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Posts posted by CalS

  1. Point is EN is no longer targeting the casual user.  No science, but I'd say their subscription price is one of the higher in the market across general purpose app types.  How ever many cups of coffee one drinks.  If the value is there for someone, great.  Smaller audience though at the price. 

    Fair for casual users to ask for a restricted, lower cost option.  Doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon. 

    And if it were me I'd get rid of free and replace with trial.  But it ain't me.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, Bill Myers said:

    On the other hand, it's possible Bending Spoons considered it and decided shutting off all the free users, or trying to manage two different free tiers (a grandfathered one for existing free users and another for new users) might for whatever reason be impractical.

    Could be.  I was just saying BS could make the decision to terminate Basic with a timeline for folks to sign up or move on.  No grandfather stuff.  Rip that Band-Aid off.  They aren't shy about RIFing acquired development teams.  

  3. @abdu I don't know what long time means to everyone.  A month or two seems fair to me to evaluate something like EN.  Years makes no sense.

    I've used free as well.  Still have some free cloud storage, a few GB, that I haven't moved to MEGA or OneDrive, it's not pressing.  DropBox changes their plan I'll move it. 

    Personally I think EN gave away too much for too long. When I signed on in 2008 or 2009 I subscribed right away as I liked the product and wanted to pay for the value received.  Likewise, when V10 came along and my use case got borqued I moved on and quit paying. 

    End of the day I have never understood the free lunch mentality.  It's the company's choice not the user's.  Though BP could show a bit more grace providing transition timelines.  🤷‍♂️

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  4. @kkarney As I recall there was little to no feedback from EN back in the day as to what was or wasn't to be ported to V10 from Legacy.  Best I remember it was acknowledged that the first version when released was not complete, that some other features from legacy would be added later.  But no list of what the add backs would be.  And that went for a while pre BS acquisition.  And who knows what assumptions and plans were shared with BS with the merger and the time the teams spent together before the closure of the EN offices. 

    Net of it all, you can't sort by tags and it's anyone's guess as to if you ever will.  Like EN, BS does not provide specific feature plans.  You do indeed ask simple questions, questions that have been asked before.  IAC, It's a personal decision as to the timing of riding legacy, switching to V10, or moving on.  Good luck with it.

  5. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    It‘s not a legal question, because any user still on legacy uses it on his own peril, and out of his own decision. There are no subscriptions running longer than a year - everybody who resubscribed since October 2020 did so knowing that legacy was deprecated, and eventually to be removed. There is no legal aspect regarding access to the users data, and there is no violation of contract.

    Mostly agree.  In our litigious state these days some lawyers could have a ball with this one.  But there's no money in it so methinks we be safe.  🤣

  6. 1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    One thought WRT the v. 10 UI and "wasted space": v. 10 seems to follow some principles of "modern" interface design, which seems to consist most prominently of large blocks of unused screen.

    Yeah, never have understood this one.  Not sure what the right amount of data to absorb in a screen is but I am sure that if I have to scroll a lot something is amiss.  Most of my searches, Legacy and new system are less than 30 notes.  And if not refining the search or an inverse sort by date sets the table. 

    I think I had about 42 lines on Legacy and I have 42 lines in new.  Much quicker for me to have access to more.  But my use case is focused a lot on search.  Definitely a denser view


  7. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    This will not surprise you, but Spotlight does (from my experience) a much better job than Windows indexing. It integrates more sources, and does it in a more clever way.

    Then there are tools for the Mac that integrate Spotlight nicely. Alfred does, and (trara !) Devonthink does it as well. ENs local database is not indexed, however.

    What‘s nice for me: My NAS is indexing everything on that device. I can make Spotlight integrate even this source - which means Spotlight doesn’t not only search my Mac, it does search my file server as well.

    Finally it‘s a calculator: cmd-Space opens Spotlight, when now I type 3*4 (or any other expression), I get 12 (or any other result), and the build in calculator app opens automatically.

    Not thinking about switching, Cal ?

    This dog is too old to change at this point!  As I said similar.  I limit indexing on my PC to my repository locations. 

    And as stated before, I am somewhat amazed at the speed of indexing and search with Windows.  For example, I have mail opened on left screen, Directory Opus (my repository gateway) opened on the right. 

    1. I get an Amazon receipt and I have a hotkey which cleans up body and title and saves the email as a PDF to the repository.  I add LeftMsg as a "tag" to the end of the file name. 
    2. The hotkey stops at the save button.
    3. After I click save I go directly to DOpus and click on the saved search for LeftMsg. 
    4. The new file is in the search.  Zero lag.
    5. Same for file contents.

    Sorry, way off topic.  But always like to share some sweet mysteries of technology bits.  🤣

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