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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Few user seem to be experiencing this, and even fewer (I'd guess) are probably telling Evernote that it's an issue. If they don't know there's anything to fix...
  2. No disagreement here; however, we are where we are... I'd suggest a 'clean' reinstall - sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data files and indexes. It's usable but initially a little slow - things get better after a few days. Regardless of how your last experience went - if Evernote don't know about it, they can't fix it - so please do contact Support and wait for a response... @dannydu - see above!
  3. Not that I found after a quick play. I agree it's "odd" that given you can paste the original line into a code block without it being split up,. any partial paste there should simply replace the existing text, not get split up. The only alternative process I can see is - copy and paste the whole line outside of the code block copy and paste the correction copy and paste the whole line back into the code block to replace the original -which is probably more effort than removing the breaks. ...Or you could use another editor and attach the file to Evernote I'd suggest you report the situation to Support (yes, I know...) so it can be fixed at some stage.
  4. Hi. Device? OS and Evernote version numbers? - and There were no 'previous versions' 10 years ago. The code you're using was only written in the past couple of years. A clean reinstall might help your lag issues...
  5. More information here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141-Tasks-Overview
  6. Hi. Try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Free. and power the device off and back on again before a reinstall?
  7. Sorry, but I'm not aware of how things used to happen, only what is possible now.
  8. Evernote is not suffering from all the same bugs it had 4 years ago, and it has a heck of a lot more functionality. What version number of Evernote are you currently using, and what exactly are these bugs that make the application unusable?
  9. I'm not aware of issues with sharing - have you tried creating a new note/notebook to share? What version number of Evernote are you using?
  10. Hi. No clue - we're mainly other users here, so this is (yet another) Support issue - they're very busy, so please be patient for a reply.
  11. Have you tried sending from a different location? Sometimes local mail clients get blocked if they're used by a spammer. Otherwise you need Support - mostly users here, so contact them via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  12. Keeping things organised is always an issue no matter who you are. I've used most things on the market for the past 20 years - fell into Evernote about 18 of hose ago - been here ever since. Evernote is flexible enough to allow you to do (almost) anything you want - just keep it simple, so you can be consistent!
  13. Hi. You should be able to move notes individually. Open them as a separate window and click the note link drop-down. You can go to that note or move the task to a different note. See Tasks Overview for more...
  14. Can you 'share' the PDF with Evernote? Either directly, or by using share by email and your Evernote account email address. Find your Evernote email address
  15. The servers were switched off on 23 March, so everyone has had to make the decision whether to continue with 3+ year old discontinued software or to move elsewhere.
  16. Hi. The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Both subscribers and non-subscribers can contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app. More here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/21400396397587
  17. Hi. Device and OS / Evernote version numbers please - plus what browser are you using and exactly what address do you request when you get the 403 response?
  18. Hi. Have you tried playing with Filters? You can create a Filtered Note widget on the Home page, which can show uncompleted tasks; and in my (Windows) case it's showing me some from the past that I haven't done yet, plus those through to the near future...
  19. As I said somewhere up the page... "how busy is your support team" is probably not the first question you ask when buying into a new company - and the former staff saying "but you need us" is what you might expect from the departing members... and his was (I think) the first time the 'Spoons team took over a company with so many active users. I don't know. I'm not in any way excusing - the whole process was deeply flawed and the current situation is unacceptable. But we are where we are. ...And back to my question: suppose (for whatever reason) you have FAR too many support requests to deal with in a reasonable time with the staff you now have. Getting new staff and training them takes weeks or months. How can you appease your unhappy customers? I'd suggest one option is that you don't try. You have everyone available working on support requests and training some new staff, but there's no magic wand here. Take on too many people and you can't train them / can't support the future cost. You rely on the fact that people with issues may leave - users not needing Support will probably not. Support queries are usually percentage points of user volumes - you do the math. Support will gradually re-emerge from the smoking ruins of the current situation and be very very good... for a while... and then we'll have another meltdown. Been there - have a couple of t-shirts on the subject...
  20. Hi. You're posting in a Teams (business) forum - just to be clear, what device and OS / Evernote version numbers are you using? And how are you trying to contact Support? What URL / address? If you're using the Help pages, have you tried the guest option? - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  21. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but never practical help... I was arguing for less repeated complaining here; we're users - all I get is bored reading the same comments. There seems to be a Greek Chorus out there prepared to join in and agree that it's terrible service / shouldn't be allowed / totally wrong, but a User Forum is meant to help solve problems if it can, not just agree the situation is hopeless and give up. Not to mention that with some of the abuse that gets thrown around, new posters are probably wary of saying anything... I don't think that's what the Forum is for either - despite the current lack of apparent service, my suggestion is to send all that stuff to Support so they can deal with it eventually. No Support team can operate in a vacuum - unless someone tells them there's a problem with (forinstance) "unnamed attachments", they're not going to find any issue. And without access to information about operating systems and versions, they're not going to be able to work out where and why the code is failing.
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