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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. If you are o.k. with clicking the box away, fine. If you look at it from the EN side, they will feel the problem was solved completely. No more support tickets popping up ... So if you want to get this resolved anytime in the future, you should think about placing a new support ticket, including the information that you are on 7.11., and it is still there. This forum is user driven and will not replace the support process.
  2. Additional information: The notebooks content will be moved to the trash, so all of the notes will be still available, until Trash is emptied. However it is not possible to restore the notebook itself. So if there are many notes in the notebook to be deleted, think about it twice. Recovery must be done note by note ...
  3. If you want to make EN work on it, I propose a support ticket. They will not drive by here and pick it up. For me it is still not clear why clipping of a plain image should be restricted in Chrome, and not in other Browsers. I think to sort this out somebody with an installation of that type is needed.
  4. Yes, this is "Screenshot" in German. And it screenshots whatever I want. At least here on the Mac, and I would be surprised if this would be different with Firefox on Windows. I have never encountered a restriction of size to what I can copy. The only thing was that Firefox for quite a while refused to open Webclipper when on a page with a pdf. Sorry, no Chrome ... I avoid Google products as much as possible on my computers, same with Facebook ... My solution would be to rather catch the whole pdf. It will probably not be larger than an image of just a part of it, and can be searched without any further action. If I needed a screen copy, and WebClipper would fail me, I would probably use the Clipping tool of Win10 to cut out what I want, and send it to Evernote as an image.
  5. IMHO the question is where to the link will lead. EN-internal: Can be retrieved when knowing enough keywords to go through search. Local Computer, own network: Depends on its organization, and whether the files are indexed or not. Here often knowing the files title is the key. Weblinks: Unreliable, so if it is important, clip the whole thing. Otherwise you have to rely on Google et al, which is of no help if the target was removed or significantly altered meanwhile. In general, because link errors will accumulate over time, it is a balance between spending a lot of time NOW on how to build a backup strategy to a broken link, or invest some time for a search in the future. Even if the link is broken, the note containing it will usually tell enough to search & find, so I am not investing a lot of effort to make linking waterproof.
  6. My conclusion: Maybe something specific to Webclipper on Chrome with handling of embedded pdfs. For some time, there was something similar with Firefox: It would no let you clip any pdf. One had to go into the pdf and use commands like "save" to send a copy to the computers disk.
  7. @Atul Mishra Tried the link from Safari / Mac: Worked perfectly, both via Webclipper direct, as well as through the button "Save pdf to Evernote" created by Webclipper via Settings. It always clips the whole pdf, which has several pages. You have chosen the option "Snapshot" (visible by the tools displayed in your screenshot), which creates an image of the website on display. Tried this as well, worked as well with the whole screen area selected. Is there no option "pdf" when you try to clip this in Chrome, or did you want to clip an image ?
  8. The internal search of EN is working. In this thread the discussion is about a function of MacOS not being able to find information inside the EN database except for words in titles. This is an external search into the EN data. Clearly I would be happy if this would work, but I think fixing something that is not in your own responsibility is always trickier than fixing a bug in your own code. If I really want to find something, I simply have to go to EN itself and do the search. This is not restricted by spotlight. And I can save my repetitive searches which makes searching more efficient and straightforward.
  9. The real fix is to update to 7.11 (not the beta, the real thing). With my MBP the message popped up as you say, out of blue sky. By installing rel. 7.11, things were fixed instantly.
  10. It is only on Windows, and it uses OS-resources to do it. On Mac, you need 3rd parts SW to do something similar.
  11. Maybe „It’s not a bug, it’s a feature !“ Full screen uses the same layout as the basic screen, it just adds the 2 blank spaces left and right. It is good for distraction-free writing. Or maybe it is just an example of simplified programming. This way, no one must detect the screen size and resolution - it fits from iPad Mini/v1 up to 12.9./2018. When zooming up, the blank space it reduced. Would be nice in any case if the width would adapt to the physical screen.
  12. I’ve created a backup session on Acronis, that runs a full copy of the EN database folder every day. So I can easily follow the golden 3-2-1 rule of backing up: 3 copies of all data 2 on different data carriers 1 off-site, not connected to the network/computer And because of that crypto-ransom-stuff it is advisable to hold at least one full copy (non incremental) for longer than the malware takes to come out. In this regard EN is pretty save because of the copy in the cloud. But local Notebooks are in danger, as everything else.
  13. I do a lot of experiments before I decide, read comments etc. But when I have decided, I tend to stick with an app. I found it very time consuming to switch apps over time, and you drive yourself crazy if you try to handle one single / simple task by several apps at once.
  14. Yes, the kids are all now on Instagram ... Who in the hell is owning Instagram ? Just look it up - and say hello to Mark ! So another thing for your tombstone, I suppose. You will need a large tombstone if you do not want to run out of space 📝 P.S. Maybe I should add to my profile "Not a FB user ..."
  15. Yes ! Just install 7.11 (I personally recommend doing it from Evernote directly, but App Store is an option as well), restart, and you should be done with this bug.
  16. Things is One-time, though it costs more than the usual app-store-stuff.
  17. iOS today has a button, that will create a note. If you press hard (on 3D-touch-devices) or longer, 3 options will appear around it. Even if they wanted, it would be hard to place more options and still have that fast „I get what I want“-feeling. Because of that, I would not make it too context sensitive. It is a fast way of doing ONE important thing: Get a new note created and open, wherever you are at that moment. For me as a heavy iOS user (about 70% is on my iPad Pro) I can do fine with the new button and a pop up menu. And if GUIs get more integrated, all the better. P.S. And please DO NOT place this on Facebook !
  18. Local notebooks are a good option for sensitive data. Just do not forget to make sure that you’re backing up. If you backup the whole computer, fine. The locals will be there as well, among all the rest. Because EN is a pretty compact data base, it is possible as well to make a BU of just the EN data. This will easily fit on a USB-stick.
  19. Not really as you are on a BASIC account. EN restricts support pretty much to paying users. Nonpaying only get support on account issues (and of course on how to upgrade 😉 ) You may try this https://twitter.com/evernotehelps Maybe they are interested when you mention that you are on Linux - rumor tells they want to firm up their standing with users of this OS.
  20. No issue. I am on Safari, plus FF, plus other „lean“ browsers. No Linux, so I am not aware what may be different there. When I type in my user, and hit enter, the PW field is uncovered right below. Enter PW, hit enter again. In my case 2FA will then ask for a 6-digit-key, and that is it. Have to remember to cross this „remember my for 30 days“-box, to be able to use it without 2FA for the time being (my own machine, of course).
  21. In iOS I can pick more than one note as well, following basic iOS logic: Put one finger on one note and hold it, tap with another one at other notes. They group nicely together, count going up, and then ... nothing. There is nothing you can do with this group, and as soon as you lift the first finger, it will fall apart again. So it is like getting a kiss from your sister/brother: Nice, but leading nowhere.
  22. For iOS it looks like a nice improvement. At the moment, only 3 options show, only on a long / 3D Touch press, and sometimes you hide part of them with your hand. Looks good to me ! As told there is more to expect on the mobile clients. My favorite would be to be able to pick more than only one note at a time (maybe under the condition to have them downloaded as "offline" before), and do cool stuff like on the desktop clients: joining notes together into one tagging several of them in one go move them as a group to their target notebook etc. This would be a real time saver !
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