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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This was implemented in the reminder section by adding a Reminder Order field So, it is do-able. I'm seeing it as a question of priorities - is this a feature that the user majority want? I urge you to up-vote one of the feature requests in the feedback forum, or create your own.
  2. What sort sequence do you use. If Title Sequence, you can just prefix the note title, for example !Important_Note If Create_Date Sequence, you can set the creation date. Similar process for Modifcation_Date Sequence
  3. That's something new. I haven't noticed posts being deleted. I've seen admin step in and close a discussion when things got too heated.
  4. I use the Notability app. It's good for pdf annotation, and it is a good note taking tool. I have no concerns with using dedicated apps when I need more than Evernote's basic features. I often see statements in the forum of the form: I'm leaving Evernote if the don't implement xxxx. I just continue on making use of the Evernote feature set, I consider it good value for the money.
  5. I was not aware that "EN is unable to handle it". I thought it was a priority thing, hense my posting the request so it can by voted on.
  6. I have posted this as a feature request in a feedback forum. Please indicate your support by uprooting the request
  7. This is a continuation of discussions from https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/66243-request-create-anchor-points-in-notes and https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/78911-inline-tags-workaround Please show your support for the request by voting using the buttons in the upper left corner
  8. You indicated "not saved" and "not synced" which are two different functions. On my devices (Apple), "not synced" leads to "conflicting changes", not lost notes. I don't even have a save button. I have a sync button.
  9. It is not a tree structure Many users are trying to emulate the the file folder structure used in the computer operating systems, or physical filing cabinets. IMO That emulation is more suitable to tags than notebooks. >>Nesting tags is possible in EN to several levels. But it is not a true tree structure. That is correct, although a recent update in Windows makes the emulation more of a tree structure (hierarchical inheritance)
  10. A single note? Just wondering because the note also stores the completion date/time I could write a script to do this automatically, possibly triggered when I mark the reminder completed. I currently keep my recurring reminders separate in the Apple Reminder/Calendar apps. I also prefer their notification features .
  11. This is three years old but I thought it might be of interest; never say never correction: 6 years old, sorry about upsetting people and thanks JM for correcting such a grievous error And to avoid anyone being further distressed about an off topic reference, please note, this article is about loss of data because of a hardware failure And please excuse the font and colour changes; it just pastes that way and I skipped over the "remove formatting" message And JM, take a valium. http://www.cnet.com/news/thousands-of-evernote-users-affected-by-data-loss/
  12. If you can find older versions of Evernote, you might be able to do step upgrades to get to the current version. The only other suggestion is to open a support ticket and see what the Evernote employees can do. There's a link below in my signature section.
  13. Are you really trying an export/import? Is it using the ENEX format?
  14. So A and B are folders (like Windows filing) compared to A and B tags in Evernote and >>@Mata Hari: In a folder structure AB is not the same as BA where is in a tag structure they are the same Indicating using folders, you would have to copy the note to put it into both folders A and B
  15. Can you explain that further, and how folders enter this discussion? So far we have Stacks, Notebooks, and Tags
  16. I think you're right about the apathy. For me, the information I need encrypted, is encrypted. There are many third party tools out there. I'm not going to let the Evernote feature set prevent me from encryption, In fact - I'm not sure I want my notes locked into Evernote because I want to control the encryption/decryption. My preferred method is encrypted pdfs, using my Mac Preview feature. Its not the strongest encryption, but its convienent and the resulting attachment is portable.
  17. On my Mac, I'm using top list view. If I expand the Reminder Selection to review reminder notes, I can drag them into the desired order
  18. This has been posted as a feature request. You might want to take a look, and up vote the request
  19. My approach has been a separate note for each day. I use a template to get started I try to avoid lengthy notes like your journal process. I also archive my notes in PDF format - it seems better protection against corruption. A disadvantage to my process is that I can't scroll down to see entries from previous days.
  20. Evernote Apocalypse was my attempt at humour; I even added a ? However a recent discussion on Ransomware presented a more plausible scenario. Ransomware infecting your pc, and because of syncing also corrupts your Evernote Server data, along with all your devices
  21. Its actually and incremental backup - all notes changed the previous day I backup everything, regardless of source At this time, space isn't an issue - so I don't have to be selective
  22. Funny you should mention that. On the desktop platforms, if you're logged out of Evernote, you need Internet access to log back in. You have the app and data on your device, but some sort of call to Evernote com is required. My backup solution includes a non-Evernote solution to access my notes. I use an html export to a cloud server.
  23. I use an archive tag to exclude notes from my saved searches. If it was a big concern, you might want to open another account and move those NSFS notes there. NSFS = Not Safe For Sharing
  24. I've never been hacked..... otoh, stupidly deleting notes by mistake happens too often I pay for health / life / car / house insurance ... and back up my data
  25. Actually the HTML export is individual files for each note. You would end up with 40,000 files, with additional for attachments. Your EN database is converted to a more traditional computer folder setup. I'd recommend separate export/folders for each notebook Tags are embedded in the html, but I haven't figured out how to use them example: <meta name="keywords" content="!Hot Notes, !Journal"/
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