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Scott T.

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Everything posted by Scott T.

  1. @freelee Unless you change your password after revoking the device, it will show up again if your account has been compromised. As noted above, please review our security tips for additional help with securing your account.
  2. @salilmeister@gmail.com / @clswenson and others who see unknown devices in your account: If you ever see devices listed on your account that you do not recognize, you should revoke access to these devices in your settings and change your password. Please review our security tips for more details on keeping you account safe and preventing unauthorized access.
  3. FYI, quick background on the issue we fixed: Basically, we have a database query that pulls what unique devices you are using for Evernote. When there was daylight savings at the beginning of November, due to the fact that we move the clocks backward, we had a weird scenario where it was counting the same device as two different devices if it had activity during the repeat hour. We fixed our query, so anybody who had the problem should automatically be fixed. If anybody is still having problems, it should not be related to the issue we fixed. @CreationMom, you should probably delete out the duplicated devices and you should be fine. After that, if it happens again, please let our customer support know and our tech support can dig into this further. @SeanJ, If you are seeing a device that isn't yours, it's possible you had somebody else access your account. I would revoke access for the device and change your password to be safe.
  4. @EvernoteNYC, I spoke with the developer working on it. He's actively developing and testing the fix. It's his top priority. Sounds like we might have a fix very soon, but I can't promise a specific date, unfortunately.
  5. @CreationMom Thanks for letting me know. I've reached out to the developer regarding your account. I will give an update when I hear back. It's possible this is a separate issue.
  6. FYI, my understanding of the problem with the devices that several users reported on the forum is that it was specific to daylight savings on November 4th. Short story is that during the 1 hour time window where we repeated an hour (due to rolling back clock), the system essentially thought that requests from the same device were two different devices due to DST and time zone. Problem was fixed up and nobody should see the issue anymore.
  7. We have an open ticket for this issue. I'll see if I can push for a quicker resolution.
  8. For those affected, can anyone provide more details on how to reproduce? I'd be happy to push on getting this fixed ASAP, but I have never personally encountered this issue and can't seem to reproduce it. We do have some open tickets about indentation being lost when copying content into a note, but nothing I can find about indentation just randomly being lost.
  9. @Sayre Ambrosio @CreationMom, I believe this should have been fixed in production a few days ago. Are you able to verify if you are still encountering the issue? Thanks!
  10. @Sayre Ambrosio Sure. I'll try to keep the thread updated on status.
  11. @Sayre Ambrosio It's too early for us to determine a cause. It's actively being looked into, but I'm guessing it's not related to iOS 12. I think it goes beyond just a client-specific issue.
  12. Thanks for your report. This issue is currently being investigated.
  13. @kelliann.beavers@unlv.edu, can you please provide details on what operating system and browser version you are using? I am able to use keyboard shortcuts just fine in our web version on Mac/Chrome. So it might be some combination that has an issue.
  14. Although it would be nice to have the ability to import into Evernote, I think it's wrong to expect Evernote to be able to import from whatever other service people are using. We have a lot of other issues to address and features to add, so I wouldn't expect to see importing in the near future.
  15. @GreyGray, please take a look at our documentation on how to enable 2FA. I personally use 2FA for more than 10 different Evernote accounts I need to switch between and they all work great. I'm personally using Duo Mobile for my authenticator, but any of the others should work fine. As @zotje noted, 2FA is enabled per account, not per device or client. You may want to go to your account settings and disable 2FA. Then, delete all the Evernote 2FA entries on your authenticator apps. Then, try to setup 2FA again.
  16. I looked into the current status of the PDF thumbnails. For reasons I can't discuss, we needed to turn off the existing system that created the PDF thumbnails. We are still actively working on restoring the functionality, but it requires investigating and evaluating different options. But we do plan on restoring this functionality soon. I apologize for the inconvenience it causes in the near term.
  17. I just checked our bug backlog and this issue was reported by our internal testers. Unfortunately, It appears there was a change in Mojave that broke the functionality, so it was removed. I don't have information on whether another option will be implemented.
  18. @mkaito Sorry to hear that you want to leave. I hope that maybe you come back to check in on Evernote every once-in-a-while. We might have a solution in the near future to meet your needs.
  19. @emmgee I just wanted to let you know that I passed on your insightful post directly to Ian, and can verify that he personally read the complete post. If he wasn't super busy right now trying to come up-to-speed and meet with everybody, I think he'd like to personally respond to everybody on the forum and engage in a conversation. He may still if he finds some free time soon. But, I encourage everybody on here to continue to engage in these conversations. We might not always be able to respond, but we're listening.
  20. @tkarika I spoke with our web team. They will have our QA team run through regression testing on Opera to validate functionality. Due to lower usage, I don't think we ever prioritized validating it as we started to roll out the new web client. Assuming they don't find any major issues, we'll hopefully open the new client to Opera users in the near future. I can't give an exact date, but if I hear back, I'll update the post.
  21. @AÓK I just checked on it and a Linux client is on our roadmap in the future. I can't provide any more details beyond that, but it's something we should get as part of other work we're doing. We've got some internal developers who are itching for a Linux client too.
  22. @laird This is the best I could come up with: // ==UserScript== // @name Evernote Link Hover Controls Disabler // @namespace https://stage.evernote.com/ // @version 0.1 // @description Disable hover-over link controls // @author rezecib // @match http*://stage.evernote.com/* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; GM_addStyle(` #qa-NOTE_LINK_HOVER_DIV{ visibility: hidden !important; height: 0px; width: 0px; padding: 0px; } `); })(); The problem is that the hover uses a higher-level div style (#qa-ACTIONS_MODAL) for the box. If I set that one to be hidden, you'll impact other dropdown menus that also use that style. For example, the tags pop-up menu when you click on a tag at the bottom of the note window. You can test this out by swapping "#qa-NOTE_LINK_HOVER_DIV" with "#qa-ACTIONS_MODAL". CSS does not have a way to select the parent such that I could only apply the style to #qa-ACTIONS_MODAL divs that contain #qa-NOTE_LINK_HOVER_DIV. I also tried some jQuery, but I couldn't get it to work. I think this has to do with the fact that the code doesn't exist until the point at which you hover. Maybe you can play with it more and get it to work?
  23. I wanted to give everybody here some information, rather than leave you all in the dark. The new web client does not support Firefox due to the note editor code utilizing WebKit, the rendering code used in most major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera,...). Firefox continues to use Gecko. The result is that a lot of the functionality built into our updated editor, which is used by the new web client and all our other clients, does not work well on Firefox. We're testing internally on Firefox, but the user experience is not up-to-par and we would not feel comfortable releasing it to our customers. I can't provide any specific timeline on when we might have a version that would be compatible with Firefox. Our team that works on the shared editor is evaluating and prioritizing Firefox support, but that's as much as I can confirm.
  24. @oofffdflg Please take a look at this discussion and see if it is the same problem you are describing. If so, I posted in the other discussion that we've got a developer actively looking at this issue and should have a fix soon.
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