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Federico Simionato

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Everything posted by Federico Simionato

  1. Earlier this week, the backend team released fixes that changed heavily both RTE and Tasks services. For this reason we need to reassess the occurrence of the most frequent issues you reported in the last weeks. At this link, you can vote on any issues you have personally experienced in the past 72 hours. https://pollunit.com/en/polls/forum-issues Password: Evernote
  2. Apologies for not updating this thread yesterday. I confirm that we are seeing a substantial decrease in technical issues tickets. We consider the loading time issue to be solved. We are making progress on tasks synchronisation and on text content loss, although I don’t have a specific date to share right now. I’ll update you next Monday.
  3. Ciao folks. A quick one to let you know that we just released a Web Clipper update that introduces a new clip format: multi-select. You can now select multiple items in a single webpage and clip them in the same note. It's out on Chrome and Edge, while it is still pending approval on Safari and Firefox (you'll likely find it there in a few days). Next, we're focusing on making Web Clipper faster. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209125827-Clip-formats
  4. Here I am. I recognize that your support experience might not always solve your specific problem, and I hope we'll make this better in the future. What opening tickets already does, though, is giving us real-world data to diagnose issues. This is the most important thing to make sure we prioritize the issue correctly and fix the root cause, preventing it from happening in the future. About this: I am happy to report that we did observe much fewer tickets opened for these two issues: Note loading times – both server-side metrics and customer support tickets indicate that the problem is very much under control, with pretty occasional occurrences that we're working to eliminate completely. Let me know if this doesn't match your experience. Tasks sync – we believe the note loading time issue was making this one worse. Still, we are working to make sure that not only symptoms are cured, but we eliminate the root cause. We are prioritizing two "new" issues that were mentioned both here and in some customer support tickets: Missing text inside notes Missing attachments (spinning wheel) To be clear: they both seem to happen way more rarely than the previous two did when I first posted, but I figured you'd appreciate an update on our priorities. So you can tell me if this doesn't match your experience. I'll report back on Monday.
  5. According to the server metrics, we have made great progress on note loading times, possibly lowering the occurrence of a note opening slowly by an order of magnitude. It's not completely solved yet, so we're both monitoring closely and working on the next fix. Regarding tasks content loss, we pushed out an update that should have solved some of the most nasty issues. But given the nature of the bug, we don't have metrics regarding how often it is occurring. So we're relying solely on support tickets to track the evolution of it. It's still early to tell if it is solved, but we haven't seen tickets mentioning it during the weekend. I am aware of a bug that would rarely revert a note to a previous version. People mentioning it are few for now, but given the gravity of the issue, we're prioritizing it. If this happens to you, make sure to open a ticket with the logs (and note URL also helps). I'll report back on Wednesday.
  6. Due to an increase in customer support tickets mentioning them, earlier this week we assigned the highest priority to the following issues: Notes taking longer to load than expected (even those already converted to the RTE format) Content loss inside tasks We released a series of backend fixes that should significantly improve the former, and the latter should also be improved. This is only the first step. We are still actively working to make the backend more reliable. If you still experience these issues in a few hours on the most up-to-date version of the clients, please get in touch with support and provide logs and details of what happened. I apologize for the delay in communication. After observing metrics during the next two days, I will report back on Monday to give you more information.
  7. Update: the AI Note Cleanup BETA is now out for all users. Some fixes and small improvements are already out (server side), others are coming soon through a client update. Keep your suggestions coming, I am reading everything personally.
  8. We’re working to fix the sorting order with no edits issue. I confirm that opening support tickets is the fastest way to make us aware of bugs and issues.
  9. We are done. The web socket connections are much more stable according to our data. Old clients using the old note format place pretty heavy HTTP requests and we needed to isolate them on a separate component. This way updated clients that connect to RTE are not disturbed. If you’re on the latest version of the client you should not see this issue anymore (it might require a restart).
  10. This is one of our top issues at the moment. We should be able to test a first fix today.
  11. Answering some of the points raised for now: More obvious way of rejecting the changes rather than undo Good point Better feedback when a note can't be cleaned up We'll specify it better For now, the button is disabled when the note is shorter than 100 characters, or longer than 6000 char. Plus, sometimes it might fail (especially on the most complex notes), in that case we might trigger an error. Privacy concerns - especially sending data to OpenAI and them using it for training «Didn't I see an assurance somewhere recently that explicitly said our data WOULD NOT be retained by a 3rd-party provider like OpenAI for its training purposes?» Yes, we'll write this better. OpenAI does NOT retain any user data coming from Evernote, and of course does not use it for training models. Plus, if you don't use the feature, we don't send anything to them. EDIT: it's clearly written in the supplemental terms: «We do not use Input or Output to train our artificial intelligence models or tools unless you direct us to do so.» Non-english notes getting translated into english We're aware of this problem, we're trying to fix it EDIT: a fix is out now, please let me know if it works better Processing code AI Note Cleanup does not process the content of codeblocks Comparing old version and cleaned up version: The way I do it for now while it's in beta is hitting undo and redo, while we wait for a better UX On creating a duplicate of the note with the cleaned up version: the vast majority of people we talked with preferred not having a duplicate note, we'll leave it as it is. Changing the content, from slightly to heavily In theory it should only do this slightly. If it changes big chunks it's a bug, please report it. A general comment: AI Note Cleanup was not built to improve ALL notes. It does wonders on notes that are taken in a hurry that have typos, wrong capitalization, unformatted lists, wrong punctuation... But if you worked a lot on a note to make it pristine, it won't know what to do, or it might even ruin it. It's not supposed to be used on every note, it's like using codeblocks: I would expect a huge amount of notes NOT to use codeblocks.
