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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn.  And you prefer the 700-plus character version to the simple link?  They do (or should) both work the same..

    In most normal circumstances,  everything after the "?" symbol is a tracking cookie,  sending details about your browsing to a third party service somewhere.  I tend to delete that part of a URL when copying it from the browser address bar.

    In this case it's clearly your search details - as well as the tracking bit,  feeding Google's statistics.

    How did you generate the shorter link though?  If I do the same search and save the page,  or a bookmark,  I get the full link showing...



  2. 1 hour ago, Casper Swanepoel said:

    I am looking for a way to disable the shortening of URLs (links) in my notes but I am not able to find a way to do this on the Evernote app on Windows. 

    ?  Evernote does not 'shorten' URLs.  Please post an example - is it possible another browser app or extension is doing this?

  3. 14 hours ago, DougLietz said:

    I'm pretty sure this is the type of issue that we should be able to take up directly with a strong technical support team that can hopefully provide quick advice on how to find fixes as quickly as possible (IMO).

    No disagreement here;  however,  we are where we are...

    I'd suggest a 'clean' reinstall - sign out of Evernote / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app.  Power off and back on,  then re-download and reinstall and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data files and indexes.  It's usable but initially a little slow - things get better after a few days.

    Regardless of how your last experience went - if Evernote don't know about it,  they can't fix it - so please do contact Support and wait for a response...

    @dannydu - see above!

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Farbauti said:

    Please tell me there is a setting or shortcut to avoid that faulty behavior.

    Not that I found after a quick play.  I agree it's "odd" that given you can paste the original line into a code block without it being split up,.  any partial paste there should simply replace the existing text,  not get split up.  The only alternative process I can see is - 

    1. copy and paste the whole line outside of the code block
    2. copy and paste the correction
    3. copy and paste the whole line back into the code block to replace the original

    -which is probably more effort than removing the breaks.

    ...Or you could use another editor and attach the file to Evernote

    I'd suggest you report the situation to Support (yes,  I know...) so it can be fixed at some stage.

  5. Evernote is not suffering from all the same bugs it had 4 years ago,  and it has a heck of a lot more functionality.  What version number of Evernote are you currently using,  and what exactly are these bugs that make the application unusable?

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/27/2024 at 2:38 AM, sosomali said:

    Anybody else finally forced to update?

    The servers were switched off on 23 March,  so everyone has had to make the decision whether to continue with 3+ year old discontinued software or to move elsewhere. 

  7. On 4/24/2024 at 10:45 PM, JesseTron said:

    I need to request a refund.


    The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Both subscribers and non-subscribers can contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app.

    More here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/21400396397587 

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