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Send emails to Evernote Tasks?

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  • Level 5

Not as tasks. But to make them easier to find, you can send them to a specific notebook, and add a specific tag.

Like @Taskbox for the notebook and #createtask for a tag.

You need to add this at the end of the mail title. It will send the email to the Taskbox notebook. Finding them is made even easier by the tag createtask. Just go to EN, select the new notes with task content and convert them to the tasks you need.

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@Jack Lynch This feature would be great to see. 

Couple of use cases to make sense of the feature... I currently use Todoist for tasks and my CRM, Invoice software, booking calendar all send emails to Todoist that create tasks.

Invoice software automatically creates recurring invoices & I get a task assigned to check and send the invoice.

CRM stores details of customer plans and it sends an email to Todoist to create a task 30/7 days before a plan expires so I can check and re-bill.

Booking calendar sends an email to Todoist and creates a task for the date and time of the meeting.

Just small automations that save me having to do the same thing over and over again.

Look forward to this.

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  • 9 months later...

It has been 10 months since the last post on this subject.  So is there a way to assign a task directly at the gmail level yet?  Would be great to send certain emails directly into EN as tasks.  Actually, even adding a reminder would be a tremendous help.  For example, you get an email about a meeting to take place next week.  You route that email directly to EN with a task or reminder (or both).  This way you don't need to make a special trip to Calendar or EN just to reinforce it.

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9 minutes ago, idoc said:

It has been 10 months since the last post on this subject.  So is there a way to assign a task directly at the gmail level yet?  Would be great to send certain emails directly into EN as tasks.  Actually, even adding a reminder would be a tremendous help.  For example, you get an email about a meeting to take place next week.  You route that email directly to EN with a task or reminder (or both).  This way you don't need to make a special trip to Calendar or EN just to reinforce it.

You've always been able to add reminders when you send an email into Evernote. You add an ! to the end of the subject line with the date specification. 

https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314208-Add-a-reminder-through-email#:~:text=To set a reminder on,month%2C day separated by slashes.

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Thanks for that tip.  Actually I have tried that before and have just figured out why it never worked.  Apparently you need to add the date in the European format ie: 2022/11/03.  I never realized that and tried it a bunch of times with the usual U.S formats eg: 11/3/2022  which didn't work.  I actually just confirmed this again by trying it both ways.  In the second way the reminder is recorded but there is no date assigned to it.  Also, I assume when using this technique you need to forward the email to Evernote and not use the Gmail add-on (which is my preferred method).  The Gmail add-on does not have a subject line:


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3 minutes ago, idoc said:

Thanks for that tip.  Actually I have tried that before and have just figured out why it never worked.  Apparently you need to add the date in the European format ie: 2022/11/03.  I never realized that and tried it a bunch of times with the usual U.S formats eg: 11/3/2022  which didn't work.  I actually just confirmed this again by trying it both ways.  In the second way the reminder is recorded but there is no date assigned to it.  Also, I assume when using this technique you need to forward the email to Evernote and not use the Gmail add-on (which is my preferred method).  The Gmail add-on does not have a subject line:


I too prefer to use my email client add-on (Spark) but this method does require a subject line. 

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2 minutes ago, idoc said:

Thanks for that tip.  Actually I have tried that before and have just figured out why it never worked.  Apparently you need to add the date in the European format ie: 2022/11/03.  I never realized that and tried it a bunch of times with the usual U.S formats eg: 11/3/2022  which didn't work.  I actually just confirmed this again by trying it both ways.  In the second way the reminder is recorded but there is no date assigned to it.  Also, I assume when using this technique you need to forward the email to Evernote and not use the Gmail add-on (which is my preferred method).  The Gmail add-on does not have a subject line:


I use a similar solution but have my automation service (like Zappier) send the emails. The automation gets activated via a webhook from my email/CRM/Invoice apps and adds the reminder date in the correct format and tags the reminder as #flow - I then have a filtered widget on my home screen that just shows anything tagged #flow.

What I normally do a couple of times a day is treat these notes as tasks or manually create a task then delete the note.

Fingers crossed adding proper EN tasks via email will be coming soon. 

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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, idoc said:

So is there a way to assign a task directly at the gmail level yet?  Would be great to send certain emails directly into EN as tasks.

The straight answer to your question is no. There is no option to set a reminder for a task or, indeed, to add a task by Email. It is one of the features that might appear when the API is updated but that isn't happening soon.

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  • 1 year later...

I use todoist and Evernote. I use IFTTT to send an email to Evernote notes and add a task in todoist at the same time. The process uses a tag to do this. it will link the task to the note. 

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For anyone seeking additional options, I believe Pleexy still provides integration capabilities between Evernote and Todoist/other task management apps. At one point I had it creating a task in my task manager every time I added a checkbox in Evernote. 

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