  12. Hello everybody! AI Note Cleanup is out for a random 20% of all users (paid and free) in public beta. Over the course of the week we should be able to release the beta to everybody. Being a beta feature, there are some known issues, which we'll work on in the next few weeks. Please report any problem you encounter through the button that appears after you cleanup a note. More info here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/articles/16280830963091 I'm also attaching my favorite example yet. Share yours if you want! recipe_ANC.mp4
  13. I believe Directory > Space > Stack > Notebook > Note is kind of skeuomorphic but does not really scale well in digital realms. Notion only has the note entity (and the block), which is not necessarily the best way to organize notes IMO, but a proof that you just really need one entity. But we need to think this through very well, and for now we're 90% on sync, reliability and performance. What's your opinion?
  14. Image syncing relies on both RTE sync and metadata sync, for which Boot17 gave a great answer here:
  15. I was able to reproduce this, looking into it. Although in my case, data was synced between devices. Also closing and opening the note again solved immediately.
  16. To add on Scott's point: There are two components to this. [Expected] The migration of the note from the previous format to the new RTE format will take ~1s for the vast majority of notes. Up to a few seconds for the biggest notes. This only happens the very first time a note is opened in a RTE client (if it was previously created by a non-RTE client). [The actual issue] In the last couple of days the backend had auto-scaling issues (it should have scaled at higher traffic and it didn't, de facto slowing down all note conversions at peak hours). This means that conversion is slower than it should for the time being. The team's highest priority is to solve this and it should get back to normal soon.
  17. Hello folks, This is a quick message to inform you that RTE is out for everybody. Please ensure you have the latest version of the client. In the last 3/4 versions performance and bugs on RTE have improved a LOT. If you have feedback, bugs, or questions, please share them here. I know there are many changes you'd like to see on Evernote, but please keep this discussion focused on RTE only. It'll get messy otherwise.
  18. I don't know enough about the reasons behind using legacy (except habit) to rip it off right now. Hopefully I'll be more confident of the decision in a few months as I learn more. But in any case we will still need to understand how many users are on legacy because they don't know about the alternative and how many are there because they need/want it. That's why we are ramping up communication and creating a path of least resistance that brings people to the newest version.
  19. Hello folks, nice meeting everybody! A few clarifications here: To those asking when they’ll get billed: You’ll get billed with the new prices at your next plan’s renewal date (after June 1). We don’t modify renewal dates. Questions about where we are focusing our development time: The vast majority of our engineering firepower is focused on fixing sync and improving important pieces of the infrastructure. The remaining engineers are working on AI features and on releasing RTE, but I can guarantee that we are not compromising on the foundational stuff to build them. As a general point, I see some worry arising from the fact that the online discourse is pretty negative right now. This is understandable and expected, as it represents the distillation of a vocal minority. As you may have noticed, we conducted several tests before deciding on the current price change, and we are very confident that the new configuration will have a positive long-term impact on Evernote and our ability to invest in innovation and product improvements.
  20. Vast majority of legacy users don't know they are using legacy. More than two thirds of them never even installed v10. I saw this personally in many conversations: they think they are using "Evernote". But legacy is breaking more and more with each OS update. Plus it makes backend teams worry about backwards compatibility. We need to speed up development and legacy is one thing preventing us from doing so. @HeBoIz What's the key reason you use legacy vs v10? I daily run v10 and occasionally try using legacy, but I can't stand it, it's too buggy.
  21. I sent them your message, someone should reach out soon.
  22. Exactly, this is the point behind RTE sync: If you work alone, on a single device, it's "just" better sync. If you work alone, on multiple devices, it's instantaneous sync across all devices and no more note conflicts. If you occasionally share notes with others, it's much better collaboration and all of the above. If you have a Teams account, it's instant collaboration with your team members, and all of the above. We are at 75% rollout now, everything is pretty stable. Should be 100% very soon. May 5 still the relevant date. EDIT: enabling additional 10% as we speak. Should be live for those in a few hours. Keep your clients up to date!
  23. Hello everybody! We are actively working to update more and more customers from Legacy to the latest version of Evernote. Many don't even know they are using an unsupported version, so we are making that more evident through in-app communication and by testing a new update popup on Windows. As part of that plan, we also removed the H&L article with links to the Legacy versions. The links remain available through Support in case people need them to fix some issues. The Legacy versions remain available, and the download links continue to work, but we decided to make the download links less accessible at this time. Hope this clarifies!
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