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Links to Tags, notebooks, stacks, and saved searches



Hi guys,

Just a quick query, I know you can create Note Links, but is there any way or if not any plans to allow Notebook links. Let me explain

Our EN structure is a Notebook for each project/lead (I know the arguments about Notebooks vs Tags but it works for us :P ). In each notebook there is a Main Project/Lead note listing all the details of the projects/lead.

We also have a Master Note that lists all the projects, leads etc and it is like an index so we can see at a glance where we are up to.

At the moment in the Master Note, we have note links to the Main project/lead note, but it would be great if we could link to the Notebook not just to the Main Note, so that when we clicked on it it goes straight to the notebook.

I hope this makes sense :unsure:

Thanks in advance,


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On 2017-12-26 at 9:27 AM, ChuckW said:

It would be awesome to be able to include in that table a link that runs a specific search for that project so I could use it like a table of contents and not be managing a bunch of saved searches.

Just came across this

Instead of a link to a search, Evernote allows a link to a Table of Contents note

This would be ok for static data.  For changing data, third party app Filterize has a feature that will keep ToC notes refreshed with the most current note list

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I agree 100% with this feature request. I started using ToDoist for my task management. It allows for Evernote links to notes, so I use the Classic note links (evernote:////). However, it's a pain to relink a task each time I complete the previous task. I would LOVE for their to be a Notebook link. That way, i would put the notebook link to evernote in the Project in Todoist, instead of linking to a task. Much easier...

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3 hours ago, EricBen said:

I agree 100% with this feature request. I started using ToDoist for my task management. It allows for Evernote links to notes, so I use the Classic note links (evernote:////). However, it's a pain to relink a task each time I complete the previous task. I would LOVE for their to be a Notebook link. That way, i would put the notebook link to evernote in the Project in Todoist, instead of linking to a task. Much easier...

Not sure why you have to relink a task?

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9 minutes ago, CalS said:

Not sure why you have to relink a task?

Once I've completed that task, and I move to the 'next actionable step', the original task (that I've completed) gets archived. The link won't carry over to the new task.  In addition, if a note is no longer needed (since the task is complete), there's no way to link that project to the project notebook (each project is a notebook in Evernote).  It would be easier just to have a link to the overall notebook in the Project folder, so I can always go to that notebook when needed.

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Okay, so I'm guessing you don't have a one to one relationship between items in ToDoist and EN? 

Anyway, a workaround I once used was to create a note with a tag for the project name.  I put that link in Wunderlist.  I would click the link, the note would open in EN, then I would click on the caret to the right of the tag and have all notes for the project.  Didn't use notebooks however for projects, just tags.  Works with one extra step, pending EN adding links to notebooks and saved searches, which would be great if they did.  Assuming I am understanding what you are trying to accomplish.

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Throwing in my support. I use EN heavily for saving articles and for school notes and homework. I'd love to be able to put an EN link straight to the tags for each of my classes in the shortcuts on my favorites bar on my browser, or to set my browser homepage to go to my !Inbox tag so I can address or read anything new as soon as I open Chrome.

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1 hour ago, Kruger2147 said:

Throwing in my support. I use EN heavily for saving articles and for school notes and homework. I'd love to be able to put an EN link straight to the tags for each of my classes in the shortcuts on my favorites bar on my browser, or to set my browser homepage to go to my !Inbox tag so I can address or read anything new as soon as I open Chrome.

For the web, this seems to be not that hard. Go to Evernote in your web browser. Do the search that you want, and make sure that it's giving you what you think it should. At that point, copy the web link in your browser address control. Save it as a bookmark, or pug it into your opening page address. Seems to be worth a try...

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On 2/19/2016 at 4:19 AM, timva said:

So, I went ahead and made a program to do this. I called it "EvernoteSearchHandler". It's essentially a URL protocol handler tool. In the old days, you could use irc://server/room to open your favorite IRC program via a link. This works the same way. You can create a link: esh://tag1 tag2/ and when clicked, my EvernoteSearchHandler starts up (invisible), and puts "tag1 tag2" in the search textfield and "presses" ENTER.

I wrote this in C# and it is 7 lines long... I can only imagine how fast Evernote developers could replicate this and put it in their program

any chance you could share the code?



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20 hours ago, svako said:

any chance you could share the code?



That's a 4-year old post.

Around the same time another contributor suggested using a text-expander like Phrase Express (free for private use) which could take a key combination like Ctrl+1 and automatically insert a complicated search into the search bar,  with pauses for additional user input if necessary...

