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  1. I am trying to setup 2FA with Evernote and 1Password, Authy, or Google Authenticator. First, the key code Evernote gives to enter into your 2FA app, would be much better, and more able to rule out end user error, were it able to be copied and pasted. ( at least in iOS ) I have copied the code, and taken the resulting 6 digit key to Evernote, where it is promptly rejected. I should mention, I have 15+ other websites using the same procedure and successfully using 2FA, it is only Evernote that doesn’t work. I can see the 2FA 6 digit code in 1Password, Authy, and Google Authenticator, all match, and all are synced and expiring at the same time. That should rule out my need to sync any clocks or anything of that nature. Just to be safe I did anyway, though I don’t know how much I can change about the time on iOS. It’s either 12 or 24 hour, I’m not willing to shift my time on my mobile beyond that cosmetic change. I fear too much in iOS relies on the time bring pretty precise. In searching the web, there’s one app out there that seems to stand alone in that users are not able to finish setting up 2FA and abandon the forum post. Evernote. I can only imagine how many support tickets users walk from knowing it’s not them. I don’t see other apps having any trouble setting this up. I see others with invalid keys, and also many other apps already working, its only Evernote that is spitting out the wrong key. I think I can safely say, somehow, Evernote is giving out the wrong start seed. I have an older 2FA entry for Evernote in Authy, and that one, out of 3 more in Authy, 2 in 1Password, and 1 in Authenticator, gives out a different 6 digit code. It is also based on a different 16 digit input key. But it works. For some reason 2FA on Evernote is giving out the wrong key, or O’s and 0’s are getting fiddled internally or by end users. I’ve tried swapping to no success. Is the web client the only way to enable 2FA? How do I enable it on iOS? Mac OS? Please chiMe in if you too walked from getting this working.
  2. While I appreciate your reply, it's missing the point. I know I could develop custom solutions. I know I could use Markdown. Heck, if I wanted, I could just go put everything in GitHub Gists. I could even set up an entire DocBook toolchain, complete with XSLT transformations into all sorts of different formats. But I shouldn't have to. The only thing missing from Evernote is the ability to actually edit notes (in a useable and productive way). They have never put any effort into their editor, and it's glaringly obvious. Edit: Heck, this editor here, on this Web page, provides more functionality than the Evernote editor. I could use Vim. I could use lots of other tools. Of course I'm faster in Vim than in Evernote, but so what? The reason I'm typing in Evernote is to get formatted, WYSIWYG text. There's a time and a place for a standard text editor and there's a time and place for a WYSIWYG editor. I shouldn't have to jump into a totally different environment and set up a workflow of rendering Markdown, for example, and then copying/pasting into Evernote, just to get the basic functionality of being able to style code blocks in a different way. in that case, the answer to your question is simple. No, you can't do what you want to do, and given your terms, there are no workarounds. I perishably don't want any BBcode or similar in EN anyway. EN is not a text editor by name, it's for notes, notes are short. Some people put entire books in one note, or use EN as a single note app and that is it. databases and filesystems aren't really meant it work that way. I don't think publishing houses have a database called books and a table called chapters and that one column has an entire book in it, that would never scale, as is the case with EN.
