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Everything posted by jefito

  1. If you are using the Windows client, you could export them both to Evernote format, and compare them with a text file comparison program (we use Beyond Compare at work for source code).
  2. Salient quotes are: I didn't say that either was better, but I do I think it highly unlikely that I would use this, which was why my vote was 0. I use tags to group related notes together, and it's dead easy in the Windows client to search for notes with the same tag from any one note that has the tag (Shift+Click on the relevant tags in the note info panel). I only maintain about 8 saved searches at a time (and replace ones that are no longer relevant), and only use 3 or 4 of them with much frequency. Depending on which machine (home or work) I am using, the frequently used searches go onto the favorites bar. Aside from that, I tend to use ad hoc searches, in the same way that I search on Google, which most people seem to be able to use without saving searches.
  3. But not irrelevant to the comment I quoted. What's your point?
  4. gazumped is basically correct; Evernote chooses the thumbnail for the snippet. The procedure used, at least the last time that anyone from Evernote commented on it is something called the 'largest smallest dimension'; it's explained here: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/18482-choosing-a-thumbnail/page__hl__largest%20smallest
  5. As far as I know, Evernote doesn't search attachments, except for PDF files. So I don't think that your PHP attachment will be searched. Tip: It was a little hard to figure out what you were trying to do; it helps to use the correct Evernote terminology. Evernote doesn't have folders or pages, it has stacks, notebooks and notes. Thanks.
  6. @Gimpster: Please read the discussions jbenson2 posted, it is *not* the largest image that is used. On the other hand, overriding the system-selected image used would be a nice improvement. It's not clear to me that that's something that is transferred with the note; it may be determined on-the-fly by the client (I haven't been able to figure it out by looking at an exported .ENEX file yet), though I suppose it's also possible that that's determined by a call to the server, too.
  7. There are no better workarounds than cut'n'paste.
  8. We often -- quaintly -- believe that we do, but they' usually wind up being compost heaps, at best...
  9. If Apple does as good a job with whatever-their-competing-client-is on Windows as they did with iTunes, well, I will wait to be impressed.
  10. A couple of things that I can think of. First, Wordpress is a publishing solution. Evenote is primarily a note storage and retrieval system, and only secondarily (or tertially?) a publishing system. Second, if could just be a prioritization thing. That's not to say that it won't happen; it just may not happen soon.
  11. Actually, the hierarchy is embodied in the name of the tag, so long as you mirror the hierarchical structure or the original tag tree in the name. Which is sorta the point: you see the tag, you see the implied hierarchy.
  12. Some people expose a hierarchy in their tag naming schemes. See this earlier post from this thread: http://forum.evernote.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=20719#p116181, for example. Again, not necessarily convenient, but possible.
  13. If I understand properly, this would result in multiple levels of notebooks represented by tag hierarchy. I don't think that you have. The suggestion is to allow (but not force) search to be able to honor the tag hierarchy, without affecting the current system of stacks, notebooks or tags. In other words, this mode of search would allow you to search for tag "A", and match not only explicit matches of tag "A" (which is what it does now), but also notes tagged with subtags of "A". Note that this is something I'm suggesting could be useful, but I've never see any posting by Evernote folks that would lead me to think that they're considering it.
  14. Nested tags in Evernote are mainly for organizational purposes, and not for exposing semantic hierarchies. It's been that way since Evernote added the nesting capabilities, and was acknowledged by them at the time. And they understand the difference. That tag nesting exists doesn't make them non-useful; they are exactly as useful as before nesting came around, but now you can organize them, which makes them more manageable, so long as you don't fall into the trap of assuming that they behave hierarchically with respect to searching. Auto adding tag parents is problematic; in my opinion; it's coming at the problem from the wrong end. I think that enhancing search to allow for hierarchical functionality would be the way to go: i.e., the ability to search for notes labelled by a tag and any of its subtags would give users the ability to treat their tag trees as semantic hierarchies, which seems to be what some of them want.
  15. This has been requested, possibly not in the scope of what Evernote is aiming to provide (but hey, you never know).
  16. Erm... Syntax error, line 1: expected ';' before ')' Maybe you need syntax checking too...
  17. That's fine, but working with tags is generally better supported in Evernote than is working with free text in titles. For example, in the Windows client, you have an easy way to tag multiple notes, which would be difficult to do with keywords in titles. You must be very disciplined.
  18. Right -- just trying to illustrate that things that are easy to describe may not be the best choice.
  19. Hmmm, bubble sort is easy to explain, and it's not hard to get a correct implementation of a bubble sort, but so what? Implementation is not usually the problem, it's choice of algorithm, and bubble sort is of course notoriously poor for anything but the most trivial uses. I think you're right -- there are probably fail cases in any algorithm that will be used to pick a thumbnail candidate out of a collection of images. I think that making a good guess is fine, but the best case for users would probably be to allow them to designate which image to use if the guess is not the one that they want.
  20. OK, got it. I think anything else would have too many words, and "largest smallest" probably works because it's short and easy to remember (and apparently self-contradictory). Cool.
  21. Oh. My. God. You really don't get it... I really do get that your feature request has merit. I just don't think that it's as important as you seem to believe, particularly since there's a workaround (i.e. cut'n'paste). It's still allowed for users to have differences of opinion, last time I checked. It'd be OK to keep the melodrama down to a dull roar...
  22. I think that actually Evernote's note editor is actually pretty stripped-down; not that many bells and whistles. I just tried Microsoft Word 2010 (a program that has many bells & whistles, if ever there was one); that doesn't support the Shift+Alt+Arrow shortcut either. And you can always cut'n'paste. So I don't really see this as quite so "glaring". Sorry it doesn't match up with your needs, however; I don't mean to imply that it's a bad idea.
  23. That's the official response -- Dave is the CTO of Evernote. It's by design, so maybe a bug by your definition, but...
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