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Rajesh Gaire

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Everything posted by Rajesh Gaire

  1. Yes. i do find that starting in the body is cumbersome @Dick M , if you started on the title and then to body then that would be easier, also if you did start at title then you can press enter to go to body straight away and it would be mush easier of a flow rather than starting at the body and having to move you mouse to the top to got o title.
  2. Oh i see your problem now, its wasn't really clear what you were on about before, So to clarify the problem is that you type code into Evernote form your sessions and there is no problem in that the format stays and everything is fine, But when you copy and paste that code from the Evernote mac into a terminal or word doc then they all appear on the same line. There may be a solution to this that is quite simple, When you copy and paste from your sessions into Evernote. right click and press paste and match style. this may help preserve the formatting. @DaveGey and try to use code blocks more often rather than just plain note as they are for code.
  3. Yes an image screenshot might help, l would like to see what you meant when you said the spaces were not actually spaces in the sublime text editor the support tickets link is here : Submit a request – Evernote Help & Learning also you never mentioned you were a beta tester, if it is happening in beta you could always come out of beta or contact the beta support staff is there is one, knowing Evernote there probably aren't any. also the support ticket is expected to take a long time so get comfy.
  4. Your in for a big surprise i don't think you have seen the new home yet have you? @mirekstrnad
  5. The home animation when you scroll up and the picture expands and collapses again does not work well. The animation starts then the picture does not collapse fully an the screen stills jiggles about even when I am not scrolling. It also make the note individually jiggle about on their own. Looks creepy rather than a nice animation.
  6. ah i see what you mean. I think that when they made this change they were more focused on reminders being a future thing and not making reminders on the same day. But yes i see how that is annoying @aukirk
  7. yes there is only a 300 character limit to it. yes it would be nice if it was more but then it would just be better to make a new note no? but the problem is it will not be as accessible as the scratch pad, i see your point. i hope they extend that limit @BigBug
  8. I recommend you update to the latest version @mirekstrnad , That normally sorts things out. here is a link : Download Evernote for free | Evernote
  9. Currently only capture screen is available on the v10.6.9 others i think are making their way in future updates. If the others are really then you can downgrade to the v6 of Evernote and wait until the future updates provide you with the functionality here is a link that explains how to revert to older Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning
  10. Wow, that is weird, i don't know how to solve this so I'll tag people who may @PinkElephant, @CalS, @gazumped, @DTLow best of luck!
  11. @Dave I S Does it say all changes saved in the note on the windows machine? also this seems like a issue rather than a feature request you should post in the possible bugs/techinal issues for mac
  12. i see what you mean but i frankly think that having time is better because then you can pinpoint focus, If you want to set it today then you will have to change the time to later but i can see ow this is annoying for you.
  13. Oh i never knew that was possible before, It may not be available yet. They are trying to ship old features back now, It will be here soon, if they decide to make it reavailable. Meanwhile you can press send feedback on the Evernote and put in the suggestions, they may not read it but its worth a try, more success rate then posting here hoping for staff to help you.
  14. It's no help many times i have done this, they don't contact you back its just like suggestion box that they don't read frequently
  15. Weren't they trying that since 2016 or 18, To make "Cassette" available, I swear i read it in the blogs somewhere.
  16. wow, this is a very persistent bug. Could you provide a image of it, could help, also if its really bad then you should now think about opening a support ticket with Evernote @DaveGey.
  17. What version are you on? you say V10 but which one? I am not sure about the colours because on the 10.6.9 you have the option to put colours on cells but not on borders and as far as i am aware thickness and style where never an option. Are you saying you want to change the colours of the broders?? as in the grey and thick borders?? these:
  18. Lol, I think we all feel this way at the moment @southernforge they are a mess right now. But just wait for a while and hopefully they put their act up. It is hard to ignore all these annoying issues that V10 has in all platforms. But be sure to remember this is only the start of a long journey for both us and Evernote and someday we may see a mighty elephant. The only issue that i have at the moment is that the devs are not listening as much as they should. Maybe because they already know and don't want to put petrol on flame or they are really are blind. However, they should keep their promise as this "Large Volume shipping capacity" that they boast about should fix things, but it all depends how quick they are and even for a large company as such they are still slow, But a massive improvement from the years of nothing.
  19. @Bernat to format table content press the small arrow above the box: To edit border by which i think you mean expand or lengthen or shorten hover above the line and move to you choice, hard to get pic for this as my mouse does not show up in screen shot. as for the dictionary there is currnetly no way to disable it unless you are willing to edit some json file for Evernote. You could try add to dictionary if you are on 10.6.9 if this does not help be sure to reply.
  20. Not sure but the problem is happening for lots of people and recurring on macs, it happened to me as well on windows but it turned out my keyboard was continuously pressing Home, maybe it could be that? some advice @DTLow, @gazumped?
  21. Hmm, i don't know your situation but why don't you try to ssh from you mac and copy and past into the mac Evernote, I understand the Mac terminal supports shh so no need for putty, Maybe if you make the note in the mac it will work? @DaveGey or are you saying you ssh into a windows computer?
  22. I feel its best if you download the latest version, here is the link: Download Evernote for free | Evernote That may solve it, @Andis , @GrG, @conant, @ray009, @Viv_er , @lucky li , @gilchris , @aulerius
  23. Infact I will tag you to people who i think will be able to help you. @DTLow, @gazumped, @PinkElephant, @CalS
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