  3. Get Keyboard Maestro —http://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/At the very least, watch their intro video. There is nothing you can't do in Keyboard Maestro ( KM ). It is turing complete as far as I can tell. A keyboard mapping tool that sort of combines Automator, Applescript and it's own drag and drop ( though you can hand code stuff if you desire ) method to creating actions. You can exclude an action from all apps but one, or include it to all apps but one, or any combination thereof, or run only when a certain app is activated, trigger by keyboard command, time, date, temperature sensors, alerts, pretty much anything your mac does, KM can grab ahold of it. It has a full blown web admin, a large community of pre-made scripts that you just double click and they will be installed in a simple folder in Application Support. Technical Support is great aside from one issue I have had for going on 8+ years or more now, in that sometimes KM will just go deaf. In that amount of time I have had multiple different computers, various OS's, reinstalls, clean OS reinstalls, etc. I have never been able to trigger this issue on demand, it just happens at random. With the help KM, I have been able to: ( keep in mind, it can run any native language to OS X, so python, perl, php, etc., etc., you have access to that if you desire, and you can nest that code inside of if/else conditions or triggers, or have one macro call another into a loop, or plain loops. So far, the ones I remember: Google used to have an API attached to it's "are you sure you didn't mean "bro" instead of "brow". It was one of my most used macros. I could select a word, it would take that word, pass it to googles API, and google would send me back an array of listed words that it though would better spell the word I was trying to spell. It always got it right, and I managed to get it to work with phrases as well. Then the API died and I can't decode the JS well enough to figure out how to get into it. There is also the latency issue, which was rarely noticed, but at times, it was very noticeable, due probably to my connection, not googles. Ideally I could use a local dictionary, but I have no idea how to write a spellchecker and the logic it would need to be able to perform spell checks as well as phrase checks. I need the data of billions of queries to make it work. It was really cool, select a word, press control-D for Dictionary, the word was passed to google, I got an array back. Initially I had it set to allow to to chose the word I wanted out of the list, but this was slowing me down too much and 99.9999% of the time, the first item in the army was the correct one. So I went back to just putting my cursor in the middle of a suspect word, or to the far left of right of the word. Press control-D, and KM was told to go to the beginning of the word, select right to grab the entire word, before all that, google did it's spelling magic which I shoved on the clipboard waiting for when I needed it. Since I had the word selected, and the correct word in my pasteboard, at that point, it was just a matter of KM being told to paste and I was done. i use control as my meta key in KM often, which can run you the wrong way since the terminal is so driven by the control key. But a simple exclusion of the terminal from all of KM solves that, I rarely needed to script the terminal, the terminal is made for making scripts more or less. I have an actual pretty much insoluble "extension" for dropbox. You install it, it is a 60 line or so bash file. It accepts files and folders dropped onto the application that I end up saving. On installation, I dig around in the .dropbox directory which is hidden in your home directory. They store your user-ID in there though. I write a temp file of your user-id for stuff I will need it for later. Now, if I have 30 jpgs I need to share with someone, I select them all, drop them on the app's icon, and they are copied to dropbox, dropbox then uploads them, but not before I use the data I grabbed from .dropbox and build a public url of the form of: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/340087/drops/05.02.15/forums-d5-194232.png It also has some smarts, in that one jpg, gif, png, pdf, etc, will yield just one link on your clipboard and the file put in a date stamped folder. Files and folders are stamped in a way to avoid collisions so no two file of the same name will ever be able to exist in the "drops" directory that this app I made works from. Notification center works with it, so I get alerts. If you feed it a folder/directory, that will be tar'd and then gzipped. It tries to be as smart as it can about files. If it finds a file has a resource fork or data fork that needs preserving, it does it's best to use a compression of merging tool that supports the RSRC Forks and such. I need to add a url shortener to it, but wanted to use my own, which then makes this a much harder install, and can't be 100% local, though with the release of Caddy the other day, I may be able to embed my own http server. The above url is a sample that took me all of a drag and drop to make happen. I have others like "set file to zero bytes" which i use when I have a season of videos to watch, after I am all caught up on say Season 01 EP 07 I need to keep that file around so next week I know to look for episode 08, but I don't want the 1GB of data laying around, so I pass it to an app I made that i believe started with KM, and is now a droppable app that communicates with notification center and takes 1 or more files and runs a shell command on them. It also works perfectly with launchers like Launcher ( My personal favorite ), Alfred, and others. The really nice thing about this is I don't break concentration, it just does what it needs to do. Same for the other one, which is even better. How may times have you found the answer to your question only to load the page and fine all the links to their sample code is gone? This solves that problem for me. DropBox has a folder in it called Drops with inside has a ton of folders all dated the date that I dropped something on the little app i made. So forever, the resources that we create and post on forms and other public places, are now back under your control. Want to delete the images as people are pestering you for putting up a wrong answer and you no longer have access to email to get to the account and edit your post? Just delete the links and references, at least then, the page gets broken and hopefully an admin cleans it up. #!