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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I am committed to using the Evernote service for my digital filing - this is long term, and I have no reason to leave. I consider it good value for the money The recent price increase is a fact of life, and I'm not going to go ballistic over it I've seen posts from "loads" of users declaring they are leaving. My assumption is that they are using the Basic (free) Account tier, and are perturbed at the new device limit, I suspect it's just ranting (weeping and gnashing of teeth), but they don't represent a loss of revenue to Evernote
  2. On one side, we have Evernote setting up a voting system, and employees recommending voting On the other, @GrumpyMonkey and @Jbenson2 are saying voting doesn't matter For myself, I will continue to encourage voting and to get the counts up particuarily on the features I need And for the record, I agree that this process is flawed and could be improved, however thats a different discussion. This discussion is support selectively sync notebooks!
  3. As I said, I was looking at the number of votes. I'd like to get that increased to let Evernote know that user's support this request
  4. I think this would be a good feature to implement but understand that Evernote has to focus on high priority requests Please use the voting buttons in the upper left corner to indicate your support for this request. The vote is currently
  5. On my Mac, I would use the export to enex format and then import to the new account It transfers most of the note information, except for notebook, so a separate export is required for each notebook
  6. My understanding of the "official line" at Evernote is - if you want default/sync/local/offline/shared, there is a notebook feature - a tag feature has been provided as a further organization tool - the folder model is not a feature; there's only stacks, notebooks, and tags I hink this model was rejected from the very beginning - the software is free >>tags rule I'm not sure why you say this, although I do know that a tag hierarchy feature does exist on some platforms >>There are options out there that already offer this. Can you provide more details on this. Actually most of the operating systems provide "stackable folders" as their native file organization
  7. Do you have any export options in Google Keep ( I found this http://googlesystem.blogspot.ca/2015/08/export-all-your-google-keep-notes.html) If you can export your notes, it should be easier to import them into Evernote edit: I found this - https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-transfer-all-the-notes-from-Google-Keep-to-Evernote
  8. I have the opposite view; but whatever works for you I happily left the computer folder model years ago, and never looked back. Even if Evernote opened notebooks for hierarchy; I would still only use notebooks for their feature of default/sync/local/offline/share
  9. I thought it as offering a solution for users looking for an organization hierarchy but then, I'm not one of the ???
  10. As a Mac user, I usually turn to AppleScript to add features I need in Evernote. My recurring reminders project is docuumented here -Project: Applescript - Evernote Reminders My approach is to tag notes as recurring (.Recur_Daily etc) use my custom script to indication reminder completion this performs the following functions append reminder/completion date to the note text for recurring reminders - Reset Reminder Date
  11. Maybe because this isn't a high priority feature request. The vote count is (upper left corner of the discussion) Please indicate your support for the request by voting
  12. Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please indicate your support by using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.
  13. There are auto format options controlled by Evernote, and others controlled by the Mac OS. Have you looked at the Mac keyboard text shortcuts?
  14. You might want to indicate your support by voting for the feature request posted in the feedback forums. For example https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96782-feature-request-inline-tags-create-anchor-points-in-notes
  15. Moved to a feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please indicate your support for this feature using the voting buttons in the upper left corner
  16. That is really sad. Supposing instead of TAG, it was called FOLDER. Would you consider using it then? Note - This works for the Windows/Mac Tag Hierarchies. On my iPad, there is no hierarchy and the Tag<>Folder analogy fails
  17. I don't understand that statement. Have you really looked into using tags?
  18. Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner
  19. I updated my post to also show the search box; in addition to the search builder, you can also type in the search box
  20. No multi select, but you might find it easier to use the search builder at the bottom of the search window >>Tangent: they are nested under a tag called .recipes but as far as I can tell there's no point to nesting since I can't grab the top level tag to get all the children. What am I missing? I understand this is an option in the Windows version; it will make it into the Mac version some day There is still a benefit for organizing your tags. Also you can expand or collapse parent tags. My collapsed tag list is very compact
  21. @vasuh You might be interested in this discussion. It looks like a solution to your upgrade issue
  22. I agree, and I up voted this request. (Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion)
  23. Personally, I can't conceive of a need for notes of this size. If necessary, I could split up a note into multiple sections.
  24. I noticed this request has 0 votes (upper left corner) Just possible that the developers are working on projects that users voted higher priority.
  25. Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please indicate your support by using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.
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