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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. There's options for the note sequence All my note titles are prefixed with the subject date; for example 2020/05/21 Receipt [Groceries] They "remain in calendar sequence" when viewed in title sequence
  2. Even for non-authors, Evernote is a useful tool for storing reference data plus all my notes/documents - I'm currently over 15k notes >>If you're using a Mac for example, you can merge notes together Merge is a Windows/Mac feature An issue with Macs is the merge sequence is not based on the selected sequence >>A major downfall of Evernote is it it's not a consistent across platforms True, although I don't think "downfall" is the correct word I've always considered in my Evernote use; Mac is primary, iPad is supplemental I'd like to see more features for the iPad >>Evernote is not a replacement for xxxxxx" Definetly not a replacement for Ulysses and Scrivener >> Manual Sorting There's a request posted a https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/119032-manual-sort/ To indicate your support, Use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>contacting Ian Small direct Ian's a busy guy Posting here is fine
  3. I also prefix the note title with subject date (yyyy/mm/dd format) Notes have a subject date field, but it's hard to access in Evernote I leave the note created date as .... the date the note was created
  4. Create date can also be updated on the Mac client afaik This feature is not available on any other platform
  5. The annotation is quite basic and I rarely use it; preferring the feature-set of dedicated apps >>They need to either 1) buy Notability ... I don't believe Evernote needs to do anything Notability is a great editor and I use it often It supports handwriting, and pdf annotation My Notability documents are stored in the Evernote service (indexed for text search)
  6. If Evernote had a $ for every post that specified "relatively easy" ... The existing infrastructure is not set up for this, and it would not be "relatively easy" My work-around is to use in-text keywords, for example tag_!Sample The keywords automatically get indexed for text search, and can be inserted in note contents, or note attachments I use scripting to pull the list of keywords from the existing tag table >>please make it possible to highlight sentences in more colors than just yellow The latest beta versions support a colour palette
  7. This is do-able - I format the date to yyyy/mm/dd Here's an example of code I use set {year:yyyy, month:mmm, day:d, weekday:dddd} to theJournalDate set dd to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to mmm as integer set mm to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) >>2. My pop-up window starts at 1 line only; even if there's more than one option to choose from. Is there a way to increase its height or make height dynamic? See screenshot attached. Sorry, I don't have an answer. My drop down list is larger, and allows scrollin >>3. If it doesn't find a match, should we display a dialog that indicates this? Sure Display Dialog "..." My idea is to ask if a new note should be created - the script can create a new note and generate a link tell application "Evernote" to create note title selectedText
  8. No, I'm not going to bother "convincing" you If you've found a better product/service, you should leave Some people see things as glass half full; others focus on the empty half For myself, I've looked at the features I need being delivered by Evernote I've not found a product/service that better delivers that combination of features As long as Evernote continues delivering those features - I'm staying
  9. Interesting idea You should post this as a feature request at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-general-feature-requests/
  10. >>manually select the string , set a link to it Notes - capture the Orignal Note so it can be modified - obtain the link (previously developed handlers) - retrieve the HTML Code for the Original Note modify the HTML Code (uses a Replace_Text handler I borrowed from another user) replace the HTML Code tell application "Evernote" to set theOriginalNote to item 1 of (get selection) <<capture the Orignal Note tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down} and selected text delay 1 set selectedText to the clipboard set searchQuery to "intitle:\"" & selectedText & "\"" set theLink to ObtainNoteLink(searchQuery) <<obtain the link if theLink is not "" then set theLinkHTML to "<a href=\"" & theLink & "\">" & selectedText & "</a>" tell application "Evernote" set theHTMLCode to HTML content of theOriginalNote <<HTML Code for the Original Note set theHTMLCode to my Replace_Text(theHTMLCode, selectedText, theLinkHTML)| set HTML content of theOriginalNote to theHTMLCode end tell end if on Replace_Text(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) set prevTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string set the item_list to every text item of this_text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string set this_text to the item_list as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTIDs return this_text end Replace_Text This is the final step There can be some code refinements; let me know if you need assistance
  11. >>>>get a drop down to choose from (Part 2) Notes - segregated the ObtainNoteLink code to a handler - added a bypass if no notes found matching the search query - added an index # to the drop down list because Evernote fails to identify the exact selection - added the search criterIa to the drop down header set selectedText to the clipboard set searchQuery to "intitle:\"" & selectedText & "\"" set theLink to ObtainNoteLink(searchQuery) on ObtainNoteLink(searchQuery) << segregated the ObtainNoteLink code to a handler set theLink to "" set noteData to CollectNoteData(searchQuery) if noteData is not {} then << added bypass if no notes found matching the search query set noteList to {} set i to 0 repeat with noteInfo in noteData set i to i + 1 set end of noteList to i & " " & item 1 of noteInfo as string <<added an index # to the drop down list end repeat set i to (words 1 thru 1 of item 1 of (choose from list noteList with prompt "Select Note from " & searchQuery)) as integer set theNote to item i of noteData set theLink to item 2 of theNote end if return theLink end ObtainNoteLink Next on the list is to update the original note with the link
