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Issue/Feature Tracker



I posted this in another thread but it just gets lost in the replies so posting this on its own so the link stays at the top.
I created a tracker for missing features and functionality as well as ideas and requests which may help as sometimes the same questions seem to get asked in multiple posts in the forum.


Feel free to comment below on things that should be added to the list or if you know the answers/work arounds to any of them.

I will be updating it as solutions are found or announcements are made.

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19 replies to this idea

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Very nice job, thanks for this.  You could add import folders and SLOW as compared to current version to the list and saving view options and three minute lag after update for inclusion in search results to the list. I think those are still outstanding. 

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1 hour ago, CalS said:

Very nice job, thanks for this.  You could add import folders and SLOW as compared to current version to the list and saving view options and three minute lag after update for inclusion in search results to the list. I think those are still outstanding. 

I have amended some bits, I had 'Local Notebooks' so have now included import folders, save view is there and I have added the slow performance issues too.

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Thanks a lot, @DMiddleton, for this excellent compilation of missing features!

You could add the following:

  • Search inside notebook stack:
    possibility of filtering/searching all notes that are in any notebook of the selected notebook stack (e.g. adding tag filters to narrow down the search query)
  • Behavior when clicking on a parent tag in a hierarchically organized tag list (left pane):
    in the hit list all notes should appear that contain this parent tag OR any of the nested child tags – this was the behavior in EN 6.2. (EN v10 combines all tags with a logical AND instead of OR, which regularly results in 0 hits.)
  • Multiple tag selection (left pane) and combined selection of a notebook/stack and one or more tags (left pane) by holding down the CTRL key when clicking:
    should lead to an AND combination of the tags resp. the notebook or stack – as it was in EN 6.2.
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This is a useful resource.

It's a pity that the unstructured nature of the forum makes it difficult to keep track of particular issues, and also leads to duplication as people raise issues without realising that it's already been recorded by someone else. Obviously it's disappointing that that EN v10 doesn't have all the features of the "Legacy" version, but to be honest I'm getting to like it more and more. The immediate syncing works well for me and I certainly wouldn't call it "unusable£ as some posters have. Personally I haven't detected any slowness.

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Hi DMiddleton -

In your list you have 
Screen Capture          Ctrl + Alt + S in version 10.2 onwards

What also works is Ctrl+Alt+H  which brings up the EN Helper window for creating a Quick Note; at the bottom left of the window is a "screen" icon  whuich whn clicked brings up the screen region select cursor which creates a note containing the grabbed region.

Just thought I'd mention that alternative.

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54 minutes ago, AdmiralP said:

Hi DMiddleton -

In your list you have 
Screen Capture          Ctrl + Alt + S in version 10.2 onwards

What also works is Ctrl+Alt+H  which brings up the EN Helper window for creating a Quick Note; at the bottom left of the window is a "screen" icon  whuich whn clicked brings up the screen region select cursor which creates a note containing the grabbed region.

Just thought I'd mention that alternative.

Yes I only put the Ctrl + Alt + S as this is the direct way, it is really a shortcut to that same icon you have pointed out, using it avoids the need to have to open the helper and then click an icon which are just additional steps really. This would however be super helpful if you could open the helper, enter some text into the scratchpad then perform the screen clip and it combined both into a note!

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20 minutes ago, Angry said:

Hm, I can't open the list from post #1 anymore

I am logged in and the error message is: You have no rights or the note has moved.

Is it opening in a browser when you click the link or trying to open in the Evernote app?
It is a public shared note and I have just opened it in a private window so even not logged in it did load.

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6 hours ago, Angry said:

Hm, I can't open the list from post #1 anymore

I am logged in and the error message is: You have no rights or the note has moved.

Try copying the link and paste into your browser 

On my iPad I can longpress the url and select Open instead of "Open in Evernote"


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A feature that is crucial to me is the ability to drag reminders into any desired order.  This feature exists in version 6.x but did not when version 10 was introduced.  I uninstalled version 10.   Would like to improve the probability that evernote adds this feature back in by having you add it to your list.

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1 hour ago, cfjrb said:

A feature that is crucial to me is the ability to drag reminders into any desired order.  This feature exists in version 6.x but did not when version 10 was introduced.  I uninstalled version 10.   Would like to improve the probability that evernote adds this feature back in by having you add it to your list.

I have added it on to the list. I am not sure the EN staff will be paying much attention to it to be honest, I just put this together to keep track of things as they were introduced/restored or confirmed as never coming back as EN don't seem to be very forthcoming on details.

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48 minutes ago, DMiddleton said:

I have added it on to the list. I am not sure the EN staff will be paying much attention to it to be honest, I just put this together to keep track of things as they were introduced/restored or confirmed as never coming back as EN don't seem to be very forthcoming on details.

I appreciate that you took the time and effort to put this together and keep it updated, but I’m pessimistic that it drives any action or changes on their end. How they determine priorities seems to defy logic, at least to me.

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1 minute ago, s2sailor said:

I appreciate that you took the time and effort to put this together and keep it updated, but I’m pessimistic that it drives any action or changes on their end. How they determine priorities seems to defy logic, at least to me.

As I mentioned previously that was never the intention, I was actually annoyed with the lack of communication from EN on features etc so this was more of a reference for forum users, especially where work arounds or answers were found by other users.

Like you I have no idea how they determine anything, and to be completely honest following an interview Ian Small did where he pretty much said the forum users were such a small part of the user base (which came across as 'are not important') and the beta forums I have taken part in, I don't think they are interested in what we have to say on here anyway. They clearly have their own strategy and are pressing ahead with it regardless of what we say!

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14 hours ago, DTLow said:

Try copying the link and paste into your browser 

On my iPad I can longpress the url and select Open instead of "Open in Evernote"


Hm. I had a link starting with EverNote view.

That didn't work on iOS /iPad (v10). But the link worked on Android (old Version) and Web (v10)

Deleted that link and replaced it with that from post #1. Did that on Android

Result, can't open link on iOS. Works on the web version.

Long press don't work

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