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Where is the manual sync button in the latest Macos version?

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Short answer: yes.

Medium answer: Yes. Things are supposed to sync automatically with no need for a manual sync. (Except that sometimes it seems to get stuck. Edit: I personally haven't had issues with the current syncing getting 'stuck' -- sometimes I have to wait longer on mobile is all, but I've seen posts where commenters complain about syncing, especially on Android.) (At least part of) a new sync architecture that is supposed to be way better is currently in beta.

Long answer:

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Another short answer: No

A sync button was never created on the new version, since the syncing concept is  different to the legacy versions. EN has not seen the necessity to add such a visual function.

You can try a Reload: Hold the opt-key, click on the Help menu. You see a new Troubleshooting option. Behind it are among others menu items for Reload and Forced Reload. By the keyboard shortcuts they can be used without the menu.

But in general sync is automatic.

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