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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Thanks! Wasn't in a position to check whether that worked before, but as it does I'm gonna use it too! Nice that there's still stuff to learn about Evernote even after years of using it...
  2. If you check the help pages, it should be clear that you can select and export a notebook, regardless of how many notes there are. Exporting multiple notebooks is not advisable, as I pointed out. Your other option though is to run Evernote Legacy alongside v10. As long as you keep that database synced you can select and download as before.
  3. Hi. If you already have a generic set of notes, you should easily be able to create a template for each note. See: Use templates Or you could export your notebook to an ENEX file and 'import' the notebook from that file as many times as you need to. (an ENEX file of a single note will automatically regenerate that note when the file is clicked from the desktop - not sure if that would work for a notebook, but it would be worth trying...)
  4. Hi. How and on what device are you creating these perfectly formatted notes, and is the formatting still broken when you look at them again on the same device?
  5. Hmmn. Have you tried via Evernote.com in a browser?
  6. Hi. Your 'export' of all notes probably did not contain any notebook information - if you restored from that file, you'd get all your notes in one notebook. The 'correct' way is to export each individual notebook, which is still possible from the Notebooks page in Evernote Desktop. There's some more information here in case it's helpful - Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML | Back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows
  7. ...but definitely raise this with Support - it's possible that the format of your older images is not compatible with the latest version of the software - which IMHO (and as someone who's also been saving images in Evernote for a long time) is a potential bug. I've never had this problem myself (yet) but it would be nice to give the team a heads up that it needs to be fixed...
  8. Hi. No clue. Possibly our squeaky-new Reminder feature has a logic error there, or there are factors no-one has worked out yet. If it's causing you an issue, I suggest you raise it with Support and see what they say..
  9. Just a gentle reminder that the Forums have a code of conduct and that the intention here is to give folks an opportunity to post requests, suggestions and technical queries where other users can comment and offer relevant assistance. Sniping and personal comments are no part of that. If another user offends you it is possible to ignore or report them. The forum Admins will deal with all reports.
  10. Circling back later - sorry; that was a tad abrupt of me... for a more detailed explanation, see Search overview
  11. Hmmn. If it wasn't already obvious, I'm not an iOS user - so maybe hang on a little longer and one of my slightly more clued-in colleagues will be able to comment. Sorry not to be a help!
  12. Hi. Most frequent cause of content disappearing completely is logging in to the wrong account - try logging out and back in again, and pay special attention to make sure you're seeing the 'log in' prompts instead of 'sign up'....
  13. Hi. How would you uninstall any app? Seems to me the instructions just assume you'll remove the beta app like any other, and then download and install the standard one. No special process involved, just business as usual for macs.
  14. Hi. If the source of your clip is a web page, Evernote includes the web frame to show it in its original form. If you click on the top bar of that frame you should see a 'magic wand' that will convert the content to plain text. That should share correctly. Alternatively, clip a screen shot rather than the text - an image will also avoid the HTML frame.
  15. Hi. I have 300+ notebooks and around 60,000 notes and my files take up around 30GB. Unless you have 3 or 4 times as many notes as me, I don't see why your setup is so resource-hungry. Have you tried signing out and back in again / restarting the app / the device? If all that fails, try signing out of the app and uninstalling - opting to delete your existing files. Then restart and reinstall and wait while the local database is being recreated. This can take some time, depending on your notes.
  16. I don't see where 'offline access' has anything to do with that sort of thing - your mobile phone should work fine in a hotel, and your regular notes, whether 'local' or not would give you room numbers or codes. "Offline" means not being able to look up your room number when you're halfway up a mountain in Tibet...
  17. Hi. Evernote get to see these posts eventually, but if you are a subscriber with an issue, why not reach out to Support directly? They may not be aware of your precise situation, and giving them a headsup, plus access to your system logs, will get the fix issued much sooner. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (We're mainly other users here...)
  18. Because if over 250M Evernote users (or whatever smaller number are Monterey users) all downloaded the package in the same 24 hours, the internet might burn down. The company stage updates over a couple of weeks to try to avoid that. Anyone who wishes to jump the update queue is welcome to do as you did and download the new version from the company.
  19. As you're discovering, there really ain't no such thing as a free lunch (tanstaafl) - you need to be an expert user of most software for it to save you a lot of time in processing, and the only way you get to be an expert is spending a lot of time learning stuff... (and if my experience is anything to go by - making mistakes!) Another app Filterize will 'batch process' tags for you - you could set up some rules to add (forinstance) a "#shopping" hashtag to the body of any note with a <shopping> tag and in the same process check for all your other tags and add suitable hashtags. That's something called parameterization, which is a paid-for feature, but might be worth signing up to while you convert your existing database over - if that's what you decide to do... Good luck with your quest anyway - and do let us know if/ when you get airtime!!
  20. Yep - same experience; it may be something to do with the way that the system 'checks' a word for spelling when there's a space or punctuation after it, signifying that (as far as you're concerned) you've finished typing it. - Otherwise you'd be peppered by 'wrong spelling' errors all the way through until completion. Same process may apply to adding the URL link and formatting.
  21. AFAIK the web app doesn't have any local storage other than whatever the browser uses while you're looking at that web page. Favourites/ shortcuts will jump to external URLs, files stored outside Evernote on the local device, other notes etc. The web dashboard is identical with the installed version and shortcuts will do exactly the same job. Evernote desktop does keep a local copy of your notes for offline working, but shortcuts work across the whole database - there's no 'special' level that addresses only local files. See Create shortcuts for more...
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