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Everything posted by Feitz

  1. You are right but there are several issues I have and in my experience I will get a canned reply asking for a lot of probably unconnected info and until then they put the ticket on hold.. This would be viable for two or three issues but not for the many I encountered. For me it was less hassle to export everything and switch my important stuff to Keep It. I guess BS know very well where they have issues even without my comments. TBH I followed your approach for a couple of issues earlier this year but only one that I marked urgent was solved (which was nice btw.).
  2. Thanks, exactly my view. It has gotten a little better over the past few months to be honest. Before it was absolutely unusable for me.
  3. To me this happened several times with content created in V10 more than two weeks after the (forced) switch from Legacy. So this explanation is falling short since these notes never have been in Legacy format (if it is that different after all).
  4. Yes, they do. Not everyone will check their accounts and therefore might pay more than they would have to according to their country's plan. So yes, they should know. I wouldn't call it a fraud but it is simply careless for a company to not check they charge what they advertizse.
  5. Obviously you don't have any comparison to something more sophisticated... Evernote taging .IS. basic, and V10 is even more so since i can't even select and tag more than 100 notes which is ridiculous...
  6. I must add that this ONLY refers to 7.14 on Mac. Previous versions had varying degrees of annoyances but 7.14 was - at least for me - rock solid and without issues. Since it came out in 2018 or 2019 I had at least four years of untroubled Evernote experience. Even web clipper seemed to work most of the time... Alas, this all is irrelevant now...
  7. I'm using V10 exclusively for about a month (second installation, you recommended I ditch the first one so I did). By now I assume everything should have settled (cpu utilization of Evernote helper is still higher than I would like but constant, it used to be so high that I could hardly work during the first weeks). All of the issues I posted here were confirmed by others, though there are some I haven't posted yet because they are happening randomly and are therefore hard to grab.
  8. Are you on a Mac? Since tagging is very basic in V10 I would suggest to have a look at LEAP.APP. Put everything into PDFs that sit in a structured folder with only two or three levels (not too deep). Then you can tag your files however you like and later can drill down and search everything in a snap. Stored searches, smart folders, full text, all available instantly. I did exactly this for a legal case that had some 5000 documents, started off with Legacy (that had better tagging than V10) but was utterly lost so exported everything to PDF files and the more there are the more this solution shines for me. Tag cloud, recent tags, tag filters, combined with other criteria. I'm not writing this to bash Evernote (there are other posts where this is appropriate) but the solution for me in a similar situation was so far superior to Evernote (Legacy and even more so V10) that I had to chime in...
  9. you forgot to mention that this is only your subjective opinion. I get reminded everytime when I post something not to forget that this is my opinion only, so this should apply to you as well - or you refrain from these derogative posts altogether which - in my view - would be better for the forum.
  10. Legacy could do all that and did it reliably. Now I have to distinguish where to put things that are important and where to put my cooking recipes. It used to be all in one place without having me think about it at all... That was what 'remember everything' was all about.
  11. This is exactly what I am criticizing about V10. I was definitely a lot faster, more productive and had higher confidence in Legacy than I am / have now with V10. I didn't stumble over all these little nagging issues that are hard to describe but where you know they just don't work right, like shortcuts not cutting short as they should or copying / pasting not pasting every time or selecting text not selecting as it should be on a Mac. I can't write a ticket for every little bit that is odd but it definitely slows me down a lot. I am acknowledging that there seem to be less fatal bugs than there were a couple of months ago but the little things matter as well and combined made me switch my relevant work to Keep It and EagleFiler. Even V10 should be all about productivity and BS still has a long way to get there. EDIT: e.g. tasks, when did they start to work at all? Compared to proper task management tools the implementation is very basic at best. I for my part wouldn't / couldnb't use it for anything but shopping lists or the like...
  12. In theory I agree but V10 on Android hasn't been of much use until very recently when it got slightly better - in my opinion at least.
  13. At the moment, only Keep It has a three-pane layout with thumbnails, but Eaglefiler is supposed to get this with the next update (later this year) so they should both be fairly similar to Legacy but I agree Keep It has a slicker interface for the time being. I especially like its tag management. Both are around for a long time ('Keep It' was formerly called 'Together') and in my experience are very robust. For sync I would prefer Eaglefiler since it can use Dropbox or Synology Drive as well, where Keep It is relying solely on iCloud (which I don't like too much for sync since it seems robust but a bit unpredictable). Both are Mac only where Keep It also has an iPad version. What for me is the icing on the cake is the finder integration which allows me to use Leap.app on their respective storage folders. Leap is a superb tag and file management app and both Keep It and EagleFiler will detect changes done from outside by other apps (finder, Leap etc.). EDIT: both apps have a very good ENEX importer, I recently imported notebooks with over 4000 notes / large attachments without any issue.
