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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn.  There's actually no way to 'comment' a text note - other than by adding new lines at the top or the bottom.  It's possible to save some comments in a Word or PDF document and add a commentary using the features built in to the individual apps or to Evernote (for PDFs and pictures only).  Or I can imagine that you could create a 'master' note with headings like 'my plan to take over the world...' and some further commentary plus a link to the actual note containing the Master Plan.  Don't see why Evernote would spend time trying to annotate a standard note though - how many extra paying users would they attract from this feature?

  2. Hi.  To avoid problems (with no disrespect to resellers in general) I'd suggest you renew your existing account via the account settings in Evernote. 

    Try this link to extend an existing subscription - https://www.evernote.com/Checkout.action

    Depending on your payment method,  you may be able to set your subscription to auto renew monthly or yearly from the 'Account Summary' page. There's more about purchasing, managing, or canceling your Evernote subscription here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314118

    Hope that helps..

  3. Evernote haven't said anything one way or another (and normally don't).  Maybe its a matter of conflicting priorities - expanding on @David_Low's point,  the former head of tech support at Evernote has said - about something else - 


    ...in May of 2014, there were thousands of unique feature requests from customers for improvements and enhancements to Evernote.
    Better versioning, real-time multi-user editing, enhanced formatting options , better print formatting and options, etc.
    None of them are "technically" easy to implement across multiple platforms...


  4. I don't believe there are any 'benefits' to having a locked Evernote when the rest of the device is open to other users.  Any locked app still exists as files on the hard drive,  and if a user has access to other apps and to the internet,  then the means would exist to access the data.  Provided you keep your Evernote user name and password secret and File > Exit the app between uses,  no-one else can easily access the content.  You could take it one step further and use something like Saferoom to encrypt your data.  I prefer to use a personal login to access Windows,  and leave my family members to have their own access to their own profiles,  which they can develop as they wish.  That at least means I don't have to log back into Evernote whenever I want to clip a web page.  Still - it's up to Evernote to research whether this option would be generally attractive to customers and (maybe) include it in a future version.

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  5. Hi.  The 27MB will be the app and an index of all your notes,  which is all that is stored on any mobile device.  Unless you have specified one or more notebooks as 'offline searchable',  any notes on the device are stored in temporary memory,  and will be deleted when any other app needs that space.  27MB is big,  but not huge - I have dozens of apps that are significantly larger.  The main concern here is that with increasing storage space being available on memory cards,  it should be possible to keep an entire account database on the mobile device,  even if - as mine - the database runs into 20GB or so.  I have a 64GB SD card,  so that should be no problem - but so far the notes database has to be part of the app,  and the app is forced to occupy device storage,  not an external card.  I think this is an Android problem,  not an Evernote issue.

  6. Don't think there's a 'trick' to getting around this - you may be able to find a way to delete blank entries in a bulleted list using Word's Replace function,  or it may have to be done manually.  Either way once you have done it you could attach the word file with the cleaned-up list to the same note,  and make any further changes to that file.

  7. Nope - there's no 'All Notes' option.  Best you can get is a specified notebook.  Unless you have a very small database - or a very large device memory - I'm not sure what benefit an 'all notes' display would be.  Without a network connection some or all of the notes would be unavailable.  Because (like most) my device has limited internal storage,  I have one notebook where I move all the notes I currently need to be able to see on the phone.  The contents rotate depending on my needs.  That notebook is offline searchable,  and that's the one I keep in my List widget.  Currently the mobile notebook has 42 notes in it,  as compared with the 19.5K in my main database.

  8. As to 'why' - Evernote doesn't really seem to envisage notebooks as anything more than a special type of 'tag' - a container to hold a batch of notes so you can do more specialised searches.  The idea that different batches of notes might need different sorting methods for a static display presumably didn't occur to them. 


    I'll agree that I have one specific notebook where the 'created date' of my notes has been changed to the upcoming event date (in 2016) of a series of events,  and the intent is to share this notebook with a ToC created with the notes sorted by ascending created date as a diary for the year.  However my All Notes list is sorted the opposite way so I get the most recent notes at the top of my list.  I was thinking about setting up a Phrase Express hot key to change to the notebook view and resort the notes - and maybe also generate a ToC note - all with one keypress combination.


    I don't think Phrase Express is Mac-friendly,  but Lifehacker has a few Mac suggestions - http://lifehacker.com/5843903/the-best-text-expansion-app-for-mac


    Other than that any searches I need to do by notebook are "notebook:<mynotesbook> intitle:<keyword/ date>" so IMO there's not a pressing need for a separate preference for each notebook - others may disagree...

  9. Hi.  That's not an Evernote preference.  Have a look at OfficeSuite7 in Android > Application Manager and scroll down to the defaults.  I think you should find OS7 is the default 'handler' for files of certain types.  Clear those settings,  and next time you open a file you should have a choice to use OS7 or AndrOPen 'just once' or all the time.  Choose 'all the time' and that should solve the problem.

  10. Just beginning to use Everynote and really like it, but I'm usually taking notes on an ipad mini and then compiling into a Word Document for editing later.

    it sure would be nice if there was an "Export to Word Doc" button!!  :rolleyes:


    For now, I guess it's just CTRL+C and CTRL +V


    The 'export to html' trick is a generic option for most wordprocessors - not everyone uses Word,  and there are at least three flavours of word doc;  lots of coding required...

  11. Have a look at SafeRoom - http://www.getsaferoom.com/

    "mobile and desktop apps embedded into existing platforms providing users with zero-knowledge encryption using standard AES-512 algorithm and standard iOS/ Android/ MacOS/ Windows built-in libraries."

    Feedback from users - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/81336-saferoom-zero-knowledge-encryption-for-evernote-and-more/


    I use LastPass for logins and Evernote for data.  EN would be clunky and cumbersome for passwords.

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