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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Uninstall / power cycle / reinstall - and log in carefully.
  2. Hmmn. The reminders tab does still exits on 10.87 Android tablet however...
  3. Please don't hijack other threads with duplicate posts - I deleted your other comment on this. If you'd like some help with your issues, please start your own thread with full details of you device and OS / Evernote version numbers, plus details of what you're trying to accomplish and what's going wrong. We're mainly other users here, but may be able to help. If you simply wanted to feedback to Evernote, maybe talk to them direct via feedback@Evernote.com
  4. It's possible to exclude tags from a search by prepending a "-" so if you want to find all notes with tag:A, but not tag:b or tag:C you would search tag:A -tag:B -tag:C. You would need three searches to find all notes with just one of those three tags. If you want to save the group, add a new temporary tag "tempABC" or something similar each time.
  5. Have you tried the 3-dots menu in a note and "copy internal link"?
  6. Alt+Ctrl+X - copy app link - gives you a link direct to the note in the app.
  7. So. You're a Teams (business) subscriber with an M365 calendar issue?
  8. Hi. The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. See: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/categories/200001917-Billing-Subscriptions-and-Payments
  9. Hi. And ?? - Seems to be working for me. Maybe throw us a little more information like device / OS & Evernote version numbers, browser and what exactly are we talking about here?
  10. It depends what you're typing as a date. The rules are: hit "/" and the drop down appears. Type "05/05/24" and the drop down disappears when you hit the '2'
  11. Hmmn. Don't think it's possible to multi-select tasks or to delete them as a group. It is possible to hide completed tasks, but again no multi-select that I'm aware of. Feedback to Evernote or Support as a feature request.
  12. Hi. Not sure that Scansnap is supported any more - have you tried the other similar apps on the market from Microsoft or Adobe?
  13. Hi. I'd agree. Teams accounts are aimed as businesses supporting their own employees rather than a commercial operation with external customers. You would be served as well with a Professional account, sharing notebooks with your customers, who could accept them into their own Evernote account. If you have only recently subscribed, you may be able to ask Evernote to convert your account from Teams to Professional. If you are some way through your subscription I'd recommend that you make the change when your current payment is exhausted. Either way I'd suggest you raise this with Support now - we're mainly other users here.
  14. Hi. Are you a bot? You just basically repeated the content of a 6-month old post.
  15. As I recall, I got into it because it was a big department with lots of vacancies that paid pretty well. I didn't realise why there were quite so many vacancies until later...
  16. @Boot17 I think you're missing a point here. Customer Support wasn't downsized - Bending Spoons had more active user thans Evernote (I think) and a big Head Office staff (including their own support teams) based in Italy. It made sound business sense to close down Evernote's US operations and merge everything into their main teams... until they worked out how much expertise they had lost, and then launched several big changes to the app which caused a huge reaction. Ending the free plan spree was also sound business - the freemium model attracted a number of users who were simply a continuing drain on resources. Converting to a limited trial doesn't reduce the number of support calls from new users. 'Spoons are almost certainly spending a lot of money now trying to improve staffing and systems to work their way out from under the backlog - but it's not a problem you can just throw money at. Staff take time to recruit and train, and given the complexity of the software and the wide variety of uses we put it through, they need to be pretty experienced to give 'proper' help. Meantime all the frustrated users are submitting ticket after ticket demanding answers to their specific issues and generally gumming up support admin with an additional inadvertent DOS attack. IMHO the easiest, safest and most positive way to use Evernote at the moment is: Have a backup - you'll never lose access to your notes Use work-arounds when you find the app doesn't quite do what you want Feed back your experiences to Evernote - keep the company informed about what works and what doesn't If you hit a road block, contact support. ONCE. With as much details as you can. Expect a wait. When they reply, read the email carefully and respond politely and appropriately. Post your issues in the Forums in case someone else has a solution Read the Forums and post suggestions and work-arounds where you can
  17. Hi. You have a highly specific request which I don't recall seeing before. Evernote haven't mentioned any features in development which might satisfy your need, and offhand I can't think of an easy way to generate an alternative. The closest suggestion would be to insert a link to a footnote using the table of contents feature, or link to an external note containing the extra comments. You could certainly feed this suggestion back to Evernote, or contact Support to request its addition, but don't expect changes to happen overnight...
  18. Hi. I have no idea what you are objecting to. Want to try a more coherent explanation?
  19. Hi. Try downloading the latest version from Evernote.com ?
  20. Hi. Which notifications are we talking about here? Evernote's 'upgrade' messages don't seem to me to appear all that often for subscribers, but if/when they do, they're usually because I clicked on something outside my allowance. There's no "don't show this again" option that I know of.
  21. This is a Teams account - the central 'business' account isn't owned by any individual, so I don't think anyone has access to it, though users would all have their own personal free accounts available... But definitely - there's no deletion involved, just access. EDIT - I moved the account thread to the Teams forum
  22. Hi. You have already raised this payment issue in a separate thread - please don't post twice. I don't know how recent your contacts with Douglas Marshall have been, but I was under the impression that all the US-based staff had been let go, and that the whole operation had moved to Italy, where Bending Spoons are based. Cancelled or not your account should remain saved on Evernote's servers, although until this issue is resolved you won't have access to the content. I did suggest on the other thread that you raise this with your bank to verify that the payment has actually been transferred to Evernote, and that you contact the Support team to explain the situation again - what was the outcome of that? Bear in mind that we're all other users here, with no information on Evernote's payment systems.
  23. Hi. If you have any doubts about Evernote's security, please see this page - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518-How-does-Evernote-use-my-personal-information-and-data And for your reassurance, everyone is automatically opted out of AI unless you specifically choose to use to use one of the AI options.
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