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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. This could qualify as a bug - View As Attachment is supposed to be a 'sticky' setting - that note should continue showing attachments only until you change the setting. When you open the note again do you find the setting has reverted to show the file contents, and you have to re-select that option, or is it still selected even though the contents are displayed? I'd suggest you raise a support ticket for this, though you won't hear much for a while if you're a free user.
  2. Hi. That trick works for me anyway - the idea is to get the file path and add file:/// to the beginning; so for a file called Capture.JPG on my desktop where the path is "c:/users/<myname>/Desktop/Capture.jpg" I create a string "file:///c:/users/<myname>/Desktop/Capture.jpg" then click in the note to select the body and Ctrl-K to insert a link. Paste the string and you're done. Of course you could always just right click the file, create a shortcut and drag/ drop the shortcut into your note...
  3. This seems to be one area where Evernote has achieved true parity across all platforms - the only options appear to be: resize the window higher on your screen insert blank lines to pad the text up use a different app to create your draft then copy/ paste into the note.
  4. The Windows guys and the Mac guys are actually separate teams, and we got some stuff way before they did... but that's a whole other argument discussion!
  5. Hi. Evernote have made some recent changes to the Mac editor which should be finding their way onto the Windows version too. Although the intent was to 'improve' the editor to deal better with tables, bullets and lists, it's always been my understanding that the editor was never meant to compete with a full word processor with fonts, and line spacing and all the other good layout tools. At the October conference recently though, comments were reported that makes it seem that Evernote might be about to compete with Office as a working environment. We'll have to wait and see what comes of that. At the moment though the only options for better line spacing are the ones you already know.
  6. Not butting in - this topic was a little dead in the water anyway. But confirming that behaviour on two devices doesn't sound good. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app on one device? (Make sure you sync successfully first). If you do, and this is still a problem I suggest you submit a support request and get a ticket number at least. 6.0.2 should be out soon, perhaps it will sort things out...
  7. There are previous discussions on this, but desktops and laptops already have security built in and so far Evernote haven't seen the need to reinvent the wheel and add another layer for that specific app. If locking the device doesn't protect the contents, another password won't help. Can't help you with colour schemes.
  8. Again with the anonymous Evernote client and/ or OS... Syncing is something that Evernote has to do to transfer the content of notes from one local device to another. For the most part it works reasonably well. If you use a a desktop PC, which has plenty of permanent storage, any changes will be saved locally whether or not you sync. Whenever the device is switched on, it will sync when it can, though a bad internet connection obviously isn't going to help. If you use a mobile device, which has limited storage, new notes will be saved in temp storage until the device connects - that's best set to "wifi only" syncing, because it's usually more reliable than a mobile signal. If your mobile device doesn't get the chance to sync, and you're using another device to look at notes, things can get complicated very quickly because two devices may then be trying to save different copies of the same note. "Losing notes" hasn't been mentioned in this thread so far, but it can happen if something goes wrong with the device or the internet connection. It's difficult for any software to build in guarantees against that.
  9. Evangelists are but a myth...https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/65693-moderation-and-member-leveling-changes-to-the-forum/
  10. Have a look at LiveMinutes - it's in the App Center (below) and fills in some of the gaps...
  11. When you exit from the note - do you always press the 'Done' key at the top of the screen?
  12. https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/68143-repeating-reminders-in-evernote-in-all-clients/
  13. Hi - it's a phrase I use too often, but "if it were that easy, Evernote would probably have done it by now". This is much-discussed and requested over the years - encrypting data across however many platforms Evernote now uses could mean that on some it's not possible to read data or even use Evernote. So far Evernote have seemed happy to leave it to users to find 3rd-party solutions, of which there are plenty..
  14. Yeah note-linking isn't exactly a rock-solid connection especially if notes are moved from one notebook to another. It's been suggested by various people that if you do link notes together you should also include an easily-searchable reference - a random character code - so the note can be found independently if the link is broken.
  15. Did I also see a 2GB limit in the details? Is that monthly / annually / ever??
  16. Actually I don't think spellcheck in any language has been raised repeatedly, while there have been some quite rabid exchanges on other issues. Your post here will have put it back on the devs' radar, so there might be some movement.. eventually...
  17. Hi Evernote don't usually respond to individual posts - we're a user forum. They also don't do spell checking in any language including English, so I wouldn't think it's high on their list. If they did add something it would have to be available in most languages on all platforms, so yes - it would be a bit difficult and very expensive to get that together. And Evernote don't advertise their plans anyway. Sorry
  18. Don't think el jefe misread your post, he was just pointing out something which you might have missed, and which works now, rather than possibly at some unspecified date in the future.
  19. If you're using Windows, look into Belvedere and Import Folders - you can do a lot with those...
  20. Sorry, won't joke again here. Don't stop on my account - I was just giving that one the appreciation it deserved
  21. ..And as to sitting in on meetings, there's an EverCon coming up next month - anyone planning to go? That would be a chance to ask some pertinent questions...
  22. Best I can offer is that clipping works for me - can you visit these notes in a desktop application and use the URL to reload and reclip the page? And maybe consider removing and reinstalling the app after making sure everything is synced.
  23. Not a wine/ linux user, but much respect for the detailed guide... thanks!
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