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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This isn't a request show, and as it happens, most of us here aren't Evernote - just more users like you (although in my case on Windows and Android). If this feature disappeared around the time that Evernote updated to the new version 10, then it was probably not included in the base coding for the new version - which makes adding it back that much harder. Not to mention that Evernote now runs in an Elektron framework for which Apple may or may not wish to support that much interaction. Best advice would be to feed this back to Evernote via a link from the mobile app or feedback@evernote.com - but don't expect changes anytime soon. We're only about 20 working days from the end of the year (depending on your local customs) and to non-Mac me this looks like a major project.
  2. My 'solid argument' would be that I'm another user just like you; and while I sympathise with your frustration, I have no interest in continuing a discussion that can only be resolved by Evernote.
  3. Hi. No. You may be able to use the AI search for 'all notes with an email address' - which I tested and got magazines, shops and helpines as well as some individuals. It still means you'd need to look at each occurrence. If you export all your notes to ENEX (which is modified XML) you may be able to use a regex search to tease out likely candidates. Best of luck!
  4. Hi. With 80+ other apps in the market all including their own special features, Evernote has no import options that deal with individual product formats. It's possible to import text, PDF and HTML files, copy/ paste content from other applications, and attach (almost) any file type to a note. So possibly the most important question is - in what formats can you export material from your existing app? Converting subjects to tags won't be easily possible, though if you can save the content as PDF files (forinstance) with the Subject as the filename, the PDF files can be imported directly to Evernote with <subject>.PDF as the note title. If automation apps like IFTTT and Zapier are compatible with your existing app, you may be able to selectively import and tag different types of note. To manage the structure after import you may want to look into Filterize which can deal with newly synced notes in Evernote and (for instance) could spot a <subject> keyword in a title and convert that to a tag. Depending on your needs and existing content, one easy option may be to do nothing; keep your existing database as a reference and simply start all new notes in Evernote. If you occasionally need some history from the 'old' system, just copy/ paste it manually into Evernote if and when required. Hope some of that helps - good luck!
  5. As you'll know, if everyone who finds this an issue send in one Support request, Evernote can gauge the size and importance of the issue against other refund / login / access issues they're dealing with and assign some resources to deal with it. We're mainly other users here...
  6. There are several things about mobiles. Evernote doesn't store information on devices unless you choose to save notes or notebooks for "offline access" - which can take some days to download depending on the content and the speed of the network connection. Changed information has to be synced from the server - large images typically take some time. Mobiles tend to minimise background traffic to preserve battery life and remain available for messaging and calls Making changes to notes and timing their updated arrival on a mobile device is not exactly normal use. So. It's not surprising that changed notes may take some time to arrive on a mobile as compared to a computer. All that's required is a little patience. If this has been raised with Support, please wait until you get some further feedback from them. If there is an issue, it won't be fixed more quickly by harassing the team or posting more here.
  7. I think the announcements over the past three years about Legacy being replaced and the more recent big red flashes across some accounts about outdated software might be some form of clue? You'll find lots of comprehensive listings online in sites like https://noteapps.info or https://toolfinder.co And yes, I'm another hold-out that converted about 18 months ago. After a rocky start I actually got used to the new layout.
  8. - Only if you apply it to everyone, and clearly it's not. Have you done the usual? Different browsers / power everything off and back on... yada yada...
  9. As reported here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148839-charged-amount-300-over-my-agreed-subscription-plan/#comment-707817 Please don't post multiple comments on the same point. Evernote - like most other subscription services online - notified changes generally in April and has been sending out individual emails since. Anyone who missed those and disagrees with the charges (which in the UK amount to a cup of coffee per WEEK) is welcome to downgrade to free or request a refund.
  10. Hi. No, sorry - you could consider using another app to annotate the image and save is back into the note....
  11. The message says you have already exceeded the limit, so further access is not possible. Depending on how far over the limit you are, you may get access back when the limit resets - up to 30 days from now; or you could subscribe on a monthly basis for a period to get access immediately.
  12. You appear to have set up two-factor authentication, which uses a mobile app to generate a passcode for your account. Such apps also generate emergency codes for use if you lose access to the app. Your only option is to contact Support for assistance,
  13. Hi. The folks who wrote the book were possibly not using the same version of Evernote that you now have, and Evernote is highly unlikely to change or add features simply to comply with that one publication. We're mainly other users here anyway and all have our own takes on GTD. One thing that may be useful - Tasks can be created in Notes, and Notes can have their own tag, plus be assigned to different notebooks and stacks. Wherever they have been created, tasks still show up in the left sidebar.
  14. Hi. We're mainly other users here, not Support. I do suggest you uninstall Evernote completely, power your device off and on again, and then download and reinstall from Evernote.com. It looks like something went wrong with the last update.
  15. Hi. I've no idea why you find it so hard to contact support - has your subscription expired? If you lapsed back to the free account, that would explain the issue - all I can suggest is you try this link - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  16. Hi. To be clear - the internal link goes to a unique identifier for notes stored locally; the web link is just a web address. If you click or tap an internal link on a mobile - which does not store actual notes locally - it's not a surprise if it doesn't work. I don't understand the mention of a tag or filter though - what has this got to do with moving to another note? NB regardless of the type of link, it's meant to be used from a note with Evernote and is most likely not browser-friendly. To open a note from a browser, look for the Share URL of that note instead.
  17. For the record - just another user. I do have some lines into the Forum admins as a Mod too, but that's just housekeeping stuff. I find out about policy decisions when the rest of the world does.
  18. Hi. AFAIK the app only follows the time settings of the device.
  19. Hi. All apps sync with the server, so a laptop will sync to the server with changes, and a mobile will also sync and send / receive any changes. It takes a little while when they both wake up.
  20. Yes it is. Hopefully a temporary glitch. Please report to Support. We'll have to wait for a resolution.
  21. Hi. Go to the Notebooks page in V10. Look for the three dots menu to the right hand side. Choose 'export notebook'.
  22. OK - I'll accept that - as long as everyone understand the answer (to the corolla question) is 'no'...
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