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Separate sort order for each notebook



From Evernote Help and Learning:


Evernote offers several options which you can sort your list of notes by. The sort order is an application-wide setting, so all notebooks, search results, and other note lists are all sorted the same way. You cannot set different sort orders for different groups of notes.

It would be cvery useful if we could specify different sort orders for different notebooks
I would like to be able to sort some by Date Created, others by Title of Note,,,

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In Evernote Legacy it's already possible to save searches.  Saved search results can include the sort order of those results.  One possible search is "notebook:<keyword>".

Does v10 operate in a similar way?

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Yes, it does save the sorting order as well as other criteria. Possibilities are by Relevance, or by title, creation or change date, the last 3 up or down.

I don't think new EN allows one to save the view order by search, sort or columns as does the older version.

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The question I answered was "Are there saved searches in v10, including the possibility to save the order for the results". My answer was yes.

For notebooks the view can't be saved in v10. Using a saved search is sort of a workaround for this restriction.

You create a saved search with the notebook as sole search criteria, establish your sorting order, and voila - you get the notebooks content in an order specified by you, per notebook, whenever you call the saved search.

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I voted this up since this little feature we had in EN legacy and lost with EN 10 was very handy. It really annoys me to constantly switch sorting when switching notebooks. The saved search is a workaroud. But since the sorting of the saved searches is unfortunately not "remembered" on mobile (Android) it has its limits. Would be nice to have the sorting saved which each notebook as with EN legacy in the past.

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Please, please, please bring this back. I have entire notebooks that are based on templates using different sort orders, which now have to be manually re-sorted since I have to pick only one default for all of my notes.

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6 hours ago, lady jess said:

Please, please, please bring this back. I have entire notebooks that are based on templates using different sort orders, which now have to be manually re-sorted since I have to pick only one default for all of my notes.

Welcome to the forums and thanks for your contribution.

You may not, yet, have realised that these forums are mainly users helping other users. If you want to be sure that Evernote hears your plea then you should raise the request via a support ticket.

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- Just contributing another work-around... 

  1. If you sort your notebook as required,  then create a Table of Contents note,  you have an 'index' to your specific sort for that notebook.  When you add a new note,  just add a new link to the ToC index.
  2. Or even...  Why not do a ToC on the unsorted notes and then sort the items in the ToC note so you have your index without ever having to sort the notes at all...
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