/bin/sh set -o nounset # Referencing undefined variables (which default to "") set -o errexit # Ignoring failing commands filename="$1" /bin/cat /dev/null > ${filename} osascript -e 'display notification "Your file has been set to zero bytes in length" with title "Set File to Zero Bytes"' As a side note, if you don't want to pay for an app that can launch other apps via keyboard, there is an app that lets you define keyboard commands by naming a file, usually a script, in a special way, so that it can be parsed and then run via the keyboard. Fast Scripts I believe it is called. But seriously, I have not met a person who has bought KM that has regretted it. FastScritps has limitations that will kick in and you will end up paying, so get KM if you are going to pay, if you just want to play, try fastScripts or KM, which I believe has a 30 day trial/demo http://www.red-sweater.com/fastscripts/ One of the best things, as EN's AppleScripting dictionary is weak and there really is no other interface to it. I don't know how happier and IFTTT get the ability to feed data right into EN, but I sure would love that ability, to talk to their API, i think I could run a backgourjnf minimal version of WebKit to render the current open tab and hopefully bypass this entire Content Protection issue. As a result, I have made a number of scripts to export and import data. EN can't truly export it's data in a format that can then be imported into a clean EN. You lose your Tags for one, you lose your notebook collections, and would have to manually select each notebook or sub-notebook, export that one, move on to the next, etc. It can be automated, but generally, like with 1Password, it backs itself up on schedule once a day if I tell it to, fast, reliable, and portable to mac, Win, and Linux, and works without owning the app, it is actually a full blown app in a special .pkg. I worry that EN has no good way to backup, and am working on a solution that will be Mac only, though I am starting to understand how the app works behind the scenes. Files are on disk as well as in cloud. But the tags and some other meta data are on disk in sqlite. I just need to write a small app that rips through your EN and matches the GUID named folder for the record up with my code, and I should be able to backup and restore EN from one machine to another without even installing the app. Get it to a point where you can just click "Restore EN data" and it will do so, download and open EN and all your data will be there, probably syncing or uploading. There is a lot I have done in EN with KM, give it a shot as you will soon find you could not live without it. Example, if I am reading and someone mentions a movie, I will want to look at the trailer. So I select the word, press control-Y and here is what happens… 1) word/phrase is copied 2) word/phrase is stored as a variable and the word "trailer" is appended to it so it becomes [Movie_name] + "Trailer". From there, I build a few urls, one that searches Youtube, one that searches apple trailers, and a few others, they all get spawned in new tabs, the last tab being a search on a torrent site for free documentaries and such, as I don't pirate stuff. I think with the right tools anything can be done. I do think EN needs some work and is getting a little long in the tooth at times, and I am only a 3 week old user.
  4. While I appreciate the workaround, it's exactly that -- a workaround, and not a solution. First, it's not portable, applying only to OS X. Second, it doesn't address everything one might want to do. For instance, for code, I might want to change the font, font size, foreground colour, and background colour (think of Bootstrap, for example. They use a red text colour on a very light pink background for any text put in between <code> </code> tags). This is basic functionality that should be addressed by the software itself. Word (shudder), for example, allows you to define custom styles. I would like to see similar functionality in Evernote. You can do this, in a very round about way, though it would be fast and efficient. First, if you want to make templates, I believe you can. Create a new note as close to your template as you want it and the EN app will allow. Export it as enex. Markup the xml/html with new css and whatever else you want. If you reference images, do so locally as if they were in the same folder as the note.enex so img src="filename.ext". From now on, every time you want to work on this type of job, instead of creating a new note, import your template to a new note, which should now have your new markup. I'm not sure what the "preview/display" window in EN is capable of, is it WebKit and can display all as well as Safari, or did they write their own mini browser? You will have to test what if any, or all, of the html and css that is current for today. You can probably just drag and drop or 2x click the enex file and it will auto import. Or you could make little applescripts that are connected to keyboard shortcuts so you don't have to leave the app. It would be fast enough I doubt you could tell it was creating from template or a new note. I just tested this is a very limited sample and was able to make a template, import it back in, and have a note ready to be worked on. For your font issue, That you can't get to the font selector via keyboard is terrible. The entire selection merely needs to be able to be accessed via the menu system and then we would add our own keyboard commands, but a monospace button with shortcut would be nice. I would develop your own custom markup, or use MarkDown. When done, export the file to your favorite text editor, find and replace or use a MarkDown to HTML converter. import back to EN, delete the original note, or save it as a backup. You can't use the export as html, as that can't be imported back into EN for some reason, and has markup in it for html doctype 1 and looks old and crusty. The xml output, while it doesn't have head or body tags, you can inject your own pre tags, bold tags, it looks like most of the basic html spec. I am pretty sure you could create a template that is just a div with the background color you want, and an image or something as well. It's a bit of work, but myself, I am a lot faster in a text editor than in EN as a text editor.
  5. I would rather see support for Markdown, there are too many BB code type options out there, though i was surprised to not see MD support in EN.
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