Just sayin'  ;)

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22 hours ago, svako said:

any chance you could share the code?

I merged this discussion with similar posts

For Mac users, the AppleScript code is 
tell application "Evernote"
query string of window 1 to searchQuery
end tell

For Window users, the ENScript code is
ENScript/q query

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Maybe someone can use this or make something for them.

(I used this and it worked for me. I don't maintain this code or support it. It might not even be the latest version I had. I just found it and share it.)

You can compile it yourself using Microsoft Visual Studio.

Source code is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bay7wcth8j52rc4/AAAspDZ6sYPg0wkO_yjVIz2za?dl=0

To register the esh:// protocol,

Put the executable (found in release\\bin) in c:\\EvernoteSearchHandler

Create a .REG file with this content (and then execute it):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:ESH Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\EvernoteSearchHandler\\EvernoteSearchHandler.exe\" \" %1\""

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On 4/22/2020 at 6:57 AM, timva said:

Maybe someone can use this or make something for them.

(I used this and it worked for me. I don't maintain this code or support it. It might not even be the latest version I had. I just found it and share it.)

You can compile it yourself using Microsoft Visual Studio.

Source code is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bay7wcth8j52rc4/AAAspDZ6sYPg0wkO_yjVIz2za?dl=0

To register the esh:// protocol,

Put the executable (found in release\\bin) in c:\\EvernoteSearchHandler

Create a .REG file with this content (and then execute it):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:ESH Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\EvernoteSearchHandler\\EvernoteSearchHandler.exe\" \" %1\""


This appears to be a Windows thing and, more importantly, over my paygrade. But I'm much obliged, sir, for your help. Thank you!




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It is possible to add saved searches to shortcuts, - which is great.

What if I could add a saved search as a hyperlink in my note ? I'd simply like to navigate to this saved search from inside of the note, - same way I navigate to other note with internal link. This gives me an option to have dynamic table of content, rather than static one, which I can produce after I search my notes. 


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8 hours ago, Laimonas said:

It is possible to add saved searches to shortcuts, - which is great.

What if I could add a saved search as a hyperlink in my note ? I'd simply like to navigate to this saved search from inside of the note, - same way I navigate to other note with internal link. This gives me an option to have dynamic table of content, rather than static one, which I can produce after I search my notes. 

About the only way to do this with today's EN is to roll your own with something like PhraseExpress.  You can create a phrase which executes the steps of a saved search based upon the name of the search being in the note.  A bit of work but possible pending EN doing anything with this request.  If it is that important to you.

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On 9/3/2020 at 12:21 AM, Laimonas said:

What if I could add a saved search as a hyperlink in my note ?

Just a followup on the hyperlink part of this request    
As posted above, we are using scripts as work-arounds    
I use Keyboard Maestro and Applescript on a Mac   
and Keyboard Maestro supports .kmtrigger files for scripts   
In Evernote, I use the hyperlink    file://...

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4 hours ago, Maddhin said:

I have notebooks for certain projects and want to jump/link/refer to those notebooks. E.g. in a "active projects" note/list.

You could put those project notebooks into a stack.
The stack could be added to your shortcutsScreen Shot 2016-08-22 at 4.26.34 AM.png

I use a tag solution

  • Each project has a master project note, tagged with !Project   
    and I use a project tag to link project notes, for example !Project: Genealogy
  • A shortcut search lists all these master notes (tag:"!Project" -Tag:!Archive)
    Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 4.44.59 AM.png

  • Click on the master project note, and you have a link to all the notes of the project

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 4.27.54 AM.png



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8 minutes ago, csihilling said:

Wonder if you could do this with a text expander like PhraseExpress.  Once you got EN started it would be fairly simple to simulate a shortcut search.  How would one start EN with a text expander?  Never tried that one since I always have EN open.

To expand on this, you could do this with scripting
Applescript on Macs
ENScript on Windows (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enscript.php)

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On 2017-07-13 at 오후 10시 32분, Maddhin said:

Hi guys, this is an old thread but just to ask if anybody has been successful with any attempt to solve this? :)

No solution within Evernote
I continue to make use of the shortcuts feature

An alternative is looking at scripting to provide a faster shortcut
I have Applescript on my Mac, and there are keyboard macro apps such as Keyboard Maestro
My script uses the search feature with "notebook:aaaaaaaaaaaaa"

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