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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Find your 'shared with me' notebook (this may need a desktop) and click on the notebook you wish to opt out of. Mine was called "website pages..." Then choose the three dots menu, and...
  2. I don't see the devs rushing to spend time and money fixing an issue that > may currently be unfixable - they need a foolproof way to ID users solely by their device. (Even my bank demands extra security if I use a new device or browser to access my account) > will only benefit users who are not subscribers The free app is meant for trial or very light use only, and if access is important enough that being locked out causes an issue, then its clearly time to decide whether or not to continue with Evernote. NB if you have different email address for log-ins, you also by definition have multiple different accounts.
  3. Hi. Log in to your account via a browser and Evernote.com to ensure all your notes are still stored on the server. If so, uninstalling from your device will not affect any notes that have been synced with the server. Uninstall and reinstall Evernote.
  4. The Legacy client is no longer supported by Evernote. You'll get some continuing support here, but ongoing updates to browsers and operating systems will gradually exclude Legacy from working and will not be corrected by Evernote. To take your points in order... 1. I use the light theme, but there's a black bar on the left. Where's the logic in that? The left panel can be shrunk on some clients if you hate it so much... 2. I can't specify the location for the database like I could in the Legacy client. Look into "symbolic links" to fool Evernote into believing you're using the correct location, but keep frequent backups! 3. The program can't remember the column width. I see my notes and make the column with the note names wider. After restarting my PC, the column width is back to its previous size. Obvious fix - use a word processor and attach the file (+PDF for visibility) to your note 4. I can't opt out of a note that has been shared with me; I have to ask the person who shared it to revoke the permission. That's not normal. I agree it was possible to do so - is there no option to unsubscribe? 5. I can't quickly find all the notes that I've shared. Already answered - but also: keep a separate notebook for shared notes so you don't accidentally change or delete them; or share notebooks instead.
  5. Hi. At the specific request of many users, Evernote introduced fonts that would look the same on any device in any OS. They may extend the choice at some point in the future, but for the moment seem focused on system issues. You can extend the choice of styles and fonts available by using a word processor to create your documents and attaching that to the note in case of further edits; for visibility in the meantime, output the file to PDF or image formats.
  6. ...and please don't post the same query twice - I deleted the other entry.
  7. Hi. As the screen says - restart Evernote, or power the device off and on again... or in extreme cases uninstall using Appremover and reinstall.
  8. Hi. You should be able to unsubscribe from the share if you wish...
  9. What version of Evernote are you currently using? I haven't seen any AI integration here...
  10. Hi. Use a local word-processor of some description and save locally, then attach the completed file to your Note. If you wish to be able to view the content, either print to PDF and attach that file too, or copy/ paste into the note.
  11. Hi. No user-facing Admins here - we're mainly just users. Have you tried Note History? If you're not yet a subscriber it should still be possible to subscribe - even if only for a month or two - and see the previous incarnations of this note back to its creation. If the history isn't helpful, you'll at least have access to Support staff who may be able to work out what happened to your content. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  12. Hi. Not a bug. Your Admin may have some control over access to tags, though you may want to ensure that teams get coaching on a centralised tag system that probably should not allow personal comments to be made on the office network. If you do allow anyone to add any tag, the categorisation will be basically useless. Different terms for the same thing (and misspellings of those terms) will dilute any value your tags may offer. We're mainly users here - few being Teams customers - you should probably reach out to Support for more.
  13. Actually the mechanism is fine and differences between database are pretty academic - what causes the problem is that Windows wants you to make up your mind: is it going to open Evernote links with Legacy, v10 or web? I was surprised initially when I clipped an email on my desktop (using the Outlook clipper) and Legacy popped up unexpectedly in the middle of a v10 session. Changing the Windows settings should make a difference...
  14. Erm.. these are essentially different products. I have both installed on my Dell desktop, and I have not noticed that links in one do not work on the other, but I would suggest you need to choose which version you will use as the default and -mainly- stick with that unless the other version is the only one that will give you the response that you require. But be aware that Legacy is unsupported and v10 is now king. (Living in the UK that's unexpectedly relevant...)
