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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. As I said somewhere up the page...  "how busy is your support team" is probably not the first question you ask when buying into a new company - and the former staff saying "but you need us" is what you might expect from the departing members...  and his was (I think) the first time the 'Spoons team took over a company with so many active users.  I don't know.  I'm not in any way excusing - the whole process was deeply flawed and the current situation is unacceptable. 

    But we are where we are.

    ...And back to my question:  suppose (for whatever reason) you have FAR too many support requests to deal with in a reasonable time with the staff you now have.  Getting new staff and training them takes weeks or months.  How can you appease your unhappy customers?

    I'd suggest one option is that you don't try.  You have everyone available working on support requests and training some new staff,  but there's no magic wand here.  Take on too many people and you can't train them / can't support the future cost.  You rely on the fact that people with issues may leave - users not needing Support will probably not.  Support queries are usually percentage points of user volumes - you do the math.

    Support will gradually re-emerge from the smoking ruins of the current situation and be very very good... for a while...  and then we'll have another meltdown.

    Been there - have a couple of t-shirts on the subject...

  2. 27 minutes ago, Feitz said:

    They could have kept the experienced support team

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing,  but never practical help...

    33 minutes ago, Feitz said:

    I dun't support this.

    I was arguing for less repeated complaining here;  we're users - all I get is bored reading the same comments.  There seems to be a Greek Chorus out there prepared to join in and agree that it's terrible service / shouldn't be allowed / totally wrong,  but a User Forum is meant to help solve problems if it can,  not just agree the situation is hopeless and give up.

    Not to mention that with some of the abuse that gets thrown around, new posters are probably wary of saying anything...

    42 minutes ago, Feitz said:

    1. I don't know of a forum that made a long list of bugs, shortcomings and lost features to help program management identify necessary steps

    I don't think that's what the Forum is for either - despite the current lack of apparent service,  my suggestion is to send all that stuff to Support so they can deal with it eventually.  No Support team can operate in a vacuum - unless someone tells them there's a problem with (forinstance) "unnamed attachments",  they're not going to find any issue.  And without access to information about operating systems and versions,  they're not going to be able to work out where and why the code is failing.

  3. Hmmn.  Patience and cold towels seem like the only other options for the present - I'd avoid the Android if you can - it does seem to run Evernote particularly badly a lot of the time...  and if you're getting the same thing across three Macs,  maybe quit Evernote on a couple and work on the last one - the less background syncing it has to do between devices and the server,  the better (maybe) it should work...

  4. Hi.  Sorry for your stress!  We're mainly users here,  so no access to fix file names - have you tried just restarting Evernote or powering the PC off ad back on?  If you save the names of your files separately,  or you know what they should be,  you could try renaming an 'unnamed' file to its correct details - maybe duplicate the note it's in first,  just in case something goes badly wrong...

    For information - what Evernote and OS version numbers are you using?  I'd suggest you report this to Support,  but they're under a lot of pressure and probably won't be helpful in a useful timescale...  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new

  5. 46 minutes ago, janndk said:

    Evernote/Spoons is the only one who can supply fixes (but unfortunately don't prioritize that very high). There is a need to get problems fixed, not just to find work-arounds.

    So:  imagine you have a some experienced staff,  but FAR too many users raising questions and issues to be able to respond any of them in a reasonably short time*. 

    What would be your incisive steps be to resolve the issue?

    *As in: less than 30 days

  6. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    And yes, that a management issue.

    ...Might be both an experience and a cultural thing too...  'Spoons was very successful,  very quickly,  in markets that don't seem to me to need a lot of hand-holding. 

    Either your video app works,  or it doesn't.  Not much chance of getting a different shade of grey than you expected in your image and needing to fix it.  A pandemic database is just a database... etc.  Models that involve lots of coding but little support.

    Buying up large companies with millions of users and an active support team is something that only started 9 months or so ago - and "how busy is your support team?" isn't one of the first questions you'd necessarily have on your due diligence list.  'Spoons have bought another couple of companies since and at least in one other case have closed down the local operations and brought everything back to Italy.

    Having made some necessary but -maybe- over-hasty decisions with Evernote,  to fix the pricing, stop misuse of the free account, and upgrade the code and servers for future expansion,  they clearly didn't anticipate the torrent of feedback and complaint that would follow. 

    When that happens,  the knee-jerk response is "hire more staff".  But there's a catch in there somewhere - when your extra 100's of staff have helped  you catch back up - do you just lay them off again?

