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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I've got 55K notes in Evernote and I had already decided that if I ever move away from this company I'll start a new 'clean' account with a new provider. Where I need content from Evernote I can copy, clip (if that's an option) or email (also if...) it into my new account - but in my case at least Evernote is my 'reference library'. 99% of the content is just look-up information and history with a very small element of work in progress. I can move that 1% to a new home, and as long as my Evernote account remains available it's just my go-to look-up resource. If I were to spend a month or two getting everything converted over to a new home I'd just be wasting most of my time. YMMV!
  2. Hi. You cracked it I think... Long (or large) notes are slow to load, hard to edit and liable at the slip of a finger to take out a week's worth of research. Shorter notes can be glued together by titles, tags, saved searches or Tables of Content and you can jump directly to any items of interest. If all you get is a link to a PDF file, you can open it inline and use a Ctrl+F / Cmd+F search to jump to all occurrences of the search term(s).
  3. Desktop still has Legacy, and most Android users can't even get to Evernote v10 yet...
  4. Hi. You got that we were basically saying 1) and 2) Didn't you? We're just ordinary users* so we only have an outline of why Evernote need the details - but if you want the app to work correctly, you need to give consent. So far as we know Evernote is (unusually these days) one of the good guys - your personal details aren't hawked around the market when you let them read your data. I do agree that you need to be very careful with most applications and their random data-grabbing, but AFAIK you can relax around here. * Just a lot more talkative...
  5. OK - you might start here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  6. Hi. If you're still getting multiple false positives when using your search terms, then you could try refreshing the search index, or for a rather more extreme refresh, uninstall / restart and reinstall the app you're using. First off though I'd suggest just logging out and back in or a complete system restart to clear all memory.
  7. Hmmn. OK - generic answer, generically wrong; but I'd refer you to my previous and/ or. Good teching always asks "what's different?" when things that used to work, no longer do. What's different is (unless you're editing in Legacy, which I should have checked) that Evernote now lives in the Cloud and phones home much more intensively. So I'd guess that this is more a connectivity issue than a multiple connections one. Best way to confirm though - and to help Evernote identify and fix issues - is to contact Support and share some logs if they ask. They can do more under the hood than I can by just guessing from incomplete data and the more reports they get, the higher up the flagpole this issue gets... (It's fractured metaphor day)
  8. Evernote is now mostly server-based and therefore depends on changes being synced there. Because different devices sync their copies of notes there at different times, device A may be actively being used to make changes to the server. Device B will chip in from time to time with an update of its unedited version of that note. The server can't see any difference between the two devices - they're both logged into the account with the same user details and both have the same permissions to save any changes, The server can't 'read' both notes and choose differences - if it's presented with two different versions with the same or similar times stamps, its fall-back is to save both and let you sort it out. Same applies if there's any minor glitch in the connection - as far as the server is concerned it's like listening to two TVs at the same time, trying to sort out one coherent message. Any confusions are above its pay-grade. More noticeable now maybe because Evernote is more server-based, and / or the network is busier with just more post-pandemic traffic.
  9. Hi. Personally I'm in Wales UK (we're mainly users hereabouts...) but I doubt you'll get any projections out of Evernote on new releases - the Linux version is still in private beta, though the Web version is pretty good these days. I use that a lot from Linux Mint!
  10. Hi. The usual reason for 'losing' notes is the accidental creation of a new account. Try logging out of Evernote completely on all devices, then log back in carefully, ensuring that you are using your original user ID details. If there's any doubt, start with the 'forgot password' option on the website.
  11. Hi. Have you checked the 'Tags' page in your account?
  12. ...What they said. I've been (mostly) paperless for over 10 years, including digitising a couple of work libraries (references on Insurance and IT) most of which still lives on my desk in an external HD. Evernote is good, but so is Google - if you're just starting out I'd say it boils down to whichever works best for you. Why not try Evernote's Free option for a month in parallel with GDrive and decide that way? (Beware only that Free accounts have limits on note size and uploads per month so you'll need to tread lightly to start out...)
  13. Hi. It sounds like you lost your internet connection. It's possible that your image exceeded the maximum size for an upload, but as a subscriber your note limit is 200MB so it would have had to be an enormous image, or one of many in that note. I'd suggest you sign out of Evernote and restart your device (if you haven't already) and check cautiously to see whether that fixed things.
  14. ? No clue. Including images and clipped web pages the overall average note size is something like 600K - but my point was that for all normal purposes I use Evernote for narrative content; I'll switch to Workflowy for lists - and I have some hundreds (possibly thousands) of notes there, arranged in a hierarchy that I can shut down to a dozen global headings and expand out again as required. The detail of a task - clips, files and tasks/ reminders is in Evernote, but my 'quick reference guide' to get to a list of that detail is in WF.
