like yours (thought I don't do GTD - in more than one sense!). Honestly, I think one reason for bad press for anything or anyone is that press likes to be bad. But that's another topic.

From what I've seen, earlier this year there was a combination of sharp price increases for many users, basically simultaneously with the introduction of improved sync / Real Time Editing without adequate backend prep, which caused severe slowdowns and data loss or corruption for a period of time. The introduction of "AI note cleanup" without any groundswell of user requests was not the positive that Evernote management may have hoped it would be either.

Then there was the very poorly done v. 10.59.5 update (desktop and Web apps), coupled with seemingly inexplicable problems in the mobile apps (both Android and iOS).

The widely-reported firing of many experienced staff, though expected when a company is bought out, also produced a lot of bad press.

So, Evernote now seems to be back up on whatever is left of its feet after the massive self-shooting of them in April-July. I'm finding the current states of the desktop/Web and Android apps to be quite good. But that doesn't mean the bad press will stop.

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It’s mainly just the price for me. I’m mostly fine with the app, except the web clipper has taken a few steps backward over the years. I can no longer get the clipper to work for articles from sites requiring passwords, even after I’ve signed in.

I’m no power user, but I use EN frequently, mostly to clip something I want to save. (When possible.) I don’t really care for the editor so don’t use it as much for writing as I used to. I never use the to-do lists or team stuff. And I use Dropbox rather than EN for storage of documents, photos, etc.

Honestly, I’d probably do fine with a free EN account. I mostly subscribed initially to help support them because I liked the app. With the big price hike, I’ve had to step back and ask how much EN is truly worth to me. Which is why I canceled, then took the reduced-price offer. I’ll pay $60-70.  Not more.

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  • Level 5

With paywalled articles it is cat & mouse. The site wants to prevent clipping, the clipper tries to circumvent it.

When you encounter a site that avoids being clipped, report them via support ticket. Often a later release works some magic. Until …

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