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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you are on version 10, then try a reinstall - File > Sign Out Select "Remove my Evernote data from this device" then click Sign out, Restart your computer Sign back in and try again.
  2. Hi. You should be able to export notes as HTML. What have you tried? What isn't working? What format do you need these notes in?
  3. Hi sympathies, but there is no magic solution to 'fix' what might be any one of a dozen causes. Please see the comments above for suggestions and work-arounds.
  4. Hi. We're not Support - mainly other users here. Try Evernote Help & Learning for more about SSO and for access to the team.
  5. There have been attempted hacks but Evernote (AFAIK) has always managed to protect essential user data. If they feel your account has been individually targetted they will email you. If the company was hacked I believe they're required to advise everyone. They publish generalised advice here - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  6. Hi. You seem to be on a 'phone app, but: Device? OS? EN version? And have you tried looging into this note from another device - preferably the web or an installed desktop version? A phone has to download attachments to play, and depending on the network connection that can be slow, difficult or impossible.
  7. I already said elsewhere - initial reaction was a major WTF??, but slightly more nuanced view says - treat this like all the other software apps that have been sold / 'improved' / crashed in the past - as long as it continues to deliver; I'm fine. I have some backups / exits in place 'just in case' and they'll still be available if everything goes south. I'm content to wait and see... NB the deal is not ratified until at least next year, and big deals can be adventuresome (looking at you, Elon) And just on the flip side - if you're inclined to immediate panic and frantically look around for somewhere else to be - you'll waste 50% or so of your productive time in the next 6 months trying to find an alternative solution, and at least that for another year getting everything in place with a new provider - which could turn out to be the biggest mistake you made this decade... Breathe, people - be calm; stuff happens.
  8. Hi. Unless and until Evernote makes it happen internally - Calendar Connectors | Cronofy
  9. Doesn't it depend on how the note was shared? If the link is simply a public link it will open in a browser window with a pop-up option to add it to your own database. If you have a pop-up blocker that might prevent the display... @Spider221 - Can you ask the owner of the note to email it to you?
  10. Hi. Device, OS, Evernote version? Exactly how are you trying to load templates? Using 'open gallery' from a new note body? Which tab?
  11. Hmm Windows 11 EN v10.48 - clicking in the first position in the first line... just gets me a cursor in that position.
  12. <Groan> Everything has an "AI" tag these days, and all it means is that someone applied a glorified machine learning algorythm to most tasks so the device can offer you a bunch of partially irrelevant options you probably didn't need in the first place. But it's a big organisation with lots of existing resources - here's hoping they know what they're doing, because we're about to find out! As usual - my continuing test is going to be: is this app doing what I need? If not, I'll be elsewhere...
  13. Hi. Are you a user and are you having any problems with this issue? You're the first person to comment in over 18 months, so it doesn't look like a serious topic...
  14. Doesn't it depend on what you want from your 'word processor'? I don't see that claim anywhere on Evernote's website, and I prefer to use a little app called Typora for lots of reason including its flexibility in Markdown and HTML - neither of which (AFAIK) appear in a well known competitor called MS Word which does claim to be a word processor. I use third party apps for lots of specific functions that Evernote doesn't have, or doesn't do to the degree that I need. If you desperately need Format Painting, try another app - unfortunately it's not currently available here...
  15. I'm now on the new version (after about 3 weeks of waiting for the roll-out!) but I have no problem with any notes - if I click on the note, I get the title and first few paragraphs (or images). If you're having issues, we need Your device, OS and Evernote version An exact description of how you're selecting the note (clicking search results? Using the side list?) And (maybe) screen shots of a before and after test note view...
  16. I also have a free account for testing purposes, and the installed client has 'export to PDF' as an option under the file menu and the three dots menu in a note. Don't know what options there are under each. To switch between apps by the way is much nicer now - I click on my name in the menu, choose 'add account' and log into another account which then appears in my Evernote window. I can switch back to professional seamlessly by clicking the name of my other account at any time.
  17. Hi. I held out against the new version for a long time on grounds of compatibility and missing features, but having made the change earlier this year I find I'm missing the Legacy app less and less. The two big omissions for me are the ability to backup the whole account easily in one operation, and yes - the locally stored, not synced, notes where confidential information can be stored solely on my local drive. In fairness there are also many more additional features - some of which may be useful, some probably not; but things are still developing. Backups are still easy in Legacy, so that's the main reason I log in there every week. Locally stored notes and notebooks can be accommodated in other note-taking apps, so I use another product for this purpose and link back and forth between them. It's pretty seamless. I have an old Andrdoi phone, so also Evernote 8.13.3 - but I use that more for look-ups and taking photographs so the version is not critical. My one concern is that sooner or later - obvisouly not this year, or maybe even next; but at some stage changes to basic operating systems, plus Evernote versions, are going to quietly edge Legacy out of use. You have to be aware that you will need to move or switch at some stage.
  18. Evernote's editor is designed to produce basic notes - more stylish output is only available from a third party word processor. Text can be copied and pasted into notes and still retain formatting that is not current;y available in the app.
  19. Hi. The help page referenced above describes how you can forward email from specific addresses to Evernote, but the notes may wind up in different notebooks - autofile is not very exacting in Evernote. Another app though "Filterize" can check new notes for the same sort of kewords your mail client will use to forward them and can move the note into the correct notebook. A more specific example - my email client will forward emails from Amazon to my general Evernote email address; Filterize can move any of those notes not already there into to my Amazon notebook, add relevant tags and even change the note title if I wish.
  20. Hi. Any ebook (or any other) file format can be attached to a note, and opened in any suitable ebook software that is installed on the same device. Notations can't be saved directly into Evernote, but if - like with Kindle - notations can be saved in PDF (or some other) document format, those files could also be attached to a note. Since it's possible to annotate image and PDF files, more can be done with those types of files than most others. Annotate images and PDFs
  21. If you copy the "internal link" for a note, that note should open in the Evernote app and not the web browser when the link is clicked on a machine that has Evernote installed. Try copying the internal link, then pasting the link into its own parent note. Then copy that link (which should be the title of the note) into another app, or another note.
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