  15. My phone is an old Samsung which works fine with Legacy. Processes take seconds. My new tablet (also Samsung) is v10 and very slow - the same action will take minutes now.
  16. Seems weird - I only use my (old) android phone as a look-up and occasional camera/ scanner, but the setup is quick and generates both image and thumbnail quickly.. but scratch that: it's Legacy android, not v10. On my v10 tablet... I'm about 3 minutes into syncing the pic I just took, but no thumbnail yet.. No sync either... EDIT: Update - several minutes later I have both image and thumbnail, but it took a while...
  17. It is an unfortunate factor of having lots of customers that separating users with actual issues from users who just don't yet know how to use the product is quite difficult - if you have 200M+ users, you're probably going to get at least .005% with queries. That's your new users, plus those bodies who just downloaded an update and found a bug or got an error. That's still (unless I dropped a decimal somewhere) 1,000,000 queries per year which is over 100 queries every hour of every day. A small portion of those will need hours or days of work to find a fix. Every large company does its best to get users to help themselves by providing help screens and FAQs, and will have a support team with several tiers: customer facing to (probably) use a script-based process based on previous user queries on any given topic / 2nd tier techs who can apply some independent thought and logic to issues, and 'devs' who get into the weeds of bugs and OS conflicts. At each stage they'll run users through the process of basic steps to make sure they're all on the same page and nothing obvious has been overlooked. I know that's necessary, because when I started out in a support team (a little while ago now!!) I had a nightmare customer who could not log into their email. I talked them through the process - no luck. I tried the login myself on a test machine - worked perfectly. Called back and took them through the steps... failed again. Rebooted the system - failed again. Extracted a promise from the customer that they would only tap the keys I gave them, and took them through the process embarrassingly s.l.o.w.l.y. Got to the user name, which I'd previously given as first (dot) last and dictated a full stop - at which point the customer said "you mean there's an actual dot in there?" <facepalm> That's an extreme case, but I promise it's a true story and every support tech will have their own version. So please be patient, and just go through the motions when asked. You never know when those sneaky dots will get in on the action... EDIT: Just to belabor the point I found this just after writing the post... http://www.skywriting.net/inspirational/humor/ancient_tech_support.html
  18. That is unprofessional, unhelpful and disrespectful to users. It would be good if a grownup could show whoever wrote it how to write release notes properly...
  19. TBH if I had a saved search for a collection of tags including $current I'd be inclined to name it "$current" which should surely solve the issue?
  20. I'm up to 61,000 notes and counting, and still running 6.25.1 on one (old) laptop, and v10 on my new(ish) Dell desk monster. I use v10 98% of the time and Legacy for occasional lookups - the one benefit being that I keep my notes in the EXB file on the laptop as well as in whatever format in V10. Although I'm multiply paranoid about losing data I've only ever lost a handful of notes in 15 years with Evernote, and the jury's still out on whose fault that actually was anyway. It is possible to backup individual notebooks to Enex files from v10 - if you have a lot of notebooks, one or other of the many third party automation tools should be able to handle that for you. I've not had any upgrade warnings on Legacy yet, and I have no plans to update the laptop anyway - it can't handle v10. I'm quite happy to run that until I physically can't - and it's likely to be a Windows update that kills it since Evernote is no longer supporting Legacy. To answer a couple of questions - there's a version of Legacy that runs alongside v10 and you can install both on one device. I'd recommend that you install both and try your best to get along with v10 - sooner or later it will be the only option, and you may need to change some workflows to use it. You can find out now and work through any issues, with the added fall-back that Legacy is still available if you hit any major issues or time-soaks. I've not seen any issues with Legacy to date - AFAIK it works as "well" as it always did; but if you use both versions, new features like ToDo and Calendar (obvs) do not work in Legacy. To avoid meltdowns do not switch from one to the other frequently or quickly. Install an older version - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314 - This will be something like 6.25.2 or 3 that does not update or clash with v10. It installs to its own separate database.
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