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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're posting in the Legacy forum. If that's what you're using, there will be no further upgrades here.
  2. Hi. Evernote's account limits are easily available - Evernote system limits I'd imagine that your audio was recorded locally in a temporary folder, and what you're hearing is the original file not a copy. You could check to see what, if anything is on the server by signing in to Evernote.com via a browser. If there's nothing there, there will be nothing to save. When you say the file is corrupted - what happens when you try to play it? Can you save the note attachment as a separate file and try that?
  3. Actually we're mostly users here. Support are the people to talk to for 'official' answers. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client). In general, if someone logs into your account despite that fact you're using a unique password and 2-factor authentication 1) it'll be pretty amazing and 2) they could do anything that you could do within the account - including adding, deleting and editing note content. So the thing to do is to avoid that if you can... As an experienced computer user I keep my own backup of all my files locally - including Evernote's database. Evernote being hacked - what exactly do you mean? They occupy banks of Google servers around the world. The worst that could happen would be for someone to get away with user names and passwords to gain access to individual accounts - see my comments above. Accounts being deleted - won't happen unless you - or evil you - specifically did so. See Backups. Evernote shutdown. They're a billion-dollar company with hundreds of millions of users. Even if they shut down there'd be an avalanche of new companies stepping in to help former users save their data.
  4. From that top bar you seem to have a lot of things going on in the background of your device - have you tried shutting everything else down to see if Evernote will load? Evernote is no longer supporting the older versions, so you're unlikely to see a resolution of your ticket if this is software based. Have you tried EN v10 to see whether it works for you?
  5. Best bet would be to ask Support. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  6. Most frequent explanation for all of this is that you accidentally created a new account. Your original data will be waiting for you online, possibly under similar login credentials. Try signing out and then back in. If there are any issues, there's a 'forgot password' option on the web page.
  7. Hi. Apart from the flip one of "send a PDF" - have you tried sharing a notebook containing a single note? Once that share has been established, you should be able to copy any of your notes into that notebook to allow your copy editor to access them. -Copy, rather than move, so that you have your original as well as any changes that are made.
  8. I can understand and sympathise with that - but having been around for a while, this is far from the first product I've used which has, for a time, seemed essential - but then got overtaken by the market, or by a buy(or sell)-out, and quietly passed away. And there's always been a replacement out there somewhere. Whilst I'd love the universe to run to my convenience and for Evernote to get back to full usability, I apply the Rasczak principle: "I'll use this app until I find something better". It's a fact of life that Evernote primarily has to please its investors, and will do whatever it takes to generate the incomes they expect. If that also pleases the 'old guard' of users, it's a happy accident - but not essential. Evernote has a long experience of big changes causing a furore amongst existing users (we all hate any change to the status quo) and causing some churn. They'll probably wait out the current period of rapid updates and hope that the volume of new users will equal or exceed the value of lost custom. If that proves ineffective, they'll try more new directions. I'm sticking with the pre-Legacy Windows and Android apps for as long as possible, and I'll give them as much time as I can to get v10 up to my standards. As it currently stands, the only major obstacles are: no easy ability to take local backups of the database, and it's too S-L-O-W For everything else there's just work-arounds. Others have different needs and everyone has the same decision to make: can you manage with what's available in Legacy and/ or v10 in the short term? If the answer is 'no', then logically you have to move elsewhere. Supporting Evernote should not be your priority: completing your daily tasks is. If, like me, you can manage with compromises in the short term, then buckle up: Evernote is going to keep on developing, driven by its statistics and income - not by impassioned pleas for text outlining or image editing.
  9. Good general feedback, thanks. I looked at Tag Explorer though - it's a 2016 app with no help apparently available. The author's website (uropium.com) doesn't seem to be active any more. There are other apps in the store that support file tagging.
  10. You could also get around the limitation by adding a tag to notes in each notebook - tagging with the notebook name; then search "tag:<notebook> <keyword>" to search one notebook, or -tag: etc to exclude it...
  11. Hi. Nice suggestion, would be better as a votable Feature Request - would you like it moved?
  12. Hmmn. Circle of Life an' all that - I send a lot of Gmail direct to Evernote via Filterize so I have my contact history in a convenient and highly searchable place. Today had a mail from Cloud HQ (which I also use for other nefarious purposes...) and they have a new browser extension* "Export Emails to Google Docs" which looks like it could take over automatic saving of mails. Hmmn...<strokes imaginary cat>... interesting... * edit: make that a "Gmail extension"
  13. Not actually accurate - exporting complete notebooks is possible from the notebooks page, and from the Legacy version if you have it installed. I do agree that most folks probably don't need boolean searches. Not sure why it's considered a 'professional' feature.
  14. Hi. Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall? If so, you probably need Support. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  15. I may be reading a different forum... 100% agree...
  16. Hi. Looks like it downloaded and installed, but can't connect. Can you uninstall / restart the phone / reinstall?
  17. Hi. I flagged your post for possible deletion given the user name and dubious email addresses, plus the 'federal search warrant' approach which is spammer 101. If you're raising a serious query, please try logging into your Evernote account again - the real Feds don't send emails - they do house calls (whereas we don't). If you go to Evernote.com you may be able to use the Forgotten Password link to gain access to your password. Otherwise use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and 'continue as guest' to raise a support query.
  18. Hi. You're posting in the Teams forums. If you're using that software you won't have any problems with upload limits because they're stupidly high. If you were using other software, please confirm your device, OS and Evernote version so we can move your query to the correct forum. As to the duplicates, these would be different versions of your note all of which may not be the same - you were apparently having some kind of connection issue - probably because Zoom was using a lot of bandwidth - and the server saved what it could and then started again when the connection picked up. That's a drawback of using a web-dependant app with another web service. No bugs or faults involved, just a creaky internet connection.
  19. Make sure you're logged into the correct account on your iPhone. The app gets all its notes (and a search index) from the server which can take time to update.
  20. Hi. This usually means you logged into an old and forgotten account by accident. Try logging out and back in, checking that you're using the latest credentials. Worst case, there's a 'forgotten password' option on the website.
  21. Hi. I can imagine that the tag 'autocomplete' feature keeps on replacing entries that are not currently tags with the originals if there are similarities between the two entries. Have you tried adding all the new tags first, then deleting the old ones when the new have been added? As a tip - I find that when you're tagging notes with a standard set of tags, it's useful to have a separate text note with the tags already present, and separated by commas; then copy and paste the whole string. As in "<tag1>,<tag1>,<tag2>,<tag3>," - Evernote will sort them into separate tags. Another option might be to add a 'processing' tag - something temporary to identify the notes to be changed, like "WIP" and then to delete the old before adding the new.
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