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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. In the OP's question 2 years ago this was for business use, entering 100's of contact and order details into a spreadsheet. These days it's a 'down off an Elephant' question - you don't enter details into Evernote first - you use any one of a dozen interfaces that will post your data to a spreadsheet AND and Evernote note. To export any data to text you can just print the note as a .txt file. "Exporting as CSV" means providing a series of column headers and data contents separated by commas. Evernote notes do not typically have headers or ordered data contents.
  2. Hi. What device, which OS? Have you tried adding the PDF to the note via a browser and Evernote.com? Does the note sync without the PDF attachment? Try opening and re-saving the PDF in case the issue is due to some minor file corruption...??
  3. Hmmn. Evernote might have jumped the gun on their developers. I'd suggest you raise this with Support as a subscriber - ask how you do this and see what they say? If anyone is going to have more information it would be them...
  4. Hi. No clue. Evernote doesn't typically pre-announce details. Where did you get the information anyway?
  5. Hi. What's a 'division line' ? Are you referring to table borders, or to the horiziontal rule, or something else?
  6. Anyone had a look at the effect of de-selecting Google services in https://www.evernote.com/ConnectedServices.action ? If you don't want the fancy link I'd imagine that would kill it, without losing the option of adding Google Docs links just like any other we-based file source.
  7. Hi. Very odd. That font looks completely different on my Windows 10 laptop. Have you tried to highlight the text and change font? What device are you using?
  8. Hi. I already replied to your other post (please don't post twice!) But if you have bought the Business plan, that has many more features than you will ever need until you own a business with several employees. Its over-complicated and will probably cause you more problems. As a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Evernote Support and ask them to convert this to the Basic (free) plan for the time being!
  9. Hi. There's no option to "change paper" in Ink notes. Evernote's notes feature is rather basic. If you have specialised math needs it might be better to look around for a suitable Windows application that can save notes to an output file you can attach to an Evernote note.
  10. Hi. There are so many calendar apps out there that I'd suspect Evernote don't see it as a priority to become just another place to set alarms. Plus the amount of coding necessary to add the ability to set, and snooze, and delete multiple alarms and sync those settings across all devices would likely not be cost-effective. (No inside information here, just my best guess.) I use Google Calendar* on several devices for my scheduling tasks, with links back to Evernote notes for more details where necessary. You could, forinstance set an alarm to 'take meds' several times in the day, linking back to the same Evernote list of the meds required each time. Create that schedule for one day and set repeats for the next year, and you're done! (* Other calendars are available!)
  11. Hi. There's nothing (that I'm aware of) 'built in' to Evernote to restrict or control the allocation of tags - that would be a contradiction in terms: tags are meant to be totally under the 'control' of the user. Depending on how you're assigning tags, there's often a drop-down or a search option to find the appropriate one(s) - but otherwise it's down to you to have a tagging system that you can follow consistently. You will inevitably find that typos and inconsistencies will arise - I think that must be a feature of all tagging systems - and those you can address on the desktop via the 'tags' page where conflicts can be spotted, or by searches where you notice that there are inclusion or omission errors that you can correct as you go. Evernote may upgrade the tagging system in due time, but with their many current priorities I wouldn't expect any major changes anytime soon. Meantime I use Workflowy to keep my (rather chaotic) grey matter on track - it's an outlining app* which I keep pinned in my desktop browser. I can mirror my hierarchical tag setup with extra notes. If I'm working on a project that requires several standard tags I'll keep them here as a string "Acme Inc - anvil,delivery,wiley" and copy the last three words as a string into the tags field on my note. Evernote will then split them into individual tags. Next time I see something related I can search Workflowy for any of the keywords there and jump to that entry. Since as well as being forgetful I'm incredibly lazy I also use Filterize which can use quite an extensive search feature so that if I save notes containing "Acme Inc" (for example) in future, it could assign my chosen tag string automatically. (Be sure you choose unique keywords for that though, otherwise you could be cleaning up some strange errors!) Filterize can also automate Table of Contents lists so that all your Acme notes (including the one you just saved) could be listed on one dynamic ToC list for your reference. *Workflowy does an insane amount more than 'just' outlining - do some more research on that when you can! There's a free option, but I subscribe for access to lots more...
  12. Hi. Right-click the icon and change the view? Restart your system?
  13. Didn't mean repeat after every search.. just that it might take a couple of goes to update the search index.
  14. ...and AFAIK pretty unique. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest you contact support to get their take on this. They may ask for your system logs to look into it further...
