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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not just one... subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client). As a fall-back, if you do have an issue, try messaging @Shane D. (hover over that link and click 'message' from the pop-up window). In all of the above, note @agsteele's comment about maybe there's a browser issue going on, and it is a fairly major holiday period around the world, so Evernote's responses might be a little delayed! Best of luck...
  2. Hi. My comment was aimed at the most recent query here, but as with others I'm confused by the difficulty you've had in raising a support ticket - this is something I've done without any issues several times in recent years. Of course you must take whatever action you deem best. Best of luck however you decide to proceed.
  3. Hi. We quoted half a dozen different options in this thread so far - which ones have you tried? -And if you you'd like to share your query (without any specific details - this is a public forum) someone here can probably advise you further...
  4. As @DTLow - sign in to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and you have access to your payments details and the ability to upgrade/ downgrade membership. Evernote did publish their intention to preserve existing subscribers' payment levels, and a quick query here in the forums on the topic would have seen several of us confirming that unless you need to upgrade or to cancel your subscription, there's no need to take any action. The new app has broadly the same features as the old, though the menus are different - most desktops have the option to install the older "Legacy" app, either alongside or instead of the update, to preserve the previous menus and processes.
  5. You'd need to raise a support ticket to get this looked into...
  6. I'm sure a lot of people would - but actual official revenue figures have never been available from Evernote.
  7. The multiple export option is still available in Legacy, or (depending on the abilities of your PDF editor) an export to HTML might work if you then convert or import the HTML files to PDF. Printing or converting notes to PDF is also a little haphazard as there are no document layout controls - notes will have system-placed page breaks and images. I'm not sure how far the free version features stretch, but you might like to look at https://www.fastpencil.com/ which claims to publish books (in various formats including PDF) from Evernote. See also https://appcenter.evernote.com/app/fastpencil/web-apps
  8. Hi. Are you using Chrome by any chance? Your query prompted me to check my gmail (via a Chrome browser on Linux) and both my accounts are missing the icon too. Seems to be a Chrome update issue. Short term - if you're a subscriber - you could use your Evernote email address and simply forward items. Meantime, raise this with Support of you can. Thanks for the heads-up!!
  9. Hi. Check your web connection and try restarting your device...
  10. Hi. In order of increasing severity... Sign out & back in Sign out, restart (power off and on) and back in Sign out, uninstall the app, restart (power off and on), reinstall and resume If none of that helps, contact Support
  11. Try another address to see whether the one you used initially was not acceptable for some reason. Check that you are using the right address. Sign out of Evernote and restart your device and try again. If the issue still remains, raise a support ticket.
  12. Hi. I've not seen any complaints about the process before. If you raised your ticket around 13 December, it's not unreasonable that less than 7 days later they are still working on it - but you may have delayed matters rather than helping, but submitting another separate ticket. It would have been better to go back to them quoting the original ticket number. I'm also pretty sure that the 'compliance' address you used is not the correct one. Best I can do is flag this post for the Evernote Admins to see whether they can find the two tickets and resolve things with you direct. We are coming up on the year end holiday period though, so things will move slowly from here...
  13. Hi. You need to reach out to Support. You'll need an email address to do so... Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  14. In Legacy Evernote Windows it's possible to multi-select notes and add tags (comma delimited or otherwise) to all of them in one step. As @Mike P you can add new tags - as in create them by adding - but they'll all be 'parent' level tags. If you create a tag hierarchy first, you could then add child tags in the same way...
  15. Hi. I saw your other post pointing to this discussion - please don't post twice on the same topic; it tends to confuse us... As to other sources of information / inspiration - General information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition Most recent activity https://praxis.fortelabs.co/randomnote-web/ Other links (may or may not still be active) https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122838-spaced-repetition-my-solution/ https://accelastudy.com/ https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120076-ace-your-exams-retain-your-knowledge/ https://www.reflectapp.io/ http://www.eideticapp.com/ http://revisy.com/ https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/917-reminders/ https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Spaced__repetition https://www.revunote.com/ Anki Brainscape Cerego Course Hero Lingvist Memrise Mnemosyne Pimsleur Language Programs Pleco Software Quizlet SuperMemo Synap WaniKani
  16. Hi. There are no such things as 'labels' in Evernote. Presumably you mean Notebooks or Tags. If you tell us what device and Evernote version you're using we may be able to offer more specific help, but in general - check out your account on a PC and look at the Tags or Notebook pages. You should be able to see some totals there.
  17. Hi. For the record, we're not the Evernote team - this is a mainly user-supported Forum. I'm sure default font sizes will be on the horizon somewhere, but when they will actually happen is anyone's guess.
  18. Hi. Try uninstalling your copied version of Evernote, power the phone off and on again, then download and install from the Play store.
  19. Hi. That's not us - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client). I'd also suggest you reach out to Postach.io just in case.
  20. Evernote do seem aware they have issues with speed so we can (hopefully!) expect improvements in the long term. Short term I'm still using Legacy until there's more movement on that, and since Legacy also has moments when it goes away to contemplate Oneness, I use Workflowy as a backup notepad. There are WF clients for most OS's and it's primarily web-based, but in all cases you'll get a page immediately and can copy/ paste / tag and even clip to your heart's consent. WF doesn't play well (IMHO) with long-term storage of images, but you can upload a pic easily and quickly and save it for later.
  21. Hi. The easy way would be to export each notebook to an ENEX file and then import that file to another account. You would need to have two subscriber accounts if the number of notes is significant. Merge the contents of two Evernote accounts
  22. Hi. Don't know if this will help, but... Understanding the device limit If not - you need to talk to Support. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
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