  12. Right My purpose is to segregate the code from the primary flow
  13. >>get a drop down to choose from (Part 1) At this point, we have the raw noteData containing the title/date and link I'm converting this to a drop down list noteInfo and displaying it using choose from list set selectedText to the clipboard set searchQuery to "intitle:\"" & selectedText & "\"" set noteData to CollectnoteData(searchQuery) set noteList to {} set i to 0 repeat with noteInfo in noteData set i to i + 1 set end of noteList to i & " " & item 1 of noteInfo as string end repeat set theSelectedNotes to (choose from list noteList with prompt "Select Note")
  14. >>working on capturing the data from the search I'm using a handler (procedure) called CollectnoteData to process the notes and return a list called noteData I used display dialog statements to provide some feedback on the process set selectedText to the clipboard set searchQuery to "intitle:\"" & selectedText & "\"" display dialog searchQuery << Troubleshooting set noteData to CollectnoteData(searchQuery) on CollectnoteData(searchQuery) << Applescript Handler (procedure) set noteData to {} tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to find notes searchQuery repeat with theNote in theNotes set theTitle to title of theNote set theDate to creation date of theNote set theLink to note link of theNote display dialog theTitle & " " & theDate & theLink << Troubleshooting set end of noteData to {theTitle & " " & theDate, theLink} end repeat end tell return noteData end CollectnoteData
  15. I use keyboard shortcuts to run my scripts This can be set in the Automator > Service Feature Also third party products Fastscripts and Keyboard Maestro We can get back to this later
  16. This is the method I use to capture selected text to the clipboard There is a flaw; Command C functions in the active window The text is selected in the Evernote window If you're working in a Script Editor window - this has now become the active window I'm still working on capturing the data from the search; I'll get back shortly
  17. My experience is different on the web platform (New Version) If I'm in a notebook, the same notebook is used for new notes Be aware that a default notebook can be defined
  18. >>add a keyword phrase within brackets (or manually highlight the string) I'm working on using the selected text as the keyword phrase The only way I know to do this is through the clipboard We can capture the selected text using Command C This can be coded in the script, but we'll leave that for later; for now, just use Command C manually My focus is on using the selected text I modified the search query as follows set selectedText to the clipboard set searchQuery to "intitle:\"" & selectedText & "\"" tell application "Evernote" to find notes searchQuery Let me know when you're ready for the next step My intention is to start capturing the data from the search
  19. >>if we kept it to this array of possible results, in a way we could choose one to apply as a link, so we wouldn't have to target the exact title. Agreed, in fact we'll keep the title, date, link in an array (actually called a list) But first, let's look at Script Menu because it's such a cool feature Turn on the feature in Script Editor > Preferences This adds the Script Editor to the upper Mac Menu It gives us an easy way to launch scripts and a folder to store scripts - to launch a script, click on a menu entry - to edit a script, option-click on a menu entry In the screenshot, I moved the searchtitle.scpt file from the desktop and you can see it listed at the bottom of the screenshot
  20. Which platform/device are you using? On my iPad, I select tags from a list
  21. >>2. if multiple match, and I know that to be true scenario for me, it would be INCREDIBLE to get a drop down to choose from, that shows a list of possible matches with title/created date. This is do-able >> 3. No match? No link. I'd like to give the option to create a new note To get you started on scripting Download the script file searchtitle.scpt Just store it on your desktop; we'll work on the proper location later Right Click the file on your desktop and select Open This launches the Script Editor app installed on your Mac You'll see your script commands for editing and icons for Run and Compile Script Editor > File > Open Dictionary > Evernote will show all the Evernote scriptable information Let me know when you're ready to proceed I'm thinking we could work on - refining the "this title" search criteria - Script Menu and the proper location for the script file
  22. To search for a note with this title, the search argument is intitle:"this title" I wrote this script searchtitle.scpt set searchQuery to "intitle:\"this title\"" tell application "Evernote" to find notes searchQuery Code refinement is required for setting the value of variable searchQuery >>add a keyword phrase within brackets (or manually highlight the string) This is do-able but do you really want to type a note title? What if there's multiple notes matching this title? What if there's no match? >>set a link to it This is do-able It requires formatting the proper html code and inserting into the original note >>Any help or guidance on if and how this is possible with AppleScript (or other software) would be greatly appreciated! I'm willing to walk you through the coding elements for this. It sounds like an interesting script
  23. Ctrl ⌥ ⌘ C Works for me; Mac Mini with a Logitech K811 keyboard not clear where the fn key comes in Check the shortcut assignment in the Note menu
  24. I'm able to highlight text in Evernote notes (Mac and iPad) - a long time feature I'm looking forward to colour options You're posting in a discussion on editing pdf attachment files This requires a pdf editor app; OCR may also be required
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