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Marine F

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  1. Of course we can move it but we can't move it by a drag and drop, that's lame because we used to be able to do that Now you have to open the task. Before we were able to drag it under or below an other tasks in the same note without having to edit it manually every time, it's such a waste of time. I already wrote to the feedback mail a week ago and I have 0 answers.
  2. Yes I loved this feature too as I'm using Evernote for my tasks management I hate when they remove functions!
  3. Thanks, yes I was using this a lot within the task view, it's slower to go into the note to drag and drop tasks, I was doing it all the time during the day to reorganize my tasks.
  4. Thanks! I haven't thought of that! I can't change the size of the column but I'll add some notes on the tasks so I can see the due date properly, thanks for the idea!
  5. Before the update on the tasks, we used to be able to see the due date at first sight, now we have to click on the task to see it. Also, we can drag and drop a task in the same note anymore (to put it above or below an other task), it was useful to be able to do that. Please bring back this function again.
  6. Hi, thank you but this is not the problem I’m refering to, we used to be able to drag them directly without having to open them and we are also able to move them above or below an other tasks in the same note. Since the last update I can’t to it anymore.
  7. Hi, I don't know if it's a personal issue on my Evernote but since the last update, I can't drag and drop tasks anymore. I organize them by notes so I can move them to a "tomorrow" note, "next week" note etc (because there is no other way to organize them properly rn) and I used to just drag them to move them during the day so I can see the priorities but now I can't anymore, I can just move them to another note by clicking on them and manually change the note. It's so lame to take back a useful function with no new improvements and I have no answer from the Evernote team... Thanks for the help!
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