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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. 4 minutes ago, ferol said:

    And why should the account actually be deleted?

    This is a Teams account - the central 'business' account isn't owned by any individual,  so I don't think anyone has access to it,  though users would all have their own personal free accounts available...  But definitely - there's no deletion involved,  just access.

    EDIT - I moved the account thread to the Teams forum

    • Like 1
  2. Hi.  You have already raised this payment issue in a separate thread - please don't post twice.

    I don't know how recent your contacts with Douglas Marshall have been,  but I was under the impression that all the US-based staff had been let go,  and that the whole operation had moved to Italy,  where Bending Spoons are based.

    Cancelled or not your account should remain saved on Evernote's servers,  although until this issue is resolved you won't have access to the content.

    I did suggest on the other thread that you raise this with your bank to verify that the payment has actually been transferred to Evernote,  and that you contact the Support team to explain the situation again - what was the outcome of that?  Bear in mind that we're all other users here,  with no information on Evernote's payment systems.

  3. 42 minutes ago, ChristinaaJ said:

    Without the option to opt out I am losing confidence that EN is a good home for my data. 

    Hi.  If you have any doubts about Evernote's security,  please see this page - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518-How-does-Evernote-use-my-personal-information-and-data

    And for your reassurance,  everyone is automatically opted out of AI unless you specifically choose to use to use one of the AI options.

  4. I'm a Evernote professional subscriber,  so no experience here,  but I was aware that Teams users have two accounts - their own,  and the central business account;  and as you point out Outlook has business options too...  Not sure how many users you'll find here with both business connections,  but I'd suggest you contact Support now - responses will take a while - as you wait for any other reactions.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Philip Stokoe said:

    Can someone from Evernote please answer this query.

    Sorry but we're not Evernote.  Mostly other users here.  Contact Support if you need more than that - and please be patient,  they're a bit overwhelmed.

    For more help here,  please confirm your device and OS / Evernote version numbers and explain your issue in a little more detail...  are you on a Teams (business) app too?

  6. Hi.  Typing your text in a  standard note body I get exactly what I type;  doing the same in a Code Block gets me the glyph version - after a number of users have been energetically campaigned for automatic styling.  It looks like adding that to code blocks is happening,  but so far there seem to be no related options.  This being a mainly user-supported forum,  all you can do is feed your thoughts back to Evernote or contact Support and find a work around for the meanwhile - maybe use another code editor where you can switch off these glyphs - and attach its files to your note?

  7. Hmmn.  The emphasis everywhere online seems to be on tighter security,  so I suppose it's good that Evernote is following the trend.  Remember that you should be using 2FA and a long complicated password that is NOT used for any other access...  but if you feel the current reaction is over the top,  then feed your experience back to Evernote or contact Support.  Maybe also try X (Twitter) since there are lots of announcements there these days...

    I use a Password Manager (Bitwarden - many others are available) which generates passwords like "orN#bFu%42ZC%n4".  I don't have to worry about remembering or typing it,  since BW will automatically insert it for me easily and quickly on desktop or mobile.

  8. Hi.  Evernote do try to protect users from security breaches,  and in this instance may have been a little over the top. 

    On this sort of issue I'd rather they overreact than take no action at all.  I don't know exactly what warning message you were shown,  but you were never 'blocked' from your notes - changing the password was always the way forward. 

    (Since Evernote should have its own unique password - there's no need to change the way you design the rest.)

  9. 1 hour ago, Thorz said:

    Perhaps there could be a more open discussion about user experiences with Evernote support? That can be the topic of another thread all by itself.

    Why?  There's nothing any user can do to apply pressure on the company,  other than to move to another provider if you believe you'll get better service there. 

    Creating bad PR loses subscribers which reduces both funding, and Evernote's ability to spend their way out of this situation. Creating more work for the company just slows down the rate at which they can process existing support requests.

    The Bending Spoons team are best informed about their situation and probably better qualified than most users to resolve it.  Armchair quarterbacking is good for blowing off steam,  but not for solving problems in the real world.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, axllax said:

    I just can't bring myself around to accepting this intermediate page when clicking on a link.

    Hi.  I strongly doubt that Evernote will make this change to its process in the near future - they have far bigger issues to resolve and (if they're anything like most other web providers) a work schedule laid out a couple of years in advance to deal with what needs to be reviewed or upgraded.  You'll need to decide whether you're coming back regardless of that feature.  As a subscriber you'll be in a position to feedback your views to Evernote and -maybe- influence future development.

  11. Sounds like a possible use for the Files (desktop) window when it gets developed further...  if your note attachments all have one or more keywords in the file name you can search for and list them there...  There's no multi-select there (yet) though,  so drag and drop would still be individual..

    Maybe feedback or contact Support (if you haven't already done so) with suggestions?  (And justification...)

    • Like 1
  12. It's a pain for a short period - I recently had three in a row;  I entered my user name,  had two captures;  then was asked for the password - and had another.  However it wasn't a major issue - I stayed logged in after that.  I'd guess its the result of increased web security. 

    If you find it intrusive,  and don't want to leave a window open somewhere,  then feedback or Support are your only options..

  13. Whilst I appreciate the frustrations,  and I fully agree that Evernote's 'Support' seems non-existent at the moment,  making more fuss in the Forums (or anywhere else) is the last thing anyone needs. 

    Bending Spoons is a big company,  staffed and managed by experienced,  responsible individuals who must be perfectly aware that their service is inadequate, and will already be doing their best to fix that situation.  One thing they will be doing is to plod through their backlog of enquiries in order of priority and receipt,  dealing with as many as they can,  as quickly as they can.  They'll also be rebuilding the Support process to be able to deal with increased volumes.

    Dragging resources away from what they're doing to deal with individual issues means that other users will wait longer for their turn at the front of the queue,  and overall that resources are being diverted from actually fixing things,  to working on isolated brush fires.

    There's a rule in the Forums not to post twice on any subject because the people who actually do reply - like me - are mostly just other users (unless you see a big STAFF label in their post).  I use the app every day,  but I also have a life outside Evernote and I don't want to waste my volunteered time dealing with the same issues again and again.

    The Forums can help on most things that don't involve subscriptions or authentication,  for everything else there's only Support.  The staff there are only human,  trying to make the best of an abysmal situation.  If you're not prepared to be patient while they do that,  you should probably be looking at other providers.

    If you are prepared to wait,  and haven't yet raised an issue,  check out https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us for general help and post full details in the Forums (once) to see whether there might be other ways to solve your issues.


  14. There are several queries about logouts from Chrome and Chrome-based browsers in the Forums - it may be that a browser-based update has caused some conflict,  in which event Evernote will sort it out,  or there could be a bug...  I'd suggest you contact Support (with due patience) or feed the situation back to the company.  Have you tried using an "Incognito" window in case there some conflict with a browser app?

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