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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. As noted above, you could install the Legacy version to get back to that option, or you could maybe look at Postach.io which converts a notebook into a publicly available 'blog' format. I've played with it - my not very inspiring example here... https://cliffeactual.postach.io/
  2. There might be something going on - I just got rejected on login for two separate accounts...
  3. Anyone else having trouble with the web portal? I generally don't have issues, but now I'm getting this error despite using the correct user ID and password (I checked!). Plus I have more than one account, so I tried a different account login; same issue.
  4. Interesting technique, but not especially relevant to most users I'd suspect. We're pretty much limited to offering suggestions around Evernote features here, with occasional forays into "useful apps" - I doubt anyone has conducted any in-depth surveys into the advantages or otherwise of any given process. We tend to work by trying stuff out - if it suits, stick with it: if not - try something else...
  5. Incorrect. Sorry if I explained it badly. Any changes you make in 10.x will appear, if they can, in 6.25; which is to say you won't see Calendar entries / tasks or any of the new features that are not supported by Evernote. Think of it as having two local databases that both feed off one Server 'parent' copy. All the changes are saved in one place, it's just that some won't sync to 6.25. NB That's true for the moment - Evernote will continue to develop 10.x and may someday reach a point at which the two become incompatible. It just hasn't happened yet, and seems unlikely for the near future. It's unknown what will be available in 12 months' time.
  6. Just to be clear - the separate databases both sync with the server, so contain the same information in so far as it is relevant to the respective versions of Evernote. I run 6.25 too, with the web at 10.x, and tasks (forinstance) show as a blank grey box in 6.25.
  7. Unless you're a very experienced network engineer (which I'm not) it's not worth discussing the actual mechanics of sharing information over the internet - but think of it like a very large ocean of information at one side of which is you, and the other is Evernote. The ocean is always there, it's always 'on' - you 'share' information by adding a drop of data at your location which has a beacon attached which only Evernote can see. That data is washed by lightspeed currents over to Evernote' shore, where it is retrieved and actioned; and if a response or a query is required, a beacon is added which your system recognises more or less instantaneously. I doubt anyone has measured what infinitesimal cost in entropy is involved in any one transaction. What is on your side (IMHO) is pure corporate greed - server components fail and cost money to replace; farms generate tons of heat - so much so that there have been experiments to house them underwater - they'll probably soon go to space with a nice sunshade attached. So experiments are ongoing to minimise the impact of all parts of the operation. And more efficient and cost-effective they are, the less power they consume, the less the environmental cost.
  8. So - pre-version 10, no longer supported or updated by Evernote. If no-one here has any better suggestions, you could try uninstall / reinstall which would get you the current version 10, and then step 'back' to regain the Legacy version (which I think is 7.14 - I'm not a Mac user). https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Hi. You will not have lost any data. Contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps. See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps If you're using the free service, check that you haven't exceeded the device limit. You're allowed two 'authorised' connections, but sometimes the server mistakes an existing device for a new one. More on how to check the number and de-authorise here - Understanding the device limit
  10. Hi. If you're a subscriber I'd suggest you raise this with Support - you'll need to confirm you're using the latest Evernote version, and restart your device to check that the issue still continues...
  11. Hi. Evernote doesn't offer a choice of media output formats, but any number of apps can convert one format into another.
  12. Hi. You added your post to a different thread about hyperlinks, so I shifted it to a general Mac enquiry for Evernote 10. You didn't say which version you were using, so if that's wrong, please let me know. I can't tell from the pic what exactly is happening here, but you say you're pasting into a template - can you show us what the template looks like before the paste?
  13. Hi. Never tried copying arrows from one image to another, but if something has changed you could try reporting this to Support if you're a subscriber. An update might have permanently changed something that was previously a loophole in the app you were exploiting, and even if this is fixable it might take a while... Meantime, would it work to have your typical arrows and tags for a specific site saved to an otherwise blank note - as individual images if possible; you could then use the that note as a palette to copy/ paste from and into any other images you add...? If that's not possible, we'll have to wait and see whether anyone else has a workaround suggestion.
  14. Well, this thread started before the new v10 was launched on an unsuspecting world, and has continued through the several updates to v10 since - so I think it's safe to say that Evernote probably hasn't any idea that there's an issue here. Best recommendation for anyone affected is: Make sure that you can log in from another device (i.e. this is not a password issue) Uninstall Evernote from your misbehaving device, restart it, and re-install. If that doesn't resolve the problem, report it to Support. More reports means they take the issue seriously, and individual reports mean they can look at device logs for more information. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, or use the help/ feedback link from (another) mobile app.
  15. I second moving them to a zz_<notebook> location to keep them out of the way...
  16. Other text expanders (including Phrase Express) do have Android apps
  17. Auto Hotkey or Phrase Express will give you dates and times to any layout you require. Just a quick keyboard shortcut to paste the data.
  18. Hi. You could go to Evernote.com to download the latest version?
  19. Hi. You don't. The tag / subtag relationship is defined in the tag system, and only the individual owner of that account can add or edit tags and their relationship. It's not possible to impose a hierarchy by importing a file.
  20. https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-clean-is-cloud-computing-new-data-reveals-how-green-googles-data-centers-really-are/
  21. Hi. We're a mainly user 2 user Forum. You'd have to ask Support for more detail on that. Given that you can work offline if you wish, I'd say personal power consumption is entirely under your own control. If your PC is switched on, I'd say there's no detectable difference between local and cloud saving - your PC is already drawing 1million times more power than is required for either operation... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  22. Just to add my 2c - I save a lot of emails to Evernote, both from the Outlook and Gmail Clippers, and by direct forwarding from Gmail. The layout is often... interesting - image sizes are random, there are additional spaces (returns) between paragraphs, and some mails present as one thin column in the centre of an (apparently) un-editable table. For the most part I don't especially care - I'm saving them for the content rather than the layout; and any major editing tends to cause my (EN Windows 6.25) window to freeze. Where I might want to respond I'll attach the .MSG version of the email to the note, and that will also give me the original layout of the message should I need that. If I need to steal part of a message I'll copy/ paste the text into a text-only WP to strip out whatever MIME/ HTML coding is included. Having said all of which - if Evernote can improve the conversion from email to notes I'll be happy, but speed (or lack of it) is my main concern at present. This is fairly typical...
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