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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. @Rootman - Another 'work around' which I don't see Evernote being able to stop:  you could always have a new basic account on your third computer and share notebooks from it to your current account,  and vice-versa.  All your devices would have access to all notebooks.  But it's pointless worrying about what else Evernote will restrict - just deal with the current situation.  Cross new bridges if and when they appear - you're never going to have any blanket guarantee that Evernote won't curtail features again...

  2. 3 minutes ago, MileLow said:

    now better prospects for Microsoft's other paid offerings

    Seems to me that most of those are 1) things that Evernote has no interest in doing and 2) more expensive than an EN subscription.  If folks prefer not to pay for their 'important' services, and are willing to go to some lengths to keep their non-paying status,  I really don't think Evernote will suffer in the long term from their going...

  3. If you follow the other link in @DTLow's post,  you get to where he explains that when you log onto Evernote with a new device,  you now get an automatic choice if it's the 3rd one registered to your account - which of the other two would you like to remove to use this one?  Evernote have already pointed this out as an option - it's not a hack,  it's the way Evernote now works.

    If you're referring to the web page access issue,  then again Evernote have said officially that the web service is not part of the 2-item limit.  They could still change in the future,  but for the moment it's a viable option.

  4. Mohiomap doesn't actually produce a mind-map layout.  It's a different and highly visual way to present your notes,  but a mind map it ain't. 

    Note links from Evernote can be added to mind-map nodes so you can jump from one to the other,  and mind-map layouts an be saved as JPGs (and in other formats depending on your source software) into a note;  you can even save a mind-map in its source format into a note,  and edit it from the note (assuming you have the software installed on your device) - just double-click the file name to open it.

    My MM of choice at the moment is FreePlane.

    Previous discussions on this include:





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  5. On 01/07/2016 at 8:05 PM, drambhia said:

    I also agree and think it would be wonderful to have the ability to be able to refer the same note in multiple notebooks. Tags are a great way to search for notes but when it comes to keeping track of information per notebook/project being able to refer the same information over different notebooks and contexts will definitely have more pros then cons.

    One of the basic requirements in database design is 'only enter things once' - because if the details in a copied page change,  there are now two places to update it.  The way to have a copy of the same note in two notebooks is to have a link to a single note instead.  MediaWiki has a feature called 'transclusion' - putting some or all of the content of one document into the text of another.  It's a great feature.  Evernote doesn't do it.

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  6. On 04/07/2016 at 1:45 PM, Dani CS said:

    Basic user, considering becoming a paying customer. The only way I will become a paying customer is if the Evernote team acknowledges this issue and provides a fix.

    When I share a notebook, I want the receiver to be able to do any action that I can do myself as a owner (with the single exception of revoking my access to the notebook).

    Hi.  You may want to find a different sharing option then - Evernote protects account owners' interests by not allowing third parties to mess with their data unless the owner has invited them to do so by editing/ adding content - strictly using the account owner's existing notebooks and tags.  That's the way it works.  It's not a bug,  it's a designed-in protection.

  7. Hi.  You're right that there's no way to compare note contents in Evernote,  though conflicts shouldn't arise that often if you're the only contributor.  Can you avoid them by being more careful about syncing both before and after you edit your note?  If you check out the product feedback forum for your main (phone?) OS you might like to raise this again to see how many others would agree with you...

  8. 3 minutes ago, Ferial said:

    I'm tired of syncing issues and my notes getting locked down for no reason. I'm out, I'll find another note alternative program.  I can't even contact support or get answers.  When I write to my notes on my mobile phone, suddenly it gets locked and it won't let me add contents,  can't remove the lock either.  Not only I get double contents when syncing, but the lock on note is preventing me to edit my content and can't remove the damn lock on the mobile version of the note.  Evernote has become useless.

    So why can't you contact Support?  How does your note get locked - what messages do you see,  where and when do you see these double contents,  and what tells you there's a lock on your account?  Short of support this (user supported) forum is usually a good place to get assistance,  but you need to give us some information so we can help you. 

    If you didn't want the help,  then sorry for the situation and goodbye.

    • Like 1
  9. I'd just like to wish this thread a happy 7th Birthday - it's been going almost as long as Evernote.  Maybe once the company has its finances sorted out after the latest subscription  increases readjustments,  it will revisit whether developing a client for this OS would be cost effective...

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Lazza said:

    Well, for now you are still in the EU :P so you must receive 2 years of warranty. It's EU law.

    It's amazing what you can learn from this forum!  ;)

    ...and yes,  while I'm currently in Wales, UK and technically still in the EU zone,  there's more confusion here about who's in charge / what's our policy / who pays the bills - than in most other countries anywhere.  Still the boys are doing well at football... and if Scotland leaves the UK and joins with both bits of Ireland to become the Celtic Union,  Wales might go along with that...  :unsure:

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  11. It's been said in other threads,  but it may be worth repeating here - the two device limit 1) doesn't include Evernote web,  so you could happily use phone / tablet and laptop (via a browser);  and 2) the two devices aren't fixed in stone - deleting access to one device and adding a different one takes a few keystrokes.  I tend to use the device I'm working on pretty exclusively until the end of a 'session'.  Changing devices to work at home,  or on a work machine doesn't sound like it would be much of a chore...

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  12. A little while back my monitor decided to expire.  Not knowing when exactly I bought it,  I looked up the receipt in Evernote.  Typically,  I found the receipt for 13 months ago... but reading the documentation - for the first time (who reads this stuff on purchase?) I found it was a 24 month warranty!  Very happy with the monitor company,  my new replacement screen.  and Evernote...

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