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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. 4 hours ago, Angel Ted said:

    EVERNOTE...please fix this ASAP.

    Hi.  We're not Evernote - mostly other users here;  contact Support if you believe this is an Evernote fault.  However if you have genuinely Revo uninstalled the previous application and downloaded a fresh version it would seem most likely that it is something about your system that is preventing the installation.  What's your device and OS version,  and how much free local storage space do you have?

  2. 20 minutes ago, pansovic said:

    Are there any other alternatives available?

    I don't believe so - whatever method you use,  you need to move your notes if you plan to close the Teams account down.  But moving the content will impact the upload limit of your personal account.  If you truly have a 247GB account you'd need more than a year's worth of imports - one per month - to transfer the data across.

    I'd suggest you contact Support (and exercise extreme patience...) to see whether you could downgrade the Teams account to Personal and maybe merge your accounts together?  Beware that the usual tactic of downgrading to 'free' doesn't (AFAIK) work with Teams accounts - they're not typically owned by one person,  they're a corporate account,  so non-payment typically shuts access to the account down completely.

  3. On the logistics - this is third-party software so (I assume) Evernote have no say in how account deletions work. And the current owners didn;t even choose this forum,  so "Caring for customers" is not an issue here.

    My inclination would be to mark/ block any alerts you get to your email account as spam and just not come back here. 

    A moderator (like me) would be able to block your account as a spammer - which deletes all your posts and blocks further access - I can do that if you'd like?

  4. Evernote are aware of the logout issue - I just found this online...

    Note: We have recently updated our authentication flow for security reasons, causing user sessions to expire more frequently to keep your account safe. If you're being logged out after the Evernote tab has been reopened after a few hours, please know that is normal behavior.

    If you're being logged out of Evernote Web as soon as you log in, or you're being logged out frequently throughout the day, please find a workaround below:

    If the issue persists, please proceed to contact us, providing the following information:

    • A screenshot or screen recording displaying the issue.
    • The device you're using and its OS version.
    • The browser you're using and its version.
    • The URLs displayed during the process. The URL may cycle through different links, you can copy/paste them into the email you send us.


    https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us and search "Evernote Web" - scroll down...

    EDIT: Found the URL - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29147324292243-What-to-do-if-you-re-being-logged-out-immediately-from-Evernote-Web

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, RapidFinancialSolutions said:

    Back to why it takes so long to post or load something, I noticed this back in 2022 that FB now reads every post you write to see if they will allow it to go thru.

    My assumption is that this is the same thing that's happening with EVN. 

    Hi.  Someone reads every post you submit - in this case it was me;  and I deleted your multi-paragraph rant against the AI taking over the world because it's irrelevant here.  Evernote has specific policies about personal data - see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518-How-does-Evernote-use-my-personal-information-and-data.  There is no AI element here unless users choose to involve it.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, resit said:

    I am having the same issue. I tried with three different browsers and the incognito mode, but nothing works. My OSx app also does not let me choose a subscription plan. I am practically not able to access any of my notes (through the app and the web), or buy a subscription.

    Hmmn.  We only see occasional reports of logouts and payment issues here,  but I guess this might be related to Evernote's more secure authentication process.  Only way to tell is to contact Support - try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true.  You'll need to be very patient,  and when you get a boilerplate "try this" response,  make sure you reply to confirm whether you've tried all the options.

  7. For internal links to work,  you need to be in a locally hosted environment - the local Google folder,  rather than the web version forinstance. 

    All to do with OS and browser reluctance to allow remote commands to start local actions.  I use third party apps to open Evernote notes directly with the internal (evernote:///) links - if the permissions don't align I occasionally get the web app opening,  but more often nothing at all happens. 

    I don't think that's something which Evernote can fix transparently for the user - it's just down to using the right links.  If necessary you could embed both an internal and a web link in a third-party document to make sure you can always opening something...


    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, nananananana said:

    they've disabled a fully functioning, perfect product,

    Sorry but - 

    On 4/16/2024 at 11:50 PM, gazumped said:

    Legacy was declared obsolete (and potentially dangerous) 3 years ago.

    - and you weren't even using the latest version.

    "Legacy" is not coming back.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, hshadnia said:

    Evernote is unusable and I will not renew my membership. I am done with this nonesense.

    Please don't hijack other threads with duplicate posts - I deleted your other comment on this. 

    If you'd like some help with your issues,  please start your own thread with full details of you device and OS / Evernote version numbers,  plus details of what you're trying to accomplish and what's going wrong. 

    We're mainly other users here,  but may be able to help.  If you simply wanted to feedback to Evernote,  maybe talk to them direct via feedback@Evernote.com

  10. It's possible to exclude tags from a search by prepending a "-" so if you want to find all notes with tag:A,  but not tag:b or tag:C you would search tag:A -tag:B -tag:C.  You would need three searches to find all notes with just one of those three tags.  If you want to save the group,  add a new temporary tag "tempABC" or something similar each time.

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