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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. That format being .enex or .exb which is only useable in terms of Evernote Windows/Mac You might want to think outside of that limitation. My backup process includes both .enex and .html exports I don't think I would want to open another account - my interest is restoring the data in my current account. Also, the discussion focused on moving a .exb file around which is strictly a Windows solution. I use a Mac, and I don't believe its that simple for the Mac platform.
  2. You are so right. If I had to do this manually, it wouldn't get done. I'm on a Mac and the exports are scripted and run automatically. This includes hourly backups of the data files by the Time Machine feature. And to be honest; when I need to restore my database, I restore from the Evernote servers. And to restore individual notes, I use the Evernote note history feature.
  3. Backup > Disconnect Internet > Restore > Export > Import Sounds more complicated than just Export > Import I'm also using the export feature for incremental backups - daily export of changed notes. >>What neither of you have said is how one goes about actually using the saved clean copy of the Evernote files. Is that possible? For the Windows platform, the Evernote database is a single .EXB file. This can be backed up and restored. For the Mac platform, the Evernote database is a more complicated set of files stored in a folder, this can be backed up and restored (theory - I have not tested this) The folder is com.evernote.com on my Mac. >>Not sure what "links" are not preserved by export to an .enex file and re-import therefrom. Since I'm not using these "links" I'm not sure the issue would affect me. This is a major feature of Evernote - crosslinking your notes Also sharing your notes with public links >>I would be more worried about my folder structure - is that preserved by an export and re-import from the top level folder? I'm guessing you are referring to notebooks. The import function creates new notes in a new notebook; the notebook structure is not preserved and would have to be recreated. Users have accomplished this using: - separate exports for each notebook - preserving notebook information using tags
  4. The actual search terms are reminderTime and reminderDoneTime See below the post in my signature for a link to the Search Grammar documentation Here's my current tasks saved search reminderTime:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* All tasks with a remider date/time Exclude future dated Exclude completed >>what do you call "auto added / dropped" please If I have an note with a reminder date in the future; - it won't appear on the list - when the date is reached, it automatically appears in the list When I mark a note reminder as done - it is automatically droped from the list
  5. Please use the voting buttons in the upper left corner to indicate your support for this request. The vote is currently ... 5 I find the Mac merging order more of a design choice than chaotic. The notes are merged in the order displayed. If the notes are displayed as A B C, then that's how they are merged, regardless of how you select them. You can adjust the order of display (CreateDate/UpdateDate/Title). In title order, you can adjust the title.
  6. Certainly a clean copy of your local files would be valuable; up to the time the sync operation starts. Then there's a possible problem because the most recent versions of your notes will override older versions. My backup process includes an export of my notes and I can restore from that. It's not a true backup; data is loaded as new notes, This resolves the sync problem, but causes other issues (for example, links are no longer valid) You should also give consideration to off-site/cloud storage for your backup files.
  7. There is no indication that they are planning a calendar view. I use Cronfy Calendar Connector to sync my reminders to my calendar. I also don't find the reminder view very useful. My use for reminders improved when I used reminder date as the search criteria for my current task list. Now, tasks are auto added to the list, and auto dropped when completed.
  8. Maybe restrictions was the wrong word - how about limitations. I edited my post. Notebooks and Tags are different tools. If I want my notes to be local/offline/syncd/shared; I use a Notebook If I want to organize my notes with multi-levels, I use a Tag
  9. For notebooks, the best you can do is store a collection of notebooks in a stack. Only one level of nesting. Have you looked at tags; there's no limit to the nesting levels People do use notebooks for organization, but notebooks have limitations. They are more suited for their special features with collections of notes such as Trash, Local, Offline, Shared
  10. There is a priority for requests being implemented. You can influence this by upvoting the request (upper left corner).The vote for this request is currently ....
  11. There is a priority for requests being implemented. You can influence this by upvoting the request (upper left corner). The vote for this request is currently ....
