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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Thanks for the extra detail - what happened 6 years ago on an android device was in a completely different technical environment from current iOS v10 activities, hence the request. Glad it solved itself - best to report it to Support (who are not us) should it happen again.
  2. I may have to get this on a t-shirt: Evernote do not give updates on features in development or expected release dates. Mostly.
  3. Hi. How are you trying to sync the calendar, what options are you seeing, and what options would you prefer?
  4. If you're using the latest Evernote v10, it's possible to opt not to keep the notes database on your hard drive - but that will mean no off-line working. If you're using the Android or iOS versions of Evernote, there's no issue: mobile devices don't retain copies of notes in local storage. If you need to keep your notes available offline, you might consider using a cloud drive rather than Evernote for the bulk storage - just keep a direct link in Evernote to the cloud folder or to individual files if you wish.
  5. Evernote might review the limit - it used to be 250 notebooks for everyone. Eventually I guess they need some kind of a limit to budget for how much storage space they need to provide for users. I have no idea what (if any) effect adding more notebooks does to an account's architecture, but inevitably it's going to take some time to make any changes. Short term you might consider a second account to hold 'new' notebooks?
  6. Hi. I don't know of any foolproof way to set or change the thumbnail. All the options quoted in this thread so far don't necessarily work for me either. The only guaranteed way to set the image is to save that one image into a new note. If your template is for the content layout, you might try copying and pasting from the template into a brand new note after you have placed the image you prefer.
  7. If you have an old device with limited storage (and an older OS) you'll probably be unable to get more than the Evernote 8.13 app, but the notes will still load and sync back to the server 'parent' version. Mobiles being limited for both bandwidth and storage space Evernote has always arranged that the device holds only the index for searching plus (maybe) a couple of recent notes in temporary storage. There's no bulk storage at all by default, although you can opt to download all your notes onto the device for totally offline and off-network working. The company has retained the same procedure for more modern devices - because they've got to support the most limited user devices out there; so in most normal circumstances you shouldn't need extra storage space.
  8. Wow - I lived for a long while with about 5 notebooks. 99% of my notes were in one humungous steaming pile, with the outliers being just shared notes and work in progress. Then the convenience of the work-in-progress notes suggested that maybe I should keep all my notes in 'themed' notebooks - if I keep all my Amazon receipts and deliveries together forinstance I can immediately find the latest purchase by just clicking (or searching) the notebook name. So I threw caution to the winds and started making notebooks for my contacts (both company and personal), my projects, and various apps that I installed. I've done that for a few years now, and I still have less than 400 notebooks. Either you have a very active life, or you might want to look into how you assign notes to notebooks. We'll have to leave you to decide how to go about it, but there must be some way to merge notebooks / archive old notes / use tags rather than notebook names to get some headroom.
  9. Hi. If you can still log into the account, try Change your account login email address. If not, then https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new should get you some attention.
  10. AFAIK PNG files cannot contain multi-page notes while PDF can. If you save to a searchable PDF before you attach the files, you should have the shortest delay while the index updates to include new content. If you have handwritten content, beware that handwriting in PDFs is not OCR'd. Those pages should be in PNG or JPG files.
  11. Hi. Can't off hand think of a way to speed things up if you need to copy the YT frame and make notes on the content. You clearly have to pause / copy / tab over / paste and type, then tab back to restart. You could use a 2 x n table to constrain slides and get your notes tied to the relevant image but that's about it for suggestions. If you have the possibility to dictate your notes and have access to a tablet or phone, it might be easier to have the video play on one device and use another to snap pictures (into a new note) and record your comments at the same time. If you don't have a device (or an app) that will convert Speech To Text that means you'd have to go back and retype your notes but that could be good revision anyway...
  12. Hi. I assume you're not a Teams user* but if you are - please see your Admin; you may not have the permissions to change that note. If you're NOT a teams user we'll need details of your device & OS. Please try logging out of the app and back in, and powering your device off and on again to try to jumpstart it into working. You may need to uninstall the app and reinstall from Evernote.com to get a 'clean' install. I use the same version of Evernote on Windows 11 and don't have this issue. * Evernote's Business Plan
  13. Hi. That's not expected behaviour. Have you logged out of Evernote and back in recently? Restarted the device? Tried to uninstall / reinstall?
  14. 2 years later on a completely different application... Can we start over with Device / OS / Evernote version and a complete description of the issue you're experiencing please?
  15. I find bullet lists useful too - as well as being a daily Evernote user I'm a Workflowy user which is handy because links to Evernote notes and Workflowy sections can be buried anywhere - like here. The two apps complement each other in my workflow,,,
  16. That's not gonna happen. It's not a bug - it's a designed restriction to limit the usability of a free product and 'encourage' users to ante up (even if only for one month to fix this issue) or find something else. It seems to me that non-paying users get a very good deal over time - free cloud storage, product updates, efficient searching and access to the Forums for free help & support. If you can continue to use it within its narrow limits, it is possible to continue for years (apparently - according to some users here) but I think it's crazy to risk your data with a service you don't have any kind of contractual or financial relationship with.
  17. It's obviously still a work in progress - I looked at the 'more options' survey and walked into several pages of questions about logos, watermarks, page numbers and so on. I added a bit about "we need attachments" so maybe that will come! Here's a full set of the menus I apologise for the pun in the print preview window...
  18. I think the important word here is - occasional inconveniences happen...
  19. ...and as ever; to correct a perceived lack in Evernote, just use an external layout app* to create a grid of images, then copy and paste the layout into the note. * Depending on exactly what you're trying to achieve, this could be a spreadsheet, a word processor, a slideshow editor, Lightroom, Photoshop...
  20. Hi. Yes, it's still available. Scan business cards using your phone
  21. ...and ironically Edge is now also a Chrome-based browser... (and my current browser-of-choice - what can I say? I'm fickle.) This browser is made possible by the Chromium open source project and other open source software. Microsoft Edge © 2022 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  22. Hi. I haven't seen any complaints about the web version being "abandoned" - it has a few less features than the installed apps, mainly because of the limitations imposed on all web-based apps by the browsers it has to operate through. As far as I know, Evernote Web is otherwise as developed as any of the other clients. Since it's company policy now that - as far as possible - every app will have an identical user interface, your wish list will apply to every client - and I agree with a lot of it. The current editor is still fairly limited and could be better in so many ways. But. The current work-around is: if you want your note to look pretty, create it in an app that already has the sort of flexibility that you need. There are a ton of word-processors and office suites out there that will do the job. If you need to see the fancy result in your note - just print to PDF and attach that to your note. Attach the working file too, so it's available to be edited anywhere you have access to the note and the word-processor app. And. Since there are SO many options out there - why should Evernote re-invent the wheel and add the options you've specified? There are many other features that might be popular - adding properly formatted formulae, accounting layouts or mind maps forinstance - it will be a never-ending project to add every users' list of features. It's actually more flexible (and much more efficient) to allow users to choose the layout software appropriate for their country and area of study, and save the output files in Evernote.
  23. Hi. Which device / OS / Evernote version are we talking about here?
  24. Hi. Are you viewing these notes in the Evernote app or via a web browser? What version are you using? The app can keep a copy of the files on your hard drive, but you can choose for it not to do that. The web app doesn't download files by default to save time opening the note. Access notes offline
  25. Hi. The Forum here is mainly supported by other users, not Evernote staff. To report issues with updates, please contact Support directly. But last time I had an update it was a "do you want to do this now?" kind of thing. They are issued every every couple of weeks. If you're getting them more often, something else is wrong.
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