  14. I'd throw in Eaglefiler and Keep It (not Google Keep). For me on MacOS the closest things to Evernote Legacy, both local, both non-proprietary note storage, finder integraton with spotlight and superior tagging system, icloud, dropbox sync etc. Anything you would want in Legacy plus very responsive (like 2 hrs to 2 days) support by the developer...
  15. wow, that brings back memories. Wrote my diploma thesis on it on an old 80286 PC. Mastered most of the keyboard shortcuts in the end 🙂 Those were the times where you could almost use your pc being blindfolded...
  16. Why can't I decide how many notes to select? Whether this makes sense or not is not BS to decide. NO other software I am using or aware of limits me with regard to how many records I choose to select...
  17. In my view we have both missing - essential - features and software bugs. I wouldn't call it a feature request if e.g. - text I have written just vanishes without a trace (no previous version to go to, happened multiple times) - attachments disappear or are transformed to 'untitled attachments' - shortcuts not working (like 'undo/redo' which is really a basic feature of every piece of software) - Macos standards not followed I recently listed more than these issues and missing features as well.
  18. Well, my main workspace is MacOS and Android for mobile. Not having certain formatting options in Legacy for Android didn't bother me if I ever even noticed. Checklists behaved differently, but I did have all my notes available offline and could rely on them as opposed to V10 on Android. V10 on Android was until recently completely unusable for me and I had to run circles to revert to Legacy and stop Android from instantly updating to V10 again. I either had a blank screen on start-up, V10 not loading at all or many stuck notes that simply would not sync and therefore prevented other notes to sync back to Android. Tons of waisted screen area on top. I updated to V10 Android a couple of days ago and does seem to have improved but I haven't tested much yet. That was the sync error I referred to, I had one conflicting note in ages of use.
  19. But it's a business account and you need 3 users minimum so not an option for individuals. For Mac users I would suggest to use a service that syncs xattrs (finder tags etc.).
  20. Exactly what I was experiencing. The argument for the benefits of a unified code base for different clients is first and foremost a benefit for BS. When I work with Evernote I never skip from Windows to Mac and add some Android as well - while within one note. I need V10 to work properly on the one client I am using to get something done - and where Legacy was really good at. Who in his right mind edits a note on three different platforms AT THE SAME TIME??? Legacy sync was rock solid, never had text magically disappear, only once had a sync error in 13+ years. V10 is another story, at least TBH it seems to improve on fundamental issues, now I am more plagued by the many inconsistencies within the app.
  21. ah, good to know. cmd-Z and cmd-shift-Z don't seem to work consistently, they work when a note is in full screen mode but otherwise cmd-Z sometimes invokes the search window, sometimes does nothing at all...
  22. I am not sure I understand your question. Both EagleFiler and Keep It import ENEX files flawlessly (at least in my experience) and convert notes to RTF and RTFD formats. Since they both store in a standard folder structure there is no need for further conversion, you can simply open the files from finder if you like. Both apps have been around for a long time and both hsve a clean and uncluttered desktop where so far everything JUST WORKS which is really pleasant for a change. Keep It has a very Legacy-like interface with a very good tag management right from the desktop. Way better zhan the crippled tag functionality of V10 that I find hardly usable. So far I am very hapoy with the switch. For Sync Keep It relies on iCloud which is a bummer, EagleFilrr lets you store its base directory anywhere, if you need xattrs (e.g. finder tags) iCloud, Dropbox and Synology drive all support them, so vou can even self-host your files on your NAS.
  23. Thanks, I'll give it a try. I normally use Shottr which is an easy-to-use utility but won't web clip like web clipper did.
  24. The keyboard shortcut used to be written next to the button and in the menu as well, now all shortcuts seem to be gone. I'm on a mac btw.
  25. OK, I'm officially out (at least in a couple of months). Until then I have plenty of time to settle with my new app combo and see how this goes. If - what I really hope - V10 becomes more usable for me I can always resubscribe (I am sure there will be offers towards the end of my subscription). But at least I cannot forget to cancel my membership.
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