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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Try Note History - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  2. Hi. So to be clear you'd like your top 6 notes in that example all to have the same Mar 29 date for updated? I assume the existing layout is so someone with dozens of changes can easily see the time at which they were updated, and the difference in the created column is to differentiate between the current and previous year's notes. There's no way to reset that AFAIK, though you could start a Feature Request for Evernote to add a format option to the dates...
  3. Glad it's resolved. Maybe consider editing the title to include [Solved] ?
  4. Hi. Best advice is usually to uninstall - possibly with Revo Uninstaller Free - and reinstall the app update. My Win 11 desktop is running the same version without issues, so you should not be having a problem. If you're a subscriber you could also contact Support (that's not us) for some individual assistance.
  5. Hi. The forums here are supported mainly by other users and we don't get to 'fix' anything. If you use Evernote on the web, then you can't 'go back' to Legacy - there are various versions available via https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action - look at the bottom of the page for Evernote Web options. Beware that some of them might not work on your device. As far as I know it has never been possible to preview a word document or to search inside an Office document in Legacy, or on the web - the server doesn't even download attachments to the web page to speed up loading the note contents. For direct contact with Evernote please see the Support page - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - but the new version has now been around for a couple of years; it doesn't look like they plan any major changes.
  6. Hi. Evernote users insisted that the app have the same interface on the web as it did in any device on which it was installed in any OS on any size screen. Evernote complied.
  7. Hi. If this is a first-time share you may need to look for an email invitation before seeing the note in your account.
  8. Hi. Try -tag:* See also - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613
  9. Hi, There is a VERY long discussion of this in the Forums. Briefly: you don't have a choice of images, but by maybe having your preferred image in one note and linking to any related images in another you could create an 'index' of preferred images by searching for an appropriate tag.
  10. That is, of course, entirely your choice - but you might want to nip along to - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action - and change your account type to basic, and maybe remove your payment details too? Your existing account level and access will continue until the due date, then you'll be back to lower use limits and a maximum of two connected devices.
  11. Hi. Exact details of device / OS / EN version / File types and issue please if you would like some help.
  12. OK - why are you unable to contact Support? We are (in case you hadn't realised) all other users here, hence my wry reaction to your apparent intent to withdraw your business from what appeared to be a free account. We can't tell you how to fix the tasks feature, other than by suggesting the usual measures - log out and back in / restart your device / uninstall and reinstall the app.
  13. If you're not allowed to contact Support, i assume you're not a subscriber. It's hard to imagine that threatening to end a one-way relationship will worry them too much. Tasks, as it happens, are only marginally available to Free users - see this overview for more. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141
  14. Hi. No. You can change the notebook names so the default works for you - try A - Middle of the road thoughts B - Zoological interests C - Arctic Winter Or: use more stacks and separate the most important notebooks out.
  15. Hi. Personally I'd use the meeting note as a kind of "parent" with links to new notes for each project or person (whichever is easier for you) plus your own "ideas" list. Copy text from the meeting note into the linked notes and set up your tasks there so you can keep track. You can also add tags to the child-notes for future searching. The back-links will show you which task came from which meeting, the global tasks display will show you a total picture, and the individual project notes will show you what is outstanding for that item. Seems like that, or some variation on it, should give you what you want. As a general principle in Evernote it's always best to pick a structure or a process and start using it: you may realise it is totally hopeless in a day or two - or it may be the best thing since toast. You have to try it to know. Best of luck whatever method you choose!
  16. Hi. You're posting in a public forum and that image you included shows you email address. You might want to delete that. If you haven't already, try signing out of Evernote, or logging in on a different device. Internet transactions aren't necessarily instant so it might have taken Evernote a few minutes (and a restart) to catch up.
  17. Hi. You're posting in the Teams (Evernote for business) forums and you have succeeded in giving zero information about your issue. If you are a Teams user, please see your local Admin for help. If you're not, please state your device(s) / Operatings System(s) / Evernote version and explain exactly how you create the notes that keep on being deleted, and how you find out that they have been lost. Throwing in the odd screenshot may help.
  18. I'm afraid it might be related... if you choose to write something for an extended time into a 'free' app, relying on the fact that regulations related to limiting its use will not apply to your specific situation, you're relying on someone else's charity to preserve your thoughts. If gatekeeper applications then shut down your access, you don't have any contractual basis from which to argue your rights. You will need either to apply (very politely) to Evernote Support for assistance, or to pay for a month or so's subscription to retrieve your content.
  19. Hi. "Syncing between devices" doesn't happen. Evernote syncs from and from each device to Evernote's server. Individual devices sometimes have trouble catching up. Making major changes on multiple devices at the same time is just a way of giving the server a nervous breakdown. Try changing your entries on one device and check on others to see whether you get the update. You might need to wait a day or so to allow the fallout from the last changes to work through the system...
  20. Hi. A number of questions seem to be suggested here - Are you a subscriber? Being locked out can be a symptom of free users exceeding the allowed number of connected devices. Where were you typing your original information? I that was the an app installed on your device, the information may be stored there, waiting to be synced to the server. Is your device now connected to the internet? Some of these errors look like lost connections...
  21. Hi. Sympathies if Evernote are being unhelpful - provided your notes are up to date and synced with the server (and I'd say its worth spending an hour or two making sure that's all done) - up to and including sending your note(s) to the server by email, or exporting any troublesome notes to ENEX so that you don't lose anything. Then I believe Appcleaner is the recommended uninstall route (by Forum members, not actually Evernote). It will remove every scrap of Evernote from your system and allow you a completely clean reinstall - so sign out of the app / appcleaner uninstall / restart your device / download and reinstall. It may not fix your issue, but at least that will make sure that you have now installed a plain vanilla version of Evernote and do not have any 'beta' issues causing problems. Restoring your system will take a little while depending on the number of notes, so the weekend might be a good time to do it! Good luck...
  22. That was to do with notes being marked as 'shared' - the share URL was active so that anyone with that URL (which is safe behind Evernote's firewall and only available on direct access) could have gained access to individual notes. There was nothing about strange notes materialising in an account. @Owen Miller - if you still have the note (check the trash notebook if you deleted it) the 'note info' will give you author and date details, and the history (if it has one) may show more. Be cautious - don't follow any links and don't open any attachments if you find them! We've never heard of random notes appearing in an account, and -other than tempting the owner to click links or attachments- I can't see that this means anyone else has access to the account other than to spam you with unwanted detail. It may even be that someone with an account email address very similar to yours managed to get their account address wrong, and is even now complaining that their email was never received in their account... But we're all other users - Evernote Support are the guys to look under the hood.
  23. Hi. You seem to be speaking Developer. That's not us - try Support.
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