  15. Sounds like you might have a syncing issue. Emails are sent through Evernote's mail servers, but to attach a note it must be present on that server. Have you checked your web account by signing in to Evernote.com to see if those 'unmailable' notes are present?
  16. Since there's such a narrow focus on the receipt and storage of documents, have you looked into academic literature management apps like http://www.docear.org/? It might provide you with some supportive features that Evernote lacks...
  17. Hi. Can we have some more detail about what does happen?
  18. Hi. Since Evernote, like most (I think) the of the other note-taking apps available, has a free Basic version, why don't you try it to see if it meets your needs? If it's not suitable now, then - if you're planning to use an app for study - you should use something else. We've been told that Evernote are developing an updated and upgraded interface for their various different versions, but they don't (usually) get into detail on what is in the pipeline, and even that might get changed or delayed as time goes on. Find something that works for you now - maybe look to change to something better once you have more experience.
  19. Hi. Uninstall / restart/ reinstall. Sync the account to import and save all changes, then search. If that fails See 1 above...
  20. Hi. AFAIK there's no way to extract co-ordinates or display the geography of your database on a map. Seems to me you'd have to assign your own regions to group / search properties together anyway... Most of the main mapping companies (I believe) offer the options to configure your own data on an electronic map, or there's (obviously) the old fashioned option of brightly coloured pins and hand written labels...
  21. This seems to affect a small subset of users. Up to recently I was pretty much immune, but from a few months back this is my experience too. I raised it with Support jumped through several hoops including a database rebuild and submitting logs for a few days, and I'm currently waiting on a developer to comment further. I'd recommend involving Support - the more information they / developers have, the more likely they are to be able to fix it!
  22. As to the original question "are there relevant use cases beyond a PDF archive", I'd say the answer is a resounding 'yes'. I totally agree that other apps are sometimes better for processing individual tasks, and I still use mind maps, post-process digital images, and send emails using other software. It's a question of using Evernote to the best advantage - which can be a very individual measure. Forinstance my mind maps are attached to notes because that makes them available wherever I can access the internet, and have a local mind map client on which to run them. (Outputs to images and PDF files are also possible for purely view usage) I keep my images on an external hard drive (with backups) but Lightroom is (sorry Adobe) still a huge amorphous blob of menus and capabilities, complicated by updates. I clip web pages, blog posts and general interest items about LR processes and workflows to help me better learn how to use it. And emails - I use Gmail and Outlook mails, and apart from the spam which gets deleted, and the newsletters which get read - then deleted, my email history is in Evernote. I'll BCC or forward a 'sent' copy of outgoing emails to my database, and copy or drag-n-drop replies into my notes. (DnD means I can still open the email in my mail client and then forward or reply to it.) Evernote also runs my GTD lists, my reminder system and acts as a library of possibly useful information - like the 'Road trips' notebook where I save clips and forward emails related to (surprise) possible road trips to interesting places. I think it's a general-purpose tool that users can employ however they wish - including, obviously, PDF archive. The whole question of suggested tags, automatically changing dates and flagging duplicates though fills me with horror. As of today there is no true "AI" - all we have is coders making educated guesses about what we might want to see, and learning systems using tens of thousands of iterations to see which one(s) work out best. I wouldn't claim to be smarter than ALL coders, but some of the ones I have worked with have not impressed. If there's going to be a 'system' to deal with my saved data, I'd rather set that up myself thanks. And I have - I use Filterize to tag and file around 50% of my notes according to rules I chose. Training systems is pretty pointless, because the number of transactions on any one account is too small to be useful. Now Evernote could milk ALL its accounts to see how folks have sorted their data, and watch in real time so that their system could 'learn' the best way to process new notes. But that drives a coach and a bunch of horses through any privacy and security concerns, and the last time that was suggested by Evernote there was almost a riot... Just sayin'
  23. Indeed it may be - but the source code needs to allow for editing in all recent flavours of iOS/ Android/ MacOS/ Windows - and how about the users who want styles / outline text / colours / notebook hierarchies / text anchors / better note links / skins and about a thousand other variations on presentation and processing? Evernote has their own development plan, which they don't (usually) share* - and they are currently completing (hopefully) a major update which might address some of this. * Although: see the Evernote blog...
  24. Hi. Because it's an email add-in? AFAIK there's no way, directly or indirectly, to create a note from a calendar entry - other than by screenshot or cut/ paste to get the details, and using a template / text expander for the format.
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