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Everything posted by avevers

  1. Yes - I use any symbol I tend not to type much, such as hash.
  2. I have a workaround for large notes - I prefix each section title with a hash symbol (pound symbol for American friends) and simply search for that symbol to jump back and forth to each section. Certainly not the same as in-note anchors, but (just) better than nothing.
  3. It's still the single reason I have stayed with Evernote (legacy). Sure, it's clunky by today's standards, but I've still not found better (and I've done a lot of searching now). Not sure for how long legacy will be around however...
  4. No OCR with Joplin I can handle (just), but I'm struggling with the Joplin bug (?) where deleting a note containing an attachment doesn't delete that attachment. At least, not yet. (A month after deleting the note.) As you say though Scott, this is amazing progress for an application so new. And progress far more rapid, excitingly so, than Evernote has ever managed.
  5. Try disconnecting from your network and trying to "log into" Evernote offline. Try this a few times - it might not work the first time. Then, if the client opens, disable sync. Good luck!
  6. Gotcha. Sorry - thought all OSes were 6.25.
  7. How many notes did you migrate @tony10000? And how are you finding search? Some interesting new developments in Notion announced this week.
  8. Great comment. I feel the same - happy (and excited) for a product to mature (Notion, Obsidian), but I'm veering towards trying to embrace markdown and choosing a tool simply as a front-end manager for a (massive) set of markdown files. That way I'd feel less locked in; less of a hostage as you put so well. Notion still feels locked in, although I do use it. Obsidian is also on my radar. Evernote got stale and ignored too many users too many times. Joplin, for all it's immature UI and rough edges, is exciting, growing and has a collaborative development community. Typora, from my first few sessions, is a joy to use. And I'm starting to enjoy the "restrictions" of markdown. Forces you to get on with writing and thinking less about the presentation. I like that, although sometimes I still want a splash of colour in my notes. Anyway, none of this changes the fact that my migration, which I had never planned nor wanted to do, will need a lot of planning and methodical hacking to get to work. I doubt v10.9999, or whatever they come out with, will ever match 6.25.
  9. Perfectly put; I'm pretty much the same. I was a lurker on the forums until v10. I'm currently trying to trim the fat from my notebooks before I start the slow migration. But working across two note apps, each with their own way of working (and manually recreating internal links and OCR) is a massive, disruptive pain in the arse. 10.3, announced today, offers some hope, and a roadmap of sorts, but it's all about trust now. And I no longer trust Evernote. Too many ignored requests, ignored fixes and seemingly ignored beta feedback has done it for me. And yet I've not found an alternative that meets legacy (and no, I'm not going anywhere near Nimbus now).
  10. Title says it all really. Any way I can restore the behaviour when clicking an internal "evernote:///xxx/xxx/xxx" style link in v6.25? Thanks!
  11. I think Nimbus will swallow up a lot of users moving off Evernote. It's no coincidence they're on appsumo (despite them saying they wouldn't do a LTD again). Good to know about Standard Notes - looks like a very interesting alternative.
  12. I'm trying to come around to the benefits of switching from writing in rich (HTML) format (EN) and move over to writing in Markdown. Then, once I'm comfortable with it, and accept its limitations (and embrace its advantages over HTML), I'll probably switch to Joplin. I don't trust Nimbus. Love Notion, but it's not a great match for me (I'll use it for more tabular stuff). Of course, I hope to stick with ENv6, but I can't see v10 improving anything like enough much before my premium renewal is due in 5 months. No guarantee from them. No comms nor roadmap. Gutted. And p*ssed off!
  13. Exactly what I'm doing, @PinkElephant. It's different for everyone. I think this is a great thread for alternatives -
  14. I found the same, @CalS - I've trialled Nimbus quite a bit now and search (among other things) let me down. Lovely UI and great potential, but the product still feels immature compared to EN. And some of Nimbus' weak answers on appsumo have put the final nail in the coffin. I can't trust this product to deliver, and I can't wait around for it to become as seamless and solid as EN6.5 . So, for me, it's either v10 with massive improvements, or I'm out. And at this point I feel like I'm a stuck record on this topic now, like a lot of us. EN have let a lot of people down, and I don't feel I can trust then again after this. That's pretty much irreparable.
  15. My EN library is closer to 70GB, but downloading just headers to Android doesn't trouble it. If Nimbus can't handle that, Nimbus isn't for me.
  16. You tried asking about the Android sync on the Joplin forum? Nimbus Note haven't reassured me about my huge Evernote library. To quote just now: "I just replied to someone who has 90GB file Hate to say, but it looks like your married to EN for the rest of your life :)" which doesn't instil confidence. Nor have they adequately answered my questions (despite asking them twice now). Judging by their comments (not just this above), they're not for me, so I won't be jumping to them as part of their current offer.
  17. This. It's not just about "wait and see"; we shouldn't have to. It's important they acknowledge this sh*tstorm and reassure us or, I at least, am finally getting off this train.
  18. Why Qt, @tony10000? Genuine question; not familiar with either framework...
  19. I'm doing the same thing in Evernote but haven't much more to conclude right now. That Reddit thread is great isn't it? I'm interested in Nimbus but don't care for the limited data cap.
  20. Well I've asked over in appsumo how that 50GB cap is split up across workspaces. Because based on their file management I'd need two workspaces and that might mean 25GB cap per workspace. I hope I'm wrong. The question is, bizarrely, still awaiting moderation approval. As you say though, shite isn't it?
  21. Interesting @CalS - I'm revisiting Nimbus (despite other concerns I have about it) simply because of the new appsumo deal. I don't like the data cap of that deal, however, and I have (I think) about 30,000 notes in EN. I don't know how many notes I have and don't - shouldn't - care. I like Evernote's unlimited notes model. From what @Tamagotchi has found, however, I'm concerned Nimbus might not handle my number. Turns out that if you subscribe to Nimbus from their website, not via appsumo, you won't have their seemingly unlimited storage for much longer. They're going to impose a cap apparently but haven't implemented (or notified subscribers). I don't sit well with this. I don't care for any cap when talking about a notes app and I don't care for Nimbus not being open about this. This is why I'm not sure about Nimbus overall, but this is a time limited appsumo deal. Really, really, angry at Evernote for this enormous inconvenience - both at looking at alternatives and at the inevitable, massive, migration exercise. At least I've 6 months before my EN renewal is up, but that appsumo deal will be long gone.
  22. Yes, 10.2 seems encouraging to be honest. If it means a slow trickle of returning functionality, I'll wait. With the appsumo Nimbus deal, I've taken a serious look at Nimbus and I've really got new doubts from what I've read. It's just not there yet. Right now, then, as you put so well @PinkElephant , I'm considering either jumping to Joplin (not Nimbus, now) or waiting for the elephant. I've no imminent renewal deadline though, so I can wait for a while.
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