  15. There's an easy and immediate cure for the limitation - it's called Legacy. Even in v10 I'd imagine the 50-note thing will disappear soon - Evernote are getting towards a (more) stable release, so they shouldn't need to be so careful of bandwidth...
  16. Hi. No reason for this that I can think of, but I know all too well from personal experience that a careless keystroke can often have disastrous results in Windows. Unless your note had synced it's unlikely that the recording was actually received by Evernote - all the action would probably have been taking place in local temporary storage. When things like this go wrong, a brisk Ctrl+Z repeated a few times can sometimes help - as can killing your internet connection if you're editing an existing note so that changes aren't synced back to the server. You could raise the query with Support (we're mainly just other users) to see if they have some special magic they could use, but I'm afraid it's most likely that your recording is lost.
  17. Hi. OneNote and Evernote have completely different formats - I'd doubt it would be possible to seamlessly transfer the content across. If you'll be using Evernote in future, why not leave your files in OneNote as reference files, and copy/ paste individual query history into Evernote as you need to. A general internet search may get you some independently coded converters, but beware that they can only be approximations of your original data...
  18. I'm still confused that one of your images is laid out like a typed page, but the other has a skewed perspective like an image with one or more edges compressed. A PDF starts out as an image, but then gets OCR'd into a character-based document. The image could sprawl out across your page and spill off the side, a formatted PDF would stick to the correct layout. If this is only a recent image, it may be that Evernote's servers haven't gotten around to OCR-ing it yet. If it's a day or more old, then clearly that's not the issue. I'd suggest you raise this with Support who can advise you more about how the document imaging systems work... Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  19. The way to verify your suspicions then, would be to raise a Support ticket and ask Evernote. (We're mainly other users around here) If Evernote aren't sympathetic you could try your service provider and/ or any Android forums you can access - if you can upgrade, you have Android 10 or above and the Evernote version you are using could have some conflicts with it. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. Full details please of device, OS and Evernote versions; plus exactly how did you photograph the document and convert it to PDF, and how did you export the document - and what file type is that. Your first example looks like a JPG print of an image - the perspective is off and the image looks wider than the page. The second is more character based and looks like text.
  21. ...What they said. Plus, AFAIK, Legacy is the only route to an easy and convenient local backup for your stuff. That's very much belt, braces and extra safety pins just in case something bad happens - but that's how I roll.
  22. I think you can assume that any suggested feature is on list somewhere, and will be referred to whenever the company is doing maintenance or considering updates in that area. Bear in mind that Evernote get thousands of feature requests, running from "I don't like the shade of green you use" to "why not add outlining and mind maps as optional layouts". Every suggestion has to go through a process of Is this even possible? (Bearing in mind multiple devices / screen sizes / OS's) How much will it cost? Of our 200M+ users, from students to astronauts - how many would actively use this? What will it cost in speed / bandwidth terms? - and even if it meets all these tests (and probably dozens more) a "minor" improvement may mean substantially rewriting a big chunk of code to add the extra links for the new bit to fit in. That might get put off until that particular code needs an annual review anyway - due in a couple of years - to get planned in to any other work that comes up in the meantime. So even if someone said "We'll look into this" - it may not happen for years, and if a different bit of development takes priority, or user needs change, maybe not even then. But for ever after: cue endless reminders of "when is this coming?" ... "You said you'd consider it..." I'm with @PinkElephant - I'd rather they just hide in their bunker and get on with whatever they're doing. If the app fits my needs, I'll continue using it. If there are glitches, I'll find work-arounds; and if it becomes unusable - I'm outta here. No dramatic flounces, no impassioned statements - just a faint smell of brimstone and a drifting tumbleweed...
  23. Oh that blue plus!! - I'm going to delete my previous post which was clearly the result of temporary insanity, and posted by someone just pretending to be me - and go find a nice hard desk to bang my head against...
  24. Evernote, like most developers, doesn't (usually*) comment on whether or not a feature request is in development, or - if it is - when it's likely to be released. It's not a question of toxicity, but you can guarantee that if the company said that (forinstance) "in-note links will be included with the next release" there will be a flood of responses demanding more details of exactly how this will be implemented more details of the level of subscription required - and why isn't it available to Free users? exact dates for the release why this is being prioritised above <insert favourite missing feature here> why this has taken so long ...plus objections to adding more 'clutter' to the UI and a flood of new suggestions about exactly how it should work. And if they gave a date... Because of another issue - server problems, web outages, whatever; the next release may be delayed - queue the usual suspects flooding the forum with further demands on release date +1 - "You said this would be released..." - So they'd rather keep their people actually working on developments instead of defending them. * And yes, I know they trailed v10 rather heavily, but that was a special deal.
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