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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. As already described several times in the Forums here, Evernote uses some "largest smallest measure" voodoo to select the images, but I've not seen anyone mention that the images were actually different before. This is a (mainly)user 2 user forum, so the best place to get more information (and please share back what you find out) is here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  2. Seems overly pessimistic IMHO - Evernote has a nice, juicy user base of tens of millions of users. If the company ever did stumble they'd arrange for their preferred successor company to take on board any clients that wanted to continue, plus the rest of the market would be competing with deals to attract users to their software. And if you maintain a daily full ENEX backup, your database is transferable to many other companies with a few minutes work. Still - your data, your choice.
  3. Hi. Your web clipped content will continue to be available, since it is a copy of the original, saved independently as part of your Evernote database. A couple of caveats - don't rely on Clipper for large images; the clipped version may be a lower-resolution, smaller version; and don't just clip and run - make sure your clip has been successful... Clipper sometimes has trouble accessing a page. Can't advise you on anything other than that - I don't know what your move involves, and I'm not exactly an expert in page migration anyways. Good luck!
  4. Hi. A number of automation and integration apps exist to take input from one activity and pass it to another. these would include - Automate.io Zapier n8n Integromat Power Automate Tray IFTTT Kissflow While Evernote doesn't offer any way to add onto its notifications, one of these might be able to give you additional input...
  5. Entirely your right and priviledge... Evernote were talking about adding more format options - no timescales mentioned. I'm still operating with pre-Legacy 6.25 and an ENEX backup - my choice. If you don't have too many notebooks, does right-clicking the notebook (in Notebooks view) give you an HTML option notebook-by-notebook? - remember this is a download, so if you have a lot of notes it's also going to take a while...
  6. Hi. Do all 4 notes still show that they are shared with your colleague? That won't expire unless you cancel the share.
  7. Hi. This is a Windows issue, not an Evernote bug. When Evernote is opened, click on the taskbar icon to select that "phantom" window and use the Windows key plus right or left arrow to move the window back onto your current screen. Once you file > exit Evernote on this screen, it will pop up in the right place next time.
  8. Hi. Where is this notebook showing up again? And is it your default notebook?
  9. Hi. Onenote notes are structured differently from Evernote - a one to one transfer is not possible. Best to do an internet search to get the latest information, hopefully from someone who has actually moved across themselves.
  10. Hi. The same page that allowed you to create a ticket should also offer the chat feature - although that depends on which time zone you are in. However if you do open a chat session, the Evernote agent will have to find out how far the escalated ticket has been processed before they are able to comment, and you'll find that out when support respond to your original email. I'd suggest you hold on for a little while longer before chasing. Sometimes it just takes a while to find and fix an issue.
  11. Hi. In Evernote for Android 8.13 it is not possible to nest tags. Evernote for Android v10 may be able to nest tags soon, if it can't do that already.
  12. Hi. Have you tried a different browser? Reported the issue to Support?
  13. I have the impression that the EN10 Juggernaut is now rolling ahead under its own steam. Where that will take us no-one (including Evernote) actually knows...
  14. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. Hi. Thanks for the report. If you're still in this position after the weekend, I'd suggest you raise it with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (That's not us; this is a -mainly- user2user forum.)
  16. Evernote won't usually comment on what's in development or when (or if) new features will be released.
  17. I would have suggested that too before going nuclear - logging out or restarting will often fix occasional glitches.
  18. It's entirely your choice - good luck with your next choice. I'm still with Evernote - allbeit with their Legacy product - happily using the features in the way I've grown used (or resigned) to over these past several years. There's no requirement (yet) to adopt the new version - it's an option not a compulsion. Just sayin'
  19. Hi. I moved your query into the correct forum and retitled it. As the original 'owner' of the post you should be able to change that if you wish. Each Teams account is in fact two separate accounts - one for the overall business and one for the individual. You may be looking at the wrong account. Please check any emails you received in the upgrade to confirm the login details. This is a user forum, not support, so if you need more help than that, please contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. The fact you created a new password suggests you also created a new account, hence the lack of notes. Try signing in to Evernote.com but use the 'forgot password' option with just your user name to check that you have the correct details.
  21. Hi. See comments in this thread. Evernote seems to be unable to connect to the server - you need to find out why and correct that...
  22. Hi. There's no way to change the layout or use of the tag system, but you can work around it... Evernote has a pretty good search engine, but it limited to alphabet characters and underlines "_". If you set up your own set of unique keywords like xTag or _Tag you could use those in the body of a note and set up saved searches for those words to manage your notes. I know one of us uses a password manager to generate unique random short strings like 9LAngQ7 for more or less the same purpose. It's possible to limit searches to the title of a note, so keyword tags could also go there.
  23. Hi. Hopefully this will help... Evernote + Google Calendar Overview
  24. This isn't a votable thread, so "+1" doesn't really help here - I'd suggest someone posts this suggestion in a Feature Request forum and puts a link to that new thread back here, so anyone who's interested can vote it up.
  25. Hi. Internal links do exactly what they say - they jump to an internal (to Evernote) address. You won't be able to export the notebook and keep internal links active - you'd have to share the notebook publicly so that the note's shareable link is accessible to an outsider. If you only have a few links, you could copy the individual shareable links to use in the connecting notes. Can you explain more about how many pages you're sharing and what sort of access you and others may need to the content? We may be able to offer some suggestions.
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