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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Given the number of paying members Evernote (still) has I simply can't believe that they would have the staff or the time to ring up about a missed payment and track down a replacement card. (@agsteele beat me to it there..) I'm in the UK and I've had payments missed a couple of times because of card changes - in both cases I reverted to free. And there have been enough shock and horror storied in the forums from other users who 'forgot' to change their card details and got downgraded. Regardless - we can't do anything about it in the Forums - you need your bank and credit card company to sort out their parts of the process, and I'd strongly recommend contacting Evernote Support so you can decide what, if any, payments should be going through in the future. For the record any al all payment issues can be resolved via 'my account' on the web pages - downgrade your account to Basic and there will be no further charges, card details or no. I hope this gets resolved for you very shortly!
  2. Are we talking about the same issue here? https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/147355-why-is-there-no-support-im-paying-money-for-this/#comment-695760 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/147353-notes-self-destruct-as-i-type/#comment-695762
  3. Impressive - have you tried 'undo' for your OS to get back to the previous layout? Or Note History? Definitely worth contacting Support. Meantime you could avoid repetitions by using an external outliner like Workflowy and linking the list from Evernote or attaching the output document file from a different application...
  4. Well, here's a picture of mine - hence the question... (I garbled part of the page for privacy)
  5. If you can get into Settings from there, and maybe Support - what is the actual version number?
  6. I know Samsung have their own version of Android which may be part of the problem - if it's not the same thing, try a download from Google Play? (Uninstall whatever you have on the phone now first!)
  7. This is what the top right of my web client looks like. What version do you have?
  8. Hi. Did you power the device off and on again between installs? Where did you get your copy of Evernote from?
  9. Hi. What's your device, OS and Evernote version? Have you been in touch with Support? If so, what has been their reaction so far?
  10. Hi. You're using a restricted free service, and your phone, desktop and the web app (which is where you add and remove devices) count as three. You can go forward with the web plus one other device, but you will need to wait out the month to be able to revoke one device, or pay for one month's access (if that is available to you) to get access to your notes. Understanding the device limit
  11. Hi. Usual cause of 'lost' notes is inadvertently logging in with the wrong details and creating a new account. Try logging out and back in again - carefully. If you see the trial offer, just choose 'skip trial' to proceed.
  12. Hi. Posts in the forums require registration, but AFAIK not your current account details - so quick fix: register here again with different details. Also it's a public third-party forum which does not count as a 'device'. Why your access also triggers the Evernote page to open I can't imagine - but it's a local issue that neither Evernote nor we other Forum users can change for you.
  13. Hi. No disrespect, but I don't open attachments from new(ish) members. If you have some images, please drag and drop into your post. It doesn't appear to be the general experiece that notes randomly rearrange themselves - what are the devices that you're using? Please list device, OS, and Evernote version in each case.
  14. Would have thought it's bad practice to have two copies of anything anyway... but that's a whole other thread.
  15. Hi. We're mainly other uisers here - to resolve billing issues - contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. If you have a mobile, support is via app settings>support>issue ticket.
  16. Hi. No. - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for subscribers - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or the feedback option from most apps) for free users. If you have a mobile, support is via app settings>support>issue ticket.
  17. Hi. Thanks for your feedback, buut this forum is mainly supported by other users - please use the support link in Settings on your 'phone or contact Support direct on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to speak to Evernote on this.
  18. You seem to have auto-formatting switched on...
  19. Evernote's new owners (of 6 months or so) increased the price so they could get the whole package back on track. I don't think they've had the time to prioritise what sorts of new features they'll consider with that funding. If you need something better right now, you could look at Postach.io which takes an Evernote notebook and converts the content to web pages. They had some style options available for their free package last I looked. As a matter of interest and if you have the time - what sort of display are you looking for, and why?
  20. Hi. The Forums are mainly supported by other users. We're not Support and don't get to fix things - just suggest possible options and work-arounds. Assuming both your apps are up to date, and after the introduction of RTE (Real Time Editing) you should be seeing any changes made on one device immediately reflected on another. If you're not, then there is something wrong with one or both devices. iOS has recently had an update because of some issues, which may or may not have helped. For traction on this situation I'd suggest: sign out of Evernote on both devices off and power them off and back on if the issue persists - > contact Support > let them and us know what devices, OS and Evernote versions you're using > confirm that your local internet connection is not subject to firewalls, AV or VPN restrictions
  21. I've had the need several times to copy some content from one note to another, and for me it has always worked perfectly - tables, attached files, blocks of text... the target note displays the content on completion, and the source also shows the highlighted copy area which I can then delete. (Caveat: stuff always seems to work well for me but not necessarily for others. YMMV!)
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