    There's no such thing as a 'temporary' expert - you invest a lot of time and training in getting someone up to a level;  and people have these unreasonable expectations of salaries and security...

    And maybe 'Spoons are finding out with their other more recent acquisitions that customers don't usually react well to changes.

    In line with their innovative  approach to things in general I'd suspect that the company went away and re-imagined support departments in general so that one team can service all products,  supporting themselves by as much automation (and yes,  AI...) as they can.  (The one area I think AI can be helpful in is that it -in effect- can read every reference document in existence on a particular subject.  If you can ask a coherent question,  it can - with training and supervision - give you a correct answer in 99.9% of cases). 

    Let's call this last activity Plan C - which is what I think the latest round of recruitment is about.  Hopefully 'Spoons have at last worked out how to fix their issues most effectively with staff and systems,  and are now working quickly and actively towards doing so.

    All of which is pure speculation,  just my 2c and doesn't excuse the initial inexperience of making several incendiary changes to a product without making sure you have the customer-facing resources to handle them. 

    Mind you IMHO Evernote is currently 100% better than it ever was - provided (obviously) you don't need quick Support.

    And I'm 'old school' when it comes to work-arounds;  if you have a deadline and your software breaks - so what?  For any situation you can't address with different software there are always options.  I've mentioned here before that I once was involved with a Main Board level project to collate the annual reports of several national HO's into one briefing sheet for Directors,  and just before the final presentation,  after months of high-level work,  someone spotted an obvious (then) spreadsheet mistake.

    While I was busy having heart-failure and composing my resignation letter the project lead calmly lifted a bottle of Tipp-Ex out of his (board level) waistcoat pocket and painted out the offending detail.  "There's always a way" he said...  I think he was Italian too...

    • Like 2
  7. Support does exist,  and does respond,  although they're still glacially slow.  I've also worked in Support situations where a department - through no fault of its own* - gets hit with a year's worth of reports in a few weeks.  The situation then gets exponentially worse because more and more of the users waiting for a response start sending in reminders and complaints in addition to the original report. 

    There is no magic wand that anyone can wave to clear that backlog quickly.  Hiring new staff takes time.  Training new staff to be effective takes longer.  And the joys of working in a war zone means your staff turnover starts to spike too...

    I'm not excusing or accepting the current situation - but unless someone has a spare miracle hanging around,  fixing this will takes as long as it takes. Complaining about it is not helpful.  The Forums however can offer suggestions based on experience for anything that's not authentication or subscription related...

    *Support staff have zero control over management decisions.

    • Like 2
  8. Sympathies for the bad experience,  but you have posted this in a mainly user-supported Forum where most of us are not quite yet at your level of frustration. 

    You might want to feed back your situation to the support team - and please make sure you visit https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action (it's the 'Billing' page of your online account) and check out the very bottom of the page,  just above "Terms of Service".  Cancel your Evernote subscription' is there - choosing it will downgrade you to Free in 10 months time and avoid any future complaint about being automatically charged.

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks - you could try a reinstall - sign out of Evernote and opt not to keep a local copy of your notes.  Use Revo Uninstaller Free to completely uninstall Evernote,  then download the latest version from Evernote.com and power your machine off and back on before reinstalling.

    If that doesn't fix the issue with your notes,  export them to an ENEX file,  delete the originals and then re-import as 'new' notes. (This will remove any internal links that may exist in or to those notes.)

  10. May be part of a roll-out - I just updated to the latest new release but my Tasks page is not a full page yet - maybe AI editing hasn't been released to everyone either.  We're all users here,  so all we have is speculation - all you can do is use a work-around for the time being and remind Support from time to time that you're waiting for a response.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jeffrey Hallett said:

    They would do well to create a lower-tier for more basic note taking

    If you're going to offer a cut-down version of your service,  you need to have a final,  fully operational version of what that service is before you can start paring it down.  Evernote is sensibly (MHO) getting their full product set up before they consider any options.  

    • Like 1
  12. On my Win 11 keyboard Win+Shift+S gives me screenshot options which can be posted into a note.  Or for partial content Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V will copy and paste selected text.

    Alt+Ctrl+N is the global command for 'new note'

    So Win+Shift+S - Alt+Ctrl+N - Ctrl V is as close as you can get.  It should be possible to shorten  the sequence in AHK or Phrase Express. 

    (There was a process at one stage to save a clip directly as a note using Win+Shift+S but that doesn't seem to work in my latest version)

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