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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Thanks @PinkElephant I missed that one! I deleted the spammer.
  2. There's also an external app Filterize that (I believe - you'd have to check) can add keywords and dates to titles, add tags, and move or merge notes. I use an Import folder to dump scans in my default notebook and leave Filterize to sort them out. I'm only currently using the tags and moving options though.
  3. Thanks for taking a look. I tried it both ways - with and without a table; in Legacy and on my various devices you'd get to see one or two images (if you were lucky) in a normal display, though yes, all of them show sequentially in Galley view. As I said previously, I use a table purely because it gives me a thumbnail view of all pages up to a dozen or so. I can jump into the set at whatever point I need. Since these are all images, the OCR is sometimes less precise than you'd want, so I add tags, text and titles so I can find the note easily.
  4. Hmmn. Is it possible that there's a limit on the number of tag hits? If you're tagging very large numbers of notes maybe only a set number can be shown... You'd have to contact Support about that.
  5. If you plan ahead, it's wise to have a notebook for 'shared notes' and move any shares into that notebook (even if they're shared individually). That keeps them separate from the rest and ensures you don't accidentally change or delete something which others are using. To find all the notes, there's a search term "sharedate:" which will find some or all shared notes - Search for sharedate:* to find all shared notes; modify with YYYYMMDD dates if necessary. NB that hits are for all dates shared on or after a certain date. Limit a period with "<date> -<date>" to exclude notes shared on or after a date.
  6. There are two options using Evernote - Legacy is still around, so presentation mode still exists there; and there may be a 'back door' presentation mode still, which works in Legacy and may still work acceptably in v10. There's such a thing as Gallery Mode*, which I found by accident when trying to open an image for editing. I tend to create a 4x4 table of images, and paste an image in each cell (that way you can see all the pages if you need to jump around). Double-click your image of choice, and it will open full screen. Scroll forward and back from there. Let us know if it works! * How to view images in the image gallery
  7. Hi. Evernote does quite a lot with and through Google like Attach Google Drive files to notes - you'd have to ask Support for more details on that permission though.
  8. Hi. That's a little like saying "I just bought a car and I'm looking for help to use it"... there are lots of 'how to' videos in YouTube to get you started... There's help here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us And some companies offer 'quick guides' like these... https://www.harmonenterprises.com/evernote-v10 https://access.wearethegreywave.com/eqs-2021/
  9. You can go to the Notebooks page in Desktop Evernote and export a notebook without a 50-note limit, but there's no way (AFAIK) to export the whole database in one go.
  10. Hi. Basically, you can't. If you shared a notebook, you could unshare in one action; but if you have shared individual notes, you'll need to unshare them in the same way.
  11. It's ironic that this point keeps on being duplicated in the forums too. There are many other threads on this topic, so please look out for them if you'd like more detail; the main points are that: Notes are automatically synced back to the server by each connected device. If you have more than one copy of Evernote open, different versions of the same note can be sent to your account and the server cannot tell which is the correct, current version, so it saves both. There will probably be differences between the notes you see. Slow or erratic network connections may interrupt the connection with the server, forcing it so save a new version of the same note. Firewalls or VPN connections may interrupt a connection, as could other apps running on the same device. Long editing sessions may hit timeouts The way to avoid all of the above, as I just have when typing this, is to use a local word processor which only saves to the device in use while creating or editing a long text. Once the text is complete you can attach the output file to a note for future editing, or just copy and paste the text into a new note. Duplicates are not impossible, but will be very rare. If you still have issues and you're a subscriber, you could reach out to Evernote Support (which we're not) to see whether they can help.
  12. Given that seemingly you alone in 200M other users have an issue, I'm sure that Evernote would be very grateful for your detailed suggestion of how to do so. You might want to reach out to Support (which isn't us - mainly other users here...) and share your logs / experience with them to see if they can assist.
  13. Thanks all by the way - I hadn't registered that my copy of Vivaldi was so far behind (!). Now I got it up to date I remember why I don't use it any more... I have a couple of apps that open in their own browser window. It's a bit like Evernote - the app looks more like a stand alone app than a browser page. Setting one up is instant and easy in Chrome - just go to 3-dots / More Tools / Create Shortcut on the tab that you want to have as a separate window. Tick the box that says 'open in own window' and as if by magic... Except that in (Chrome-based) Vivaldi that feature seems not to exist In (Chrome-based) Brave it works fine. So - bye Vivaldi! (again...)
  14. If you're looking to keep a backup copy of your database it's possible to export notebooks to ENEX files from the desktop Notebooks page in v10, or -for the present at least- it's feasible to install the Legacy version onto your desktop alongside v10 which will then download its database into the location you're aware of. You don't need to use Legacy as such (apart from maybe checking from time to time to ensure it's up to date) but it will sync along with v10 and act as your local backup host.
  15. Hi. Short answer, no. Boolean searches are reserved for Professional subscribers, but while an 'and' is implied for sequential keyword searches like "hot chocolate", the advanced operators you're using for each search would cancel each other out if used together in one line. I can imagine you could set this up with an external automation app - even some text expanders could do part of it - you'd need a bit of logic that says "run search 1 and tag the note OTD; then run search 2 <etc>; then search tag:OTD" Remember v10 doesn't work with scripts (yet) so you'd need AHK or similar to run that series for you.
  16. Is there meant to be a question here?
  17. Hi. The Admin of your Teams account would have to contact his Support. We're mainly other users of the whole account range here, with (I think) only a few Teams users amongst us.
  18. This thread from nearly 3 years ago predates v10, so the app has been completely rewritten since this was an issue. Can you explain in much more detail what you're trying to achieve, and how it's failing please? (Plus details of Device / OS / Evernote version)
  19. Hi. I'm unable to verify this because my copy of Vivaldi 3.2.1967 crashes when I try to load the store... Are you sure this is not a problem with the recent Vivaldi update? If the environment for Clipper has changed, then Evernote will catch up when someone reports the issue to Support. (That's not us by the way) - but since my copy won't load the store, and just crashed when I retried the page, I wonder if they're having issues with the latest update...
  20. Doesn't seem like it's anything to do with Evernote either, just part of the rules they apply to free accounts. Although your new phone had the same number, it is a different device according to any computer system. The only brighter bit of your situation is that the lockdown (I think) is only to the 1st March You could create another account temporarily and then move your temporary notes into your normal account when you get access back, or try for an upgrade and see whether you can pay monthly to keep the costs down. You'd only really need to pay for one month before you dropped the account back to Free...
  21. Hi. Sounds more like printer settings than an Evernote issue, but an immediate work-around would be to print to a PDF file and then print from your desktop where you would have more options; and/ or to create your note in a work processor and attach that file to your note where you have more control over typeface and colours - and more printing options on completion.
  22. Hmmn. Sounds like this is a question for Netvibes. I haven't heard of it before this post, but Evernote is not responsible for allowing other applications access to their system - there's a published API that third party developers can use to make a connection if they wish. Evernote won't change that access for one external company.
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