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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. 3 hours ago, Jagg10 said:

    attaching a copy of the transfer payment receipts

    No apologies necessary - 15 days is about how long it's taking Support to respond  these days.  I'm not sure how definitive your transfer payment receipts are,  but have you confirmed with the bank that the funds have actually been sent?  I hope you hear from Evernote soon - or at least that you don't lose access to the account in a few days...

  2. 6 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    It's no longer supported.

    Wasn't aware it ever was - the thing about a code block is that it's plain text.  No formatting.  Anyway - if your original information is gone,  and there's no way to recover it from the current architecture,  what are you expecting Evernote to do?

    Many of us have exploited unexpected loopholes in app features for our own purposes,  but unless the feature is part of the overall specifications,  there's no comeback if that loophole changes when the code is updated.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Jagg10 said:

    Once again, we reiterate

    Hi.  We're mainly all other users here,  so zero knowledge of your account or your relationship with Evernote,  and I haven't seen anything previously about your,  or your university's account being due.

    Before you get all tied up in righteous indignation,  I'd suggest that ever since billing systems were invented they have been known to send out reminders even after payments have been received,  so you might want to verify with your bank that the payment has been made,  and -if so- relax for the next 7 days to see what happens.

    In the unlikely event that your account is locked,  none of your seats will have access after that point and you will have a valid complaint;  but for the moment the onus would appear to be on you to verify that the payment has been transferred by the bank.  You won't lose any content and once the issue is resolved you'll get your access back.

    You can certainly contact Evernote Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - and if you can post the Ticket number you should be able to obtain after creating an enquiry here,  we can ask a Forum Admin to chase it up for you. 

    Your account should have an Admin member who may also have more access to Evernote contacts.

    • Like 1
  4. I did see a X(Twitter) from Federico that during May Evernote will be looking more closely at the mobile apps - maybe we'll see some progress then.  Rather than 'not caring about users opinions'  there has been a series of posts explaining planned changes and receiving (mostly positive) feedback,  and in some cases what has been released has been modified from what was on offer.  Check there is you want to stay more in touch with what's going on.  Sympathies that the changes aren't anything that you're looking for - but they're not arbitrarily imposed by Evernote.  They can't cater for anyone's specific pet process - they're just providing what the majority of users would like to see.  Granted that their QA leaves something to be desired!

  5. 21 minutes ago, Bill4Shorts said:

    On a recent release the functionality to create an event in Evernote calendar. I love this feature!!! However, it's not yet on the IOS app. Does anyone know when that will be added to the IOS app?

    No mobile release yet,  but Evernote do try to keep the functionality as close as possible,  so I'd say "soon" - i.e. Maybe in May - almost certainly before December...probably...  :huh:

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, raywigz said:

    I was using 10.86.4, so have now updated to 10.86.5 and yes, the preview is missing. but now it doesn't print at all. It just hangs on 'processing 1 note for printing' message

    If you carry on and print using the system dialogue,  there is still no preview,  but the content will print.

    • Like 1
  7. Hmmn.  I just updated to 10.86.5 and got the full-width tasks window.  I set up a task for the 8th May in a test note.  Unless I'm doing something wrong here I don't see that task at all in my calendar,  though I have selected both Events and Tasks in the left column.  The task is visible in the Tasks window on the correct date,  and I can't find any relevant settings to change...  Going to play a little more,  but the calendar / tasks function does seem - a little broken.  

    I'd suggest you (and anyone else trying this) feeds the situation back to Evernote via feedback@evernote.com or Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us

    EDIT:  Created a new task in the Calendar - still shows in Tasks,  but not Calendar.  Checked web version - same situation.  Contacted Evernote with Forum link.

    See also 


  8. 1 hour ago, dannydu said:

    in my 'files' tab , I do not see all my files , maybe since I have hundreds of files ,  wonder if this is the case for others

    Yeah - 'Files' is a work-in-progress (I hope..)

    Guessing that Evernote has to keep an index somewhere of the physical location of all the attachments it holds,  and someone thought "I bet it would be useful if users could see this..." without thinking that some of us have a lot of attachments!

  9. Thanks - that's officially strange.  Using the 'pen' icon (which for me says "edit and annotate") I get a small offset between the cursor and any drawing.  Using the three dots menu shows the same option apparently opening in the same window,  and that is totally accurate for placing. 

    I agree it's a bug,  but don't see that it makes the feature "totally unusable"...  apart from anything else (workaround warning here - sensitive users should look away now...) even if your Evernote experience is not so good - my OS will annotate images / or / I have a free utility app that will open the image and do the same changes.

  10. Hmmn...  from Copilot on my Win11 system:

    [1]: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ajedojkedficaboemnhahoclgfnooelm "" 
    [2]: https://windows.do/using-url-shortening-in-edge/ ""
    [3]: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-manage-url-pasting-behavior-microsoft-edge ""
    [4]: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/url-shortener/ajedojkedficaboemnhahoclgfnooelm ""

    Yes, Microsoft Edge does have a feature to shorten URL links¹[2]. When you copy a link in Edge, it converts the long web address into a short hyperlink with the website title¹[2]²[3]. This makes the web address shorter, cleaner, and easier to understand¹[2]²[3]. You can access this feature in Edge by opening the browser Settings and clicking `Share, copy and paste` from the left panel¹[2]. There are two choices here, `Link` which will shorten the URL, and `Plain text` where the full and complete URL¹[2].

    Additionally, there are extensions available such as `Url Shortener` that can help you create short links using various services³[1]. Once installed, you can click the extension icon on the toolbar to shorten the current page or right-click on any link to create a short URL⁴[4]. The short links automatically copy to your clipboard⁴[4].

    Please note that while these features can help make sharing links easier, it's important to use them responsibly to respect privacy and security guidelines. Is there anything else you would like to know? 😊

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 29/04/2024
    (1) Using Website Link (URL) Shortening in Edge – windows.do. https://windows.do/using-url-shortening-in-edge/.
    (2) How to manage URL pasting behavior on Microsoft Edge. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-manage-url-pasting-behavior-microsoft-edge.
    (3) Url Shortener. https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ajedojkedficaboemnhahoclgfnooelm.
    (4) Url Shortener - Microsoft Edge Addons. https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/url-shortener/ajedojkedficaboemnhahoclgfnooelm.

  11. 7 minutes ago, AlbertR said:

    Even ONE ticket should be enough to get in action on data loss events.

    1 minute ago, thefryhole said:

    in case EN actually decides to look into the matter:

    The only way to get a company started on a bug hunt is to raise a support request.  The topics that generate the most requests get the most attention.  In this case we have  a small number of reports from some users with (presumably) a wide range of operating systems and Evernote versions.  It will get attention,  but only if those users are prepared to help with reports and information. 

    Meantime other users with their own particular issues want their bugs fixed too...


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