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not open the evernote at win7 desktop when update v 10.57.5

Go to solution Solved by agsteele,

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Dear sir, 

I open evernote every day in my daily work. I can open to work with evernote yesterday.  But I can't open the app this morning, i realized to know the new update V10.57.5 yesterday.  It might the cause, unable to find program entry point,  getPackageFamilyName。(kernel32.dll NG) , Even i Reload the new V10.57.5, or restart the windows. It's fail to open the evernote.  

If you have the same issue in V10.57.5,  My solution is download a old version evernote, like V10.56.8 in Win 7. It will be solved it. Don't update the new version for now before the problem be solved. 




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No Sir or Madam here, although we surely like a polite touch. The forum is user2user.

It may happen that a install goes wrong. Make a full uninstall (the best way on a PC is Revo Uninstaller), restart the PC and install again.

Formally EN v10 requires as a minimum Windows 10. Win7 is long deprecated, and it is explicitly unsafe to use on any computer connected to the internet. Since EN is cloud based, your computer is for sure in the web.

I would update to Windows 10 - from my experience with older PCs it does not need more system resources than Win7.

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I have the same problem.  I've got Windows 7 and was offered to update Evernote so I did.  Now I cannot use it because the installation failed.

Where can I get the previous version to download?

Thanks in advance!image.jpeg.e6a27aec1ddfa288d69179545c64a959.jpeg

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Best option: Update your OS.

Or contact support - the link to the download of legacy is available through them.

Expect legacy to stop working in the not to far future . We users don’t know when, but the writing is on the wall. Pretty sure it will be months, but not sure it will be a year until legacy gets retired.

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Another Premium User here with exact the same problem. Same description and pop-up Error Window as previously posted. Updating OS is not an option because of cost related issues. Why haven`t I been warned not to update Evernote, if I want to keep it working normally? Do I have to go back to the Legacy version AGAIN?

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Which cost ? My experience is that a PC able to run Win7 is as well able to run Win10. Any Win7 key will (usually) do for Win10 as well.

Beside this: The minimum system requirements for EN v10 Windows are clearly communicated, and it say "Windows 10". I don't expect a developer to test their product against any older, deprecated OS and "warn" users who insist on continuing on that old platform. This is especially true for a cloud based software and an OS where the developer himself warns anybody against using it on connected computers.

If you want to return to legacy, contact support to get the installer.

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If you want to stay with Windows 7 it seems that you'll have to drop back to Evernote Legacy. Instructions for getting the download link in the past above yours.

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On 5/18/2023 at 9:01 PM, Rroy0506 said:

Dear sir, 

I open evernote every day in my daily work. I can open to work with evernote yesterday.  But I can't open the app this morning, i realized to know the new update V10.57.5 yesterday.  It might the cause, unable to find program entry point,  getPackageFamilyName。(kernel32.dll NG) , Even i Reload the new V10.57.5, or restart the windows. It's fail to open the evernote.  

If you have the same issue in V10.57.5,  My solution is download a old version evernote, like V10.56.8 in Win 7. It will be solved it. Don't update the new version for now before the problem be solved. 




Is that issue fixed or still pending?

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hace 22 horas, PinkElephant dijo:

Best option: Update your OS.

Or contact support - the link to the download of legacy is available through them.

Expect legacy to stop working in the not to far future . We users don’t know when, but the writing is on the wall. Pretty sure it will be months, but not sure it will be a year until legacy gets retired.

Thanks a lot!  I'll do as you've said

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hace 6 horas, agsteele dijo:

If you want to stay with Windows 7 it seems that you'll have to drop back to Evernote Legacy. Instructions for getting the download link in the past above yours.

Thanks!  I've asked for the previous version.

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  • Level 5

Apparently you use an OS on a web connected computer that is ABSOLUTELY unfit to run on a connected computer. That is not helpful, but it is true. Just visiting a website with a malware injector will install a trojan, and off you go. Hope they still accept your bitcoins ...

My strategy is to install a sound operating system (Windows 10 will run on nearly every machine that runs Win 7), and install Win 7 inside of it. Take snapshots. If it gets compromised, throw the install away, and reinstall from the snapshot.

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  • Evernote Expert
1 minute ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

The issue may be that Evernote runs on the Electron framework, which now no longer supports Windows 7 or 8

In which case it will also affect a number of the other note taking apps in the market which have also been developed with Electron...

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On 5/22/2023 at 7:11 PM, PinkElephant said:

Apparently you use an OS on a web connected computer that is ABSOLUTELY unfit to run on a connected computer. That is not helpful, but it is true. Just visiting a website with a malware injector will install a trojan, and off you go. Hope they still accept your bitcoins …

You are right, but I guess you can imagine that there are reasons. And besides, I don’t visit Websites with that machine. No bitcoin either. And an up to date browser helps a lot, regardless of the OS. And if there was an issue, so what, one button restores the VM.

