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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. 37 minutes ago, SWSL said:

    I don't know why you need to belittle this issue. 

    Hi to you too.  You're quoting me out of context and over a year ago,  and my point was that although there are a number of comments here,  we don't know how important the issue is to all users.  Whether you bring in other users on other portals or not,  the only people who can judge are now based in Milan and they set the priorities and the timetable.

    Evernote don't ignore users - and they've been quite busy recently - see https://evernote.com/blog/20-improvements-jan-march-2024 for more. 

    Allowing a choice of thumbnail is quite a difficult trick - what happens if someone chooses a huge image?  How and when do you shrink it down,  and do users then need a way to choose which portion of the image is shown?  (Removing the image is called Side List View)

    The situation is what it is,  and Evernote may change it at some future point.  Until then all we have are kludgy work-arounds or the list views.  No amount of impassioned posting here is going to change that...

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, digirati said:

    Evernote keeps piling on the new features that very few people want

    They've also managed to speed up... everything,  update the backend processing and introduce some long-requested features like collapsible sections;  plus I don't think they have "how can we annoy our users" meetings to come up with new ideas.  There's a lot of support for most of them.  Not everyone wants the same things,  of course - hence the frequent posts here about hiding options that users don't need.  But I'm pretty sure that Evernote wouldn't spend time,  effort and cash on adding things like Tasks and Calendar if here weren't some demand from some customers.

    As to notes that don't contain the search string - I find that images can generate false positives because text (or even random lines) has been OCR'd to 'maybe' contain the search terms,  and as @Mike P said earlier,  clips (or any HTML content) can contain hidden  text codes that search may trigger on.

    If I have any difficulty with a search - lots of false positives forinstance - I'll add a tag to the correct hits containing the term I searched for,  so next time I'm guaranteed to get a quick and complete result.

  3. 4 hours ago, AlbertR said:

    How should AHK or any other tool recognize whether and when EN has imported the files?

    Doesn't have to - in my workflow I'll move and edit scans into a "scanned files" folder,  then when I finish scanning and editing I'll move 40 (for example) PDF files into the Import folder.  When Evernote says "Imported 40 notes" I hit the Eject combination and those files are then AHK'd to an external drive archive folder out of the way.

    This is another of those old hold-outs from bygone days that New Evernote may have on its hit list.  It'll get fixed when it gets fixed - they're apparently prioritising the backend bits first.  And there are other bugs to resolve...


  4. A great light begins to dawn - 

    1. With any volume of new content,  updating the search index isn't instant and is done from the server (I think) and 
    2. Older version notes need to be translated into the latest format - that feature was described as 'on demand' - i.e. when you look at a note it gets updated;  so importing pre-v10 ENEX files will automatically (I would think) cause a search issue.  That,  I would say,  is worth pointing out to Evernote.  Maybe use feedback though,  to avoid a lot of boiler plate nonsense replies?  

    I could (very easily) be wrong,  or at the least,  out of date,  and maybe with this sort of situation it automatically -with time- gets resolved in the background;  but it is worth pointing out!

  5. Getting a little hypothetical here - an 8-year old export file from one software fails in v10,  but is readable in a 4? year old discontinued version - which re-exports to the same file format which is then readable in v10.  Seems to me something changed in ENEX formatting in the intervening period and the format was brought more up to date by the re-export. 

    The issue wasn't raised to the new Evernote team so no-one there had a chance to investigate or comment.  Hardly a stinging comment on the ephemerality of file types.

    Plus - even in v6,25 backups from v4 and earlier were no longer readable directly.  From memory earlier versions had to 'upgrade' to v4 and one of the original team had a conversion utility to bring the content up to date.

  6. 3 hours ago, aabb523 said:

    I am also having the exact same problem. Even the link to the "Contact Us" page fails with the same error screen. Are there any solutions to this? Does anyone know how to contact Evernote directly for support? I am a bit panicking that I have absolutely no way right now to access any of my notes.

    If you follow the link I posted before,  the instructions to fix this are there.  There's also a 'submit a request' link at the foot of the page to get more support if you need it.

  7. 4 hours ago, Steve M in San Diego said:

    We are having similar problems on Evernote 10 desktop on Windows 10.  Note list comes up blank even when we can browse to many notes matching the search words, sometimes even in the title!  We panicked for a while thinking our notes were gone, but they were all there, just not findable via search.

    Hi. All I can suggest is that you check out these links for tips on searching...




  8. Hi.  I'd suggest trying a 'clean' reinstall on your device.

    Sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app.  Power off and back on,  then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data.  The new install is initially a little slow - things get better after a few days.

    You should find that will reconnect you to the correct subscriber level.

    As to the promocode,  we're mainly other user here with zero control over subscriptions - I'd suggest you wait for Support to catch up to resolve that.

  9. 2 hours ago, merman said:

    Really? That would be almost Obsidian or Roma style! Does it work both mobile and in the web app (MacOS)?

    The latest version (10.94.2) now includes '@' plus voice-to-text (haven't tried that yet) and should apply to MacOS and Windows.  Not sure about mobile,  which often lags behind...

  10. Hi.  Sorry you're having issues here.  I'm afraid only Evernote can help you with password queries - if you check out this link and make sure you've done everything Evernote's 'AI responses' have asked you to do,  just tell them that you still have a problem.  If you have a ticket number for your query,  please quote it back here and we can ask someone from Evernote's Forum Admin to chase it for you.  


  11. Hi.  We're not Support - mainly other users here - and since you didn't mention what issue you're actually facing we can't offer any suggestions. 

    Best course of action would be to 

    1. Start rewriting your note in case nothing else works
    2. Post your device,  OS and Evernote version numbers and your Support ticket reference here so we can offer some suggestions if we can
    3. If you haven't already done so,  explain your urgency to Support

    - You should be able to find your original query here to copy the reference... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - if it's not there,  you may not have made a valid report yet.

    On a general point - fixing bugs takes time;  95% of which is finding out what's causing them,  and 5% writing the fix.  Initial investigations can take from minutes to months,  depending on what's going on.  No-one can tell you when they'll be finished until they are.

  12. Hmmn.  Does the "assigned" tab not do the job?   You could maybe get a similar result if you create tasks assigned to others in one or more notes with a suitable tag,  otherwise - pretty logically - the main ways to sort assigned notes are by due date and priority.  Anything you don't see = feature request.  More might still be in the pipeline;  Evernote haven't finished developing this area yet.

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