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Everything posted by eric99

  1. on windows: reload: CTRL + R forced reload: CTRL+Shift+R
  2. The engineers re-indexed my account and everything works fine again, no zombie notes, multi-select works again and the number of notes of a wildcard search is equal to the total number of notes (before I had 9 zombie notes according this test on my android phone) Great support 👍 🙂
  3. What do you mean by "unfixed" notebook? Is this a deleted note that unexpectedly still pops up in your search result ?
  4. I just got an answer from support on my remark that it seems to be the same problem already reported before: "...Thanks for pointing this out. I confirm that this issue has indeed been going on for a while and it is still open with the engineering team. We already pinpointed the root cause, but it is being blocked by another issue and it may take some time before this work is completed. That said, we're normally able to resolve this for each individual account, and the issue should not return after this. I am still waiting for the engineers to fix your account, and I will get back to you with the confirmation once it is fixed. You can expect to hear back from me after the weekend (the ticket stays open)..."
  5. Thanks 🙂 edit: if they can't pinpoint the root cause, they could always implement the legacy workaround in the V10 clients (removing the zombie notes from the server result list)
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, but it happens also in two other different browsers, and also in the V10 online android and windows client (where I reinstalled my local database). As I said, it doesn't however occur in the legacy client, therefore I believe that legacy has a workaround to skip these zombie notes from the server resultlist before showing it to the user. I noticed in the previous thread that a ticket was issued around januari 2021, apparently not solved yet. I hope my new ticket will remind development to finally fix it. Maybe, you know how to increase the prio of my new ticket 3502430, since this issue affects the server database integrity for more than a year now...
  7. @ George: I issued a ticket myself for exactly the same problem. Do you still have your ticket number please? I would like to mention it in my new ticket...
  8. I just discovered another thread that describes similar problems with the server database (index). Since legacy has workaround code to remove these "ghost notes" from the server result list, we could assume that this is an old known issue. Developers probably forgot to implement this workaround in V10. The result is that my multi-select doesn't work anymore due to these ghost notes. I hope EN will at least re-index the server database for my account to make multi-select working again. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/131743-deleted-notes-still-appearing-in-search/
  9. After resizing a few times and clicking on my account button, it suddenly appears on top of the left sidebar 🙂 I'm glad to have the global settings menu back. I hope they will make some more features configurable now.
  10. New to Evernote Windows 10.35 We're making it easier for you to adjust the app's settings by combining them into one big Settings menu. Click on the gear icon in the sidebar to start tweaking. I can't find that gear icon in the EN sidebar, how can I open that settings menu ?
  11. I'm not talking about a conspiracy, more in technical terms of misplaced OO information hiding. Why is a count not a useful piece of data once it exceeds 1000? This behavior has been implemented explicitly, since it works properly below 1000. And why is it different from android where it is always shown?
  12. Thanks for testing 🙂 The ticket has been issued (Ticket# 3502430) . Please feel free to tag it as high priority. In the mean time, I noticed that a wildcard search returns 7 more notes than the total amount of notes in the unfiltered list. I can test this only on my android phone since the Web client and windows client refuse to return the amount of filtered notes, instead it returns 1000+ 😕 Why do they want to hide the exact count? Can anybody verify this on their phone please? Maybe this can help the developers to diagnose this issue...
  13. The problem occurs in V10 evernote web, it has nothing to do with my desktop version, although it occurs there as well (I already deleted my local database and reloaded it again from the server without any result). It doesn't occur in legacy or offline V10.
  14. Thanks for testing. To be sure, the multi-select test should be performed on a search result list, not on the unfiltered list since the dangling references are not in there. You're right, it's not very clear what's going on but one thing is sure: the server database ( or database index) is corrupt since it returns an non existing note in the search result.
  15. Although I have very bad experience with 'solved' tickets, I intent to contact them, but I hoped that other users could check their database for similar problems
  16. As I already mentioned: These notes are only visible in a search list, not in the unfiltered list. Unfortunately I can't remember whether I deleted these notes myself. I accidentally stumbled on this problem when multi-selection failed. In any case, there is an inconsistent database behavior, deleted notes shouldn't be returned by a search. So I hope that the server index contains stale references to normally deleted notes and not the opposite. Have you checked your database for dangling references (You can do that by searching for '*' and then try to select all notes (increase your multiselect to 500 first). If the multi select doesn't work, there is a corrupted note in your search result list) Thanks
  17. I just noticed a very serious problem with 3 of my notes: when clicking one of these notes in the search result list, the server returns "this note can not be loaded. Reload the page or try again". I checked my HTML export and it was still OK in October 2021. In my last HTML export (February 2022), the notes are gone. So the problem is that the search result list contains notes which can't be loaded from the server. These notes are only visible in a search list, not in the unfiltered list. This happens in EN for WEB, windows and android (if online). Offline, these notes are not found. You can find corrupted notes in your database by searching for '*' and then try to select all notes (increase your multiselect to 500 first). If the multi select doesn't work, there is a corrupted note in your search result list. I can live with many bugs, but not with an unreliable database. It seems that our data is in danger now!
  18. You may create a 'table of contents note' which may be sorted manually. You can do that by creating a new note with a bullet list of app links to your notes ( multi-select the notes, right click and copy internal link | copy app link).
  19. I can confirm that multiple EN's, neatly tied together in one single window in different tabs, is possible in firefox
  20. On mac, legacy HTML was probably just a bunch of 1000 independent 'sites', but that wasn't the way it worked on windows. On windows, there was an evernote-index and it behaved as a single self contained website, notes were interconnected with hyperlinks to other exported html notes inside the same export folders (not to the evernote server or EN desktop!). Like I already said, everything was navigable. This was even better than ENEX where note links are lost! So in legacy EN for windows you can create your own personal website. If anything goes wrong, you still have this archive, readable by just any browser for the next 100 years. My data is to important to be only saved in any proprietary format, always requiring special tools to view or convert it. I really understand Vloobedee's concern...
  21. How about just double clicking, without pressing an OK button at all?
  22. V10 does have an HTML implementation, but still in a prototype state (without navigation to attachments or other notes). Please let Evernote know that real HTML export is vital. I already did, one year ago, but we can only convince them if more people complain. You can do this by submitting a ticket https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  23. Yeah, my HTML ticket has been 'solved' as well 😞 As long as it isn't 'burned', I still hope they will find it in their pile of outstanding issues and fix it ...
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