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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Have you tried a reboot? They was something not showing for me just before Xmas and a reboot worked, log out and in didn't.
  2. Try a log out and back in again to see if it's all working. I have it ok here on windows. Not tried web yet but the new version releases don't always come at the same time.
  3. The tasks tick box shows the tasks due on that day. Head over to the task page and see if you have any.
  4. I think this will come at some point. Tasks in the calendar are coming soon.
  5. This new video explains how they came to design the new screen and the user research they did.
  6. I think this is coming. This screen grab was shared on Xitter a couple of weeks ago. I'm looking forward to it.
  7. Heard of one other person having 2 of them so I would think a bug unless they really like you.
  8. try a log out and in again... I think its about 50% rolled out so should be soon.
  9. I'd love to see this as well in the future. Maybe Ai Edit could be used to manipulate audio & image content.
  10. @pkbldr many thanks, much appreciated. I think the whole collaboration system be it sharing or teams spaces still needs an overhaul. Most is still working as it did years ago. There were a lot of questions asked by BS a few months ago re collaboration so I'm hoping for some changes at some point. Exciting times.
  11. If it's just a notebook that contains multiple notes you can export as an enex file and then drag into EN when you need it. I do this when I get a new client. I wrote something about this the other week which might be useful. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/creating-notebook-templates-in-evernote I do agree though being able to store notebook templates in the gallery would be useful.
  12. All the processing of calendar stuff is not done on your computer but on the Evernote server so it needs to know which calendars belong to your account and connect to them. This is so all devices can see the same info. Pretty sure fantastical uses the internal calendar APIs of the individual computer which you are already logged into. There's no server based stuff going on.
  13. There's a possibility it may not get fixed because code blocks are getting an overhaul and will have some syntax highlighting introduced. Its been mentioned that possibly within the next couple of months. I'm looking forward to it.
  14. @gazumped This be a spam post with an invisible hidden link at the end of the post... one after could very well be the same....Edit: Nope, thats PE... the one after the one after 😁
  15. Good news. Give it a little time for everything to down and index on your device and then hopefully all good.
  16. II think you can add video... Check you're on the latest version which right now is 10.84.3. Then try a full reinstall in case of a dodgy install. Then contact support, tell them you've reinstalled 'cos they'll ask you to do this. Also send them the video. Are the PDFs really big? I keep lots of invoices and receipts stored in notes and never see the spinning wheel. If the reinstall doesn't help then have a word with support as they should just load up.
  17. If you're opening a note for the first time since using the old legacy app then it will take a second or two to convert the note into the new format. This only happens once and then notes should open just fine.
  18. Oh yeah. I think Ai is a marketing buzzword for every company. ChatGPT is just fancy predictive text. I wonder what they'll call real Ai when it arrives... maybe Dave
  19. Its not learning. Its only performing tasks. Ai search doesn't learn. It's really just a fancy natural language Evernote advanced search. It doesn't remember anything you did before. Same with Ai Edit. It just performs tasks like translating, summarising and checking speeling. There's no leaning or remembering involved. Its just tasks being performed.
  20. This doesn't happen. Its in the Evernote privacy policy. Anything sent to the Ai model is not used to train it. Its not a chatbot, its not creating. It just performs tasks on your note content like translating them, summarising them and checking for typos. Lots of blog posts about it. Check the Evernote blog and I've written extensively about how it works on the Taming the Trunk blog. https://evernote.com/blog/ai-edit#:~:text=Your data is always protected https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/first-look-at-evernotes-new-ai-edit You literally have to tick a consent box before using it. I use it most days. Very useful.
  21. They use the profit which is money to reinvest in the product, hire folk and make it better. You can't do this when losing money.
  22. It's rolling out. Everyone should have it in a few days.
  23. I've got it working fine on 4 different browses across 3 machines. Anyone having issues should test in a guest browser profile. If it then works it's probably an extension, ad/tracker blocker or a corrupt profile causing the problem.
  24. I think it's been like this for a long time. I remember mentioning it to the old team ages ago. Would be nice to have due dates appear. It on my list of pdf stuff but I need to find time to collate it all.
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