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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Support has been considerably slower than 11 days in recent history. You will get a response, but it will be slower than you may have expected.. We're mainly personal and professional users here, so no clear idea how you should be able to switch between accounts - but there's a lot of help here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/categories/115001650607-Evernote-Teams - which may be useful. Since 'switching between' accounts is the equivalent of logging in, a work-around for the present might just be to log out of one account and into another, or - if your browser (and Evernote) supports it - try logging into both accounts on separate tabs. Unless you have several colleagues I'd suggest the Teams account is overkill for an individual - there's a lot of extra admin to allow user access to the central business account which is normally assigned to a chosen individual. That individual needs to have clear lines of communication with Evernote in case of issues arising. If you have a ticket number for your existing support request and can post it here, I can ask a Forum Admin to flag it for the support team, otherwise workarounds appear to be your only option for the moment...
  2. Dunno about Evernote but I got confused by your intensive round of "change the task details". I just tried setting up some test tasks in the new version and mine worked perfectly. (Windows, though..) Maybe the update or your database got corrupted, but I'd suggest a system restart and if that doesn't fix things try deleting your current database and starting over...
  3. Hi. I deleted your other post because you're trying to re-open a 2-year old thread on a similar topic. I considered deleting this one too since it contains no information and seems more like spam for the competition. Other apps - and other user intentions regarding them - are discussed at great length elsewhere in the forums. If you actually have a tech query, maybe post your own thread with full details about your device(s) and situation?
  4. Hmmn. If you have an alternate email address I'd suggest sharing a note with yourself so you can see exactly what your colleagues see, and double check their actions. Clicking the grey header bar should provide download and edit options. Clicking in the note body - whether or not it's on the attachment content - should not cause any reaction, unless they're doing so before the PDF file has fully synced to their system. If the process is not working all I can suggest is work-arounds. If you need a fix, please contact Support - we're only users here...
  5. Feedback is just one way, though if it worked, you'll get a standard 'thank you' response. I always do...
  6. Hi. We're mainly users here - have you tried https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new ? They're a bit busy right now...
  7. Hi. We're mostly other users here, so have no idea what's happened so far. If you upgraded through Google Play it can take a while for the payment details to get to Evernote and be applied to your account, but after a month that should have happened. Please check anything you receive from Google Play to check that you're using the right user name and password, and please uninstall / reinstall Evernote on the device you're using to get a fresh start. If the upgrade is still not working, please confirm your device and OS / Evernote version numbers.
  8. Hi. No clue - not many developers here; try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  9. Hi. Please don't post twice on the same topic. Your 'other' thread includes the answer that there's a new update out to fix the PDF issue.
  10. Tasks can be moved individually, as above. If you would like more features (not sure whether or why this was removed) please use feedback@evernote.com or contact Support
  11. Hi. Have you tried filtering for webclips? Don't know how effective that is, but I got 10,283 hits on my account... If you simply need to list bookmarks, I'd suggest you just keep one note with the complete list in a table, and link - if necessary - to additional notes or notebooks with more details.
  12. Hi. No clue - have you checked your Safari settings? There's nothing within Evernote that would log you out at all - other than you closing the page. There are no timeout limits.
  13. Hi. Are you a Teams (business) user? You come up as an individual subscriber here in the forums... I can imagine you would have to log in each time if you close the bowser window when you complete an edit and then use a link to reopen the page, but it is possible to open a browser window in its own Edge window - creating something like a stand-alone app window on your desktop. You could leave this open between uses to avoid repeated logging in.
  14. Hi. Do they actually click? Is that in the body of the note or on the grey top bar? Can they download (and rename if necessary) the PDF rather than try to open it? Do they have a PDF reader on their device? Have you tried emailing a copy of the note to your colleague?
  15. Hi. Once a file or a note has been uploaded there is no great advantage in deleting duplications. There's no saving - apart from the slightly smaller database size on a local hard drive, or maybe a faster start up time on mobile devices. The main advantage is a less cluttered list of search hits in individual cases. There's no way that I know (so far) to search for duplicates within Evernote. There's no easy way to list out all the note names names to look for duplicates there. The only process available is to carry on using the app in the normal way, and as and when you see duplicate notes in searches (use Side View and sort by title) you can tidy up the results by deleting additional copies. The new Files section may offer some help - it's pretty much Beta at the moment, but if it sorts al attachments into alpha order by name, de-duping may be a feature. You could suggest that to Evernote in feedback for future development...
  16. @Lolinda - you already posted all this information on another thread. Please don't double post. Please don't hijack threads. If you want to discuss your own issues, please - as already requested - start your own thread on tags. For information - Evernote has never worked especially well (IMHO) with Samsung devices, and does so even less well with folding 'phones. The operating systems seem to generate conflict.
  17. Ideally yes... but my point was that this was never a planned feature, just an accidental result of (probably) badly written - and now defunct - code. Evernote Legacy had lots of ways to determine how many users were actively employing a given feature. They had no way to determine how many had edited the basic function. (I'd bet the number wasn't into double figures - it was so much easier just to use an external editor with built-in code highlighting and attach the file to a note.) Anyway. Good for you if you find a way to tweak an app so it does more than intended - but unless you tell them - don't expect the company to be aware that you have added your own process, and don't expect them to be able to preserve your bespoke content across different software releases.
  18. No apologies necessary - 15 days is about how long it's taking Support to respond these days. I'm not sure how definitive your transfer payment receipts are, but have you confirmed with the bank that the funds have actually been sent? I hope you hear from Evernote soon - or at least that you don't lose access to the account in a few days...
  19. Several reports here already. Please feedback your issue to Evernote (mainly other users here...)
  20. Wasn't aware it ever was - the thing about a code block is that it's plain text. No formatting. Anyway - if your original information is gone, and there's no way to recover it from the current architecture, what are you expecting Evernote to do? Many of us have exploited unexpected loopholes in app features for our own purposes, but unless the feature is part of the overall specifications, there's no comeback if that loophole changes when the code is updated.
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