For everybody else, v10.56.8 works on Win7.


You can disable automatic updates of Evernote by modifying config.json located %AppData%\Evernote\config.json

Modify the key „forceUpdateOnStart“ to false. 

Edited by Dietrich
Added link to working version
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Using Windows 7 is still unsafe, modern browser or not. The deficiencies of Win7 are deeply rooted in the way it was structured, back then. They can't be corrected. Plus the OS can't make use of hardware hardening introduced years later. 

It is like living in a house that's build on quicksand. You can add a nice handrail to the staircase - when the foundations wain, it won't help you. 

It lasts as long as it lasts - but when it fails, expect it to fail big. Hope you have a good backup.

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3 hours ago, Chobostyle said:

Same problem here. It's not user-friendly to offer an update without telling after installing the program will not be able to run anymore...Hope there will be soon a fix for this issue.

I fear that the only solutions are to upgrade your OS to Windows 10 or drop down to Evernote Legacy.

Legacy will continue to run for the time being but the wiring is on the wall so Legacy is not a long term solution.

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I reinstalled the last working version of v10 for windows and it now works fine.  However, soon thereafter, I received a banner on my EN v10


So this tells me not to try updating EN again on this win7 computer.  There are many reasons that people may not want to upgrade from Win7 and, in my case, it is not a financial one.  I have a series of Win7 computers that are hooked to old legacy devices which are all working perfectly.  Trying to run those old machines within a new Win10 environment may be impossible.  In addition, we are also very happily using Adobe Acrobat on about 10 computers running win7.  It works great but moving to win10 would force us into monthly Adobe subscriptions on all those computers.  I have win10 running on my personal computers and see no advantages over win 7 on my work computers.  So rather than experience huge headaches upgrading win 7 to win 10 I will continue with it as long as possible. I keep nothing sensitive on those win7 computers.  If newer versions of EN continue to improve I will simply have to get a separate laptop running win10 and use that at work alongside the older win7 computers.

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The problem with deprecated Windows versions is rooted in the underlying Electron framework, which in turn is build around a Chrome(ium) browser lacking a front end.

This compatibility is beyond the reach of EN. They likely will not stop to upgrade the framework - not upgrading would create security risks for ALL users, just to comfort a few users who insist on continuing to run outdated Windows versions.

For me your arguments about „everything is running so nicely since 10 years“ is not convincing. You can install most old software on Windows 10, it even has a compatibility mode.

If this doesn’t work, you can install a virtual machine and run Windows 7 plus the old software inside of it. If you get a problem, you dump it and restore from a snapshot.

The hardware is another story. This needs a deeper analysis of its dependencies. For most old interfaces exist converters that will plug into USB (often already USB-C) and offer the right connectors. It is rare that there is Hardware that could not be made believe it is still in its old environment when in fact it is connected to a modern computer.

You should have a strong interest to find out yourself - no device lives forever, and getting spare parts and repair is getting harder as time goes by.

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14 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

For me your arguments about „everything is running so nicely since 10 years“ is not convincing. You can install most old software on Windows 10, it even has a compatibility mode.

Yeah that is all correct, but what you forget is the effort. It costs money for new software, probably new hardware and in my opinion the costly factor, it costs a lot of effort to migrate everything that is running to a new system. And migrating a running system to a new one is a lot of effort. So if you are spending your time elsewhere there is an easy argument made to delay such migration for quite a long time. And frankly, just because MS says so, there is no real benefit from using Win10 over a well working Win7 system. Sure, updates and security and stuff... but that can be managed.

So for my one remaining Win7 it'l run until I took the time to migrate all away from it that it does right now. So long... 


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Everything you wrote is correct, and everything proofs IMHO nothing. We all know software and especially operating systems have a limited lifetime. Basically when you install you already need to plan for the continued use (including update and backup strategies) and for the end of life (including erasing data carriers and deposition of devices). EOL needs to include a migration strategy as well.

When still using Windows 7 today all this is long overdue. You can say „just profits, no cost“, and that‘s what took you here. What you build up is a debt of overaged, untrustworthy IT running (presumably) mission critical processes.

If this fails you don‘t even have a plan B: With todays malware nobody tries to disinfect a PC any more. It is replaced, the backup installed, and off you go. Except in your case there is no chance to acquire the needed hardware to install your museum of software „Goldies“.

But OK, this leads OT. Wish you luck with your setup. Can promise you: Legacy just joins this accumulation of aged IT nicely (while it still syncs, at least).

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9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Except in your case there is no chance to acquire the needed hardware to install your museum of software „Goldies“.