  12. The .enex format is for import to Evernote. I don't find the format too user friendly. Its searchable, but the only use I can see for it is as import to Evernote ( and Apple Notes and MS OneNote). If I'm locked out of Evernote, the format is of no use. The HTML format can't be used as import, but it is an accurate representation of your notes and attachments. You get one file per note, and don't need Evernote to view your backup data. This is how I'll survive the Evernote Apocalypse ?
  13. There are reasons for using notebooks; sharing, local, offline For organizing, tags satisfy my requirements Also backup export preserves tags but loses notebook info. I agree that its crazy, but disagree about it being far more likely My searches are mostly based on tags
  14. On my Mac, I have a "Code Block" format style feature. My understanding is this preserves plain text.
  15. For a non-desktop platform solution, check out https://www.cloudhq.net For Window users
  16. Have you looked at the shortcuts on the web platform? This would help isolate the problem to either the Windows or IOS sync. I haven't experienced this issue (Mac/IOS)
  17. There is no "pinning feature". It's been discussed in the forums, along with the option to manually adjust the note order like the feature in the Shortcut and Reminder sections For your use case, sorting by Update Date, as @csihilling said; you can adjust the note update date, The downside is - you have to repeat the adjustment every time you modify the note. - adjusting the date is not an option on all platforms My preference is to change to title sequence where I can control the sort sequence by prefixing the title with a special character. For example, when I look at my notes for a project, I like the my Project Master Note at the top, so I prefix the title with "-"
  18. Windows scripting is discussed in the comments I experienced no problems with the "find notes" statement, but would be interested in alternative coding. My personal script (Mac/Applescript) is here -Project: Applescript - Evernote Backup This script backup is in addition to my Mac Time Machine backups. Update: I no longer backup my Evernote data with Mac Time Machine. This type of backup uses a lot of space and is of limited use. Evernote_Backup.scpt
  19. From the tv show Firefly after a problem happens - I've given some thought to moving off the edge. Not an ideal location. Might get a place in the middle. I do trust Evernote to protect my data, but I still have a backup stategy. Actually I think I'm more at risk from myself doing something stupid and losing data.
  20. Export Scripts were presented here http://www.jamierubin.net/2014/08/12/going-paperless-how-and-why-ive-automated-backups-of-my-evernote-data/ As @jmichaeltx said, the solution is Applescript/ENscript For those with multi-notebook concerns, I'd suggest you preserve the notebook id - with a tag (one export/import) - separate export/import per notebook
  21. It might be prudent to at least back up local notebooks. By definition, there is no copy of these on the Evernote servers.
  22. Not to mention the work to restore those 100/5000 notebooks One solution would be to duplicate the notebook name with a tag. Then it's just one export/import **There is a secondary benefit to this because there are search benefits with tags Is there a way to script this in Windows?
  23. Thats very dramatic. I have no problem using tags on IOS. I use a naming strategy (prefix) to easily identify the tag via the dropdown lists. I would also like tag hierarchy on IOS; it forces me to do most of my tag hierarchy work on the desktop.
  24. Lesser backup strategies are: 3. Evernote copy of your notes on the web servers 4. Evernote note history on the web servers. These can also be considered, but be aware of the disadvantages. >>Exporting your Notes to ENEX files, one per Notebook, is a PITA, IMO On the Mac side we're fortunate in that we can automate backups via scripting (Applescript) and/or time machine. Very little pain for whatever solution is implemented. >>So, the decision is easy for me: Put off the pain until I have to do the work, i.e. use strategy #2. In deciding your backup process, people should also consider how they will restore their notes Its all great to have backup files, and then find out they have a a problem trying to use them. This consideration should include restoration of individual notes or the entire database.
  25. I haven't seen any indication from Evernote on a calendar view. If I needed this, I would use AppleScript (Mac) to perform an Evernote -> Calendar sync Another approach is to the use top list view which shows the note data in columns. This can be sorted by create date.
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