Quite dramatic. You might be right for some, but not for me 😀 my stuff runs on modern hardware, all virtualized. Backups in more than one location go back min a year. Critical stuff is held even offline.  Server dies, no problem. Back up in no time. I could have gone back one day per snapshot before EN’s update, but if it automatically updates this would not help.

So what you say is only one aspect. The world is not black and white only, and just because there is a new version of anything it is not better per se.

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I am running about $300,000 worth of medical research equipment on win 7 computers. There is no upgrading these machines other than buying new ones. The support for these have sunsetted; if they die I simply need to cough up the cost of new ones.  They work great and their newer win10 versions work no better. Also, we run legacy apps that our office has worked with for 12 years including Acrobat, our timekeepers, our messaging systems etc. Sure the handwriting is on the wall and I realize there is no avoiding it. However, everybody’s timeframe is different and I’m hoping to avoid a costly and messy set of conversions before retirement. Apres moi le deluge. 

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I‘m impressed - as usual it’s the embedded operating systems that won’t allow updating.

Since the underlying framework is the problem, I doubt there will be a client that supports the older Windows versions any more. You can ask support, of course.

The alternatives seem to be legacy (for what it’s worth any more, giving the lifetime issue) or the web client.

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  • Evernote Expert
8 hours ago, idoc said:

Sure the handwriting is on the wall and I realize there is no avoiding it. However, everybody’s timeframe is different and I’m hoping to avoid a costly and messy

Except the deluge has arrived for Win7 using V10 and the clouds are gathering for Legacy. So I'm sure you are making a plan for flood protection.

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Yes, it's the Battlestar Galactica option ie: the old legacy medical equipment will run on Win 7 machines not connected to the internet.  The office networked win 7 machines will continue to run that way since there is nothing sensitive on those machines.  Employees on those computers are simply accessing one or two websites all day.  I am trying to figure out if I can swap out my personal win 7 station from that network and replace it with a win 10 or 11 machine.   Change is annoying.

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  • 6 months later...
On 5/27/2023 at 12:36 PM, idoc said:

Yes, it's the Battlestar Galactica option ie: the old legacy medical equipment will run on Win 7 machines not connected to the internet.  The office networked win 7 machines will continue to run that way since there is nothing sensitive on those machines.  Employees on those computers are simply accessing one or two websites all day.  I am trying to figure out if I can swap out my personal win 7 station from that network and replace it with a win 10 or 11 machine.   Change is annoying.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 22/5/2023 at 16:03, Dietrich dijo:

Tienes razón, pero supongo que puedes imaginar que hay razones. Y además no visito sitios web con esa máquina. Tampoco bitcoins. Y un navegador actualizado ayuda mucho, independientemente del sistema operativo. Y si hubo un problema, ¿y qué? Un botón restaura la VM.

Para todos los demás, la versión 10.56.8 funciona en Win7.


Puedes desactivar las actualizaciones automáticas de Evernote modificando config.json ubicado %AppData%\Evernote\config.json

Modifique la clave "forceUpdateOnStart" a falsa. 

Thank you, your comment was very helpful to me and especially what you mentioned to deactivate the automatic update request, I was completely unaware of that.
(I came here because I also had the problem with win7)

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  • 1 month later...
On 22.05.2023 at 22:03, Dietrich said:

You can disable automatic updates of Evernote by modifying config.json located %AppData%\Evernote\config.json

Modify the key „forceUpdateOnStart“ to false. 

Don't forget delete folder contents %LocalAppData%\evernote-client-updater\pending\

I still use Evernote_v10.56.9.exe from https://www.filepuma.com/

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Expect the old v10 clients to stop syncing one day, like all legacy versions. We don’t know the date, but technical reasons speak for abandoning them.

The strategy to stop updating is not sustainable, just like the continued us of legacy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 22.05.2023 at 22:03, Dietrich said:

For everybody else, v10.56.8 works on Win7.


You can disable automatic updates of Evernote by modifying config.json located %AppData%\Evernote\config.json

Modify the key „forceUpdateOnStart“ to false. 

Thank you so much! You just saved me.

So don't forget to turn off internet access while installing 10.56.8 before modifying config.json to prevent immediately updating to newer version.

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10.56.8 doesn't work on Win7 anymore. It logged out, then autoupdates to 10.65.2 despite to .json tweak, but 10.65.2 won't start.

I roll back to 10.56.8 again but an error 'client not supported' appears while trying to login.

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All older clients (including v10 before maybe 10.60) will not sync any more.

All newer clients will not run on Windows 7 computers - for very good reasons, those that speak against having ANY Windows 7 computer connected to the internet. Without internet you couldn't sync, so why bother.

v10 requires Windows 10. If you want to stick with Win